About the dire warnings of a second Trump presidency.

Only Trumpers think they know better than the people that know Trump best. This is not a few disgruntled former Trump officials, it is more like a majority of them. Even many of those who have not spoken out against him, have not come out to defend him. This is telling to most sane people.
What is telling to most sane, and working people, is that we cannot afford to eat or drive back and forth to work.
Which is why you are so ignorant.
They are out there and they are out there in droves. The people who are making them come from all quarters, including former members of his first administration.

Former Trump officials are among the most vocal opponents of returning him to the White House

NEW YORK (AP) — Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper has called him a “threat to democracy.” Former national security adviser John Bolton has declared him “unfit to be president.” And former Vice President Mike Pence has declined to endorse him, citing “profound differences.”

As Donald Trump seeks the presidency for a third time, he is being vigorously opposed by a vocal contingent of former officials who are stridently warning against his return to power and offering dire predictions for the country and the rule of law if his campaign succeeds.

It’s a striking chorus of detractors, one without precedent in the modern era, coming from those who witnessed first-hand his conduct in office and the turmoil that followed.

Sarah Matthews, a former Trump aide who testified before the House Jan. 6 committee and is among those warning about the threat he poses, said it’s “mind-boggling” how many members of his senior staff have denounced him.

The reasons for the warnings are as varied as the people making them. Some point to Project 2025, an authoritarian playbook centering on tearing down what is widely referred to as the "administrative state." Replacing it with those who pass a test of loyalty to the person who would head up an unitary executive with newly, expansive power. Some point to his immorality, some to witnessing first hand his incompetence and impetuous behavior, some to the virtually incomprehensible times he has run afoul of the law and basic decency. They all boil down to the same thing. They fear he will break us.

My answer to those concerns is, we are already broken.

We, the people, can not agree on who the legitimate leader of the country is. We can not agree on how to view the events that transpired on Jan. 6 nor who is responsible for them. We no longer agree adherence to a basic moral code is a prerequisite for holding high office. We do not agree on whether both threats and acts of violence in someone's name should be condemned by that person. We are at virtual polar opposite sides when it comes to environmental, immigration, gun control, and abortion policies. We can't agree on elemental facts, making constructive discourse and effective governance impossible. We do not agree as to the reasons for historic congressional inaction while there is a pressing need for action on many fronts. We can not agree on the best way to move forward. That is not sustainable.

Can we be fixed? I believe we can. We are on the cusp of deciding whether to begin that process this coming November.

He warned us
We have a president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button when he doesn't know where he is half the time. Was his uncle really eaten by cannibals? Meanwhile the crazy left thinks the relative peace and prosperity of the Trump administration is a "threat to democracy". An example of "threat to democracy" is a lie on a petition signed by 50 "intelligence" specialists designed to influence an election.
We have a president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button when he doesn't know where he is half the time. Was his uncle really eaten by cannibals? Meanwhile the crazy left thinks the relative peace and prosperity of the Trump administration is a "threat to democracy". An example of "threat to democracy" is a lie on a petition signed by 50 "intelligence" specialists designed to influence an election.
This thing looks like it should have retired years ago, not be seeking another 4 years.

We have a president who has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button when he doesn't know where he is half the time. Was his uncle really eaten by cannibals? Meanwhile the crazy left thinks the relative peace and prosperity of the Trump administration is a "threat to democracy". An example of "threat to democracy" is a lie on a petition signed by 50 "intelligence" specialists designed to influence an election.
There was no impropriety. That had already been proven. Biden was elected, not installed.

As I said earlier, the entire construct of your belief system is founded on lies. All you're doing now is proving me right.
Come on. We are not that free. The selling of our souls is the massive social welfare state. We spend two trillion dollars a year on medicine on Medicaid and Medicare patients alone. And it can be much higher if some of the people were not so guilt ridden on getting something for nothing.
Only Trumpers think they know better than the people that know Trump best. This is not a few disgruntled former Trump officials, it is more like a majority of them. Even many of those who have not spoken out against him, have not come out to defend him. This is telling to most sane people.
Grasping for Straws So Your Party Can Produce More Strawmen
Even assuming that is true, which it isn't, Trump bears no relationship with traditional conservatism.
No More Rope-a-Dope Except With Nooses

"Traditional Conservatism" is the punch-drunk right fist of desperate ruling-class tyranny. HeirHeads, Constitution-bangers, Christofascists, laissez-fairies, Scrooges, outsourcers, and union-busters offer no alternative to its Preppy Progressive left fist.
That's why the useless elections bounce back and forth between the two elitisms. Under this obsolete political system, the public has always been a ping-pong ball.
Yep, and that's why the condemnations of Trump by his own people don't really matter.

I've been saying this all along: The election of 2016 showed me that America is not what I thought it was. There was absolutely no way this could happen in this country. It took me several years to get on top of that.

So I was wrong. I get it. I'm over it. But a problem has to be correctly identified before it can be fixed.
Sadly, spot on.
I know you folks hate to see the 1/6 committee's work brought up but that was an excellent example of the unanimity of the experiences recounted by former members of the admin. I was especially interested to hear the testimony of former DoJ officials talk about Trump's efforts to corrupt it to his advantage.
That Jan. 6 "committee" that destroyed all their "evidence" rather than turn it over to investigators? That clown show?

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