Zone1 Was The Garden Of Eden A Real Place?

sex is between married people, but he did not say anything about how many you could marry.
You're quibbling. All throughout the passage, it speaks of a husband and a wife. The passage on adultery is the same. LDS always refers to the Old Testament to justify polygamy. Early Christianity specifically mentions leaders should only have one wife. That can be traced back to Jesus' position on marriage, otherwise no reason to make note of it.
You're quibbling. All throughout the passage, it speaks of a husband and a wife. The passage on adultery is the same. LDS always refers to the Old Testament to justify polygamy. Early Christianity specifically mentions leaders should only have one wife. That can be traced back to Jesus' position on marriage, otherwise no reason to make note of it.
But they also had rules like it being okay to rape your wife and it being okay to be violent to your wife.

So let's not take our moral cues from that steaming pile.
But they also had rules like it being okay to rape your wife and it being okay to be violent to your wife.

So let's not take our moral cues from that steaming pile.

When reading ancient texts people seem to conflate the word "rape" with its present day meaning - and that's simply not the case.

The term rape originates from the Latin rapere (supine stem raptum), "to snatch, to grab, to carry off".[13][14] In Roman law, the carrying off of a woman by force, with or without intercourse, constituted "raptus".The original meaning of "carry off by force" is still found in some phrases, such as "rape and pillage", or in titles, such as the stories of the Rape of the Sabine Women and The Rape of Europa or the poem The Rape of the Lock, which is about the theft of a lock of hair.

So at the time that many of these texts were translated - the word "rape" would likely be referring to "taken by force or controlled". It wasn't used as a synonym for sexual battery until the middle ages or later.

So many terms have been misunderstood over the years - one the main ones being, "Rape and pillage" when referring to old war accounts - That meant to "take by force, take away, etc" it did not mean that they were "sexually assaulting" their enemies. (Although that may have happened at times - that is not what the term meant).

As for Biblical references to the word - really depends on what verse, etc - but in terms of a husband - wife relationship - it likely meant to "take control of her".

Funny story is that when I was younger I would hear the term "rappare" (translates to rape in English) when someone was talking about some crime somewhere - and think to myself "Wow they didn't just rob them they raped them too. How horrible" When in fact the word basically means to "Rob someone by force" in Italian. If this is how easily something can be misunderstood - even in modern times - think about how easily something may be misunderstood over the course of 5000 years of written history, hundreds of languages, hundreds of translations and hundreds of different cultures, etc
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You must have missed all the passages about respecting one's wife, and treating her first like one would a sister.
No, just like I didn't "miss" it when John Gotti gave money to charity. I just didn't suddenly give him a pass.

Other passages don't excuse the evil, immoral garbage in the Bible.
So give us the scientific proof that life sprung out of a lifeless universe.
There is enough solid scientific and archeological evidence around that refutes this childish Adam&Eve story - that according to the Bible took place some 6000 years ago. Aka mankind as we know it, supposedly having been created via some God and a piece of clay some 6000 years ago.

You should therefore clarify "factual" issues pertaining to this time-frame first - before wandering out into the time frame of a live-less universe some 14 BILLION years ago.
There is enough solid scientific and archeological evidence around that refutes this childish Adam&Eve story - that according to the Bible took place some 6000 years ago. Aka mankind as we know it, supposedly having been created via some God and a piece of clay some 6000 years ago.

You should therefore clarify "factual" issues pertaining to this time-frame first - before wandering out into the time frame of a live-less universe some 14 BILLION years ago.
the bible does not say it happened 6000 years ago so stop with the BS.
So what? We don't know God's time, so we don't know how long a day is to him. The Bible is clear on that. No one knows God's time.

We know a day was 24 hours.

A day is the time period of a full rotation of the Earth with respect to the Sun. On average, this is 24 hours (86,400 seconds). As a day passes at a given location it experiences morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. This daily cycle drives circadian rhythms in many organisms, which are vital to many life processes.

Matthew 12-17

The World English Bible translates the passage as: So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from. David to the exile to Babylon fourteen generations; and from the carrying. away to Babylon to the Christ, fourteen generations.
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From your last link;
“The Ahwar of Southern Iraq – also known as the Iraqi Marshlands – are unique, as one of the world’s largest inland delta systems, in an extremely hot and arid environment,” write Unesco in their designation. The organization lists seven sites of interest within the wetlands, three of which are archaeological while four are wetland marsh areas, and include the ancient sites of Ur, thought to have been the birthplace of Abraham. But its long history has been far from easy.

The Ahwar, despite being one of the richest environments in the entire Middle East, has a tragic history. Rumored to have been the inspiration for the Garden of Eden as it sits at the confluences of the Tigris and Euphrates, the diverse reed beds supported massive biodiversity in the form of huge numbers of birds and fish, a rare aquatic landscape in the middle of a desert.

Civilizations have risen and fallen on its banks, agriculture started, and the origins of the written word come from its midst. Covering some 20,000 square kilometers (7,700 square miles), the Mesopotamian Marshes, as they are also known, played a key role in the development of not only people and culture in the region but also wildlife, especially those migrating across Eurasia and into Africa, from flamingos to pelicans.

But in the 1990s, this little slice of life flourishing from the arid desert was devastated. The then President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, decided to punish the Marsh Arabs who had lived in the wetlands for six millennia for rebelling during the Gulf War, by destroying the wetland on which their entire way of life depended. By building dams and dykes, Hussein succeeded in draining the marshland, and reduced it to just 10 percent of its original size.

However, since Hussein was deposed during the Iraq War, the future of the marshes has been looking up. When Iraqi-born engineer Azzam Alwash returned to the country, he made it his mission to try and restore the wetlands to their former glory. By removing the dams and dykes, destroying the canals and drainage systems, Alwash has spearheaded a move to re-flood the marshes, and has been doing a pretty good job of it. So far around 30 percent has been restored and hopefully, with this designation from Unesco, more will follow.
Many of us consider this the worse intentional example of environmental and ecological weapon of mass destruction. This affected bird and fish migrations and habitat beyond the borders of Iraq, spilling over into the whole Persian Gulf region.

Reason enough to resume where the 1st Gulf War cease-fire left off and get rid of Saddam and his regime.

Abraham wasn't from Ur of the Chaldeans. It didn't exist in the time of Abraham. He was from Urfa near Haran in Syria or southern Turkey.

Şanlıurfa, commonly known as Urfa, is a city located in southeastern Turkey, near the border with Syria.

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