Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

who was pissing their pants over this? only you from what I have seen.

If AOC is the future of your dem party, then your party is dead.

I have yet to start an AOC thread

Outraged Conservatives seem to start several a day

Me too. All I've done is knock down the fallacious folderol they set up for us like so many bowling pins.

And invariably the whining butthurt threads are started and populated by posters nowhere remotely near her district or even her region of the country. Which speaks volumes about controlfreakism. I have yet to see one that wasn't.

I welcome AOC to the Democratic Party
She is an outsider and a welcome voice reminding us that Government is about the people

The whole "drain the swamp" song and dance got tossed out the window wid a quickness, didn't it. The same DTS dorks were in here praising the swamp Democrat she ousted. Which shows us how deeply they were committed. Hypocrites.

as I just said, I am glad that the DNC and the left wing media has chosen her as their standard bearer. She helps the GOP with each new foolish statement.

Again, the entity that's chosen her as some kind of icon is y'all bitchy wags from Louisiana and the west coast and Iowa and wherever else is scores of miles from Queens who come in here weeping and gnashing your collective teeth several times a week, this thread being a prime example.

And again, the job of such a Rep is to represent her constituents --- not to "help" or "hurt" some political party.

Good GODS man. :banghead:

I agree with your statement about representing constituents. But its the media that keeps putting her out, not us. We don't give a shit about who some far left morons in NY send to congress.

Ah, I see. That's why "the media" keeps sauntering in here and starting these threads about "vacations" and "what she looks like" and jokes about "inaugurations". Thanks for clearing that up. Amazing how they get it done through the established accounts of USMB posters. Truly amazing.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use

That's exactly what a Rep is supposed to be doing but I'm afraid it's also going to fly over the heads of those who swim in the soup of Planet RINO where Congresscritters are elected to serve a political party instead of constituents. They're not going to grasp that nuance.

so all of her constituents want to live under a socialist thumb? Do you?

Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

yes it is.

You need to study up on Socialism. When you have, get back to me

no I don't
bullshit, medicare for those of us who have paid for it out of our paychecks for years.
My mother has it and loves it
Now, let’s have employers and employees shift what they pay for private insurance into the Medicare program.

Imagine having a completely transferable medical plan from cradle to grave

and how do you plan to pay for it and who would administer it? the best medicare plans are medicare advantage where an insurance company does the administration. Those actually work for everyone, the individual, the government, the medical providers, and the company. The company gets a fixed annual amount for each policy holder then negotiates with providers to get the best deal for everyone. It works.

I don't know that such a plan would work for 330,000,000 people, but we know that single payer would never work.
Right now, trillions go into healthcare
Insurance companies, Drug Companies and Medical Conglomerates rake in most of that money.

Our current healthcare system is horribly inefficient. A single payer would save significantly. I have no issue with working our current insurers into the Medicare umbrella

Yes indeed, thank you Obama.

Obamacare is far from a perfect solution. It attempts to plug the holes in our healthcare system but does so inefficiently

Obama said early on that he preferred a single payer system but settled on Health insurance pools to fill the void

Now, your turn
Explain how any Republican solution offers a better option

Great, Obama settles, we suffer. Yup, sounds like Obama.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?
No one mocks politicians for taking vacation more then Dims, dumbass. Do you watch the fake news blathering about Trump's golf outings? Remember the way they hounded Bush?

Reminding Trump about his frequent Obama golf criticisms is well warranted

as are reminders of Clintons trips to juvenile sex fantasy island.

Or Trumps visits to the same island

we all know that Clinton went, Trump never did.

Excellent, the old Everybody Knows fallacy. Haven't seen that one in --- must be minutes now.

Just what you need when you can't document something. "Everybody Knows". Hell, why didn't you just say so.

I should be a lawyer.
"Yerronner, Everybody Knows my client is not guilty".
Hizzoner: "Oh well then, case dismissed".

I have yet to start an AOC thread

Outraged Conservatives seem to start several a day

Me too. All I've done is knock down the fallacious folderol they set up for us like so many bowling pins.

And invariably the whining butthurt threads are started and populated by posters nowhere remotely near her district or even her region of the country. Which speaks volumes about controlfreakism. I have yet to see one that wasn't.

I welcome AOC to the Democratic Party
She is an outsider and a welcome voice reminding us that Government is about the people

The whole "drain the swamp" song and dance got tossed out the window wid a quickness, didn't it. The same DTS dorks were in here praising the swamp Democrat she ousted. Which shows us how deeply they were committed. Hypocrites.

as I just said, I am glad that the DNC and the left wing media has chosen her as their standard bearer. She helps the GOP with each new foolish statement.

Again, the entity that's chosen her as some kind of icon is y'all bitchy wags from Louisiana and the west coast and Iowa and wherever else is scores of miles from Queens who come in here weeping and gnashing your collective teeth several times a week, this thread being a prime example.

And again, the job of such a Rep is to represent her constituents --- not to "help" or "hurt" some political party.

Good GODS man. :banghead:

I agree with your statement about representing constituents. But its the media that keeps putting her out, not us. We don't give a shit about who some far left morons in NY send to congress.

Ah, I see. That's why "the media" keeps sauntering in here and starting these threads about "vacations" and "what she looks like" and jokes about "inaugurations". Thanks for clearing that up. Amazing how they get it done through the established accounts of USMB posters. Truly amazing.

That commie klunt is utterly clueless...thus this inherent by leftards to circle their Red Ryder wagons around her.....the need to defend her when she exposes her ignorance and outright stupidity......
Where does she say anything about "time off"?

And what would it be "time off" from, considering she doesn't get sworn in until next month?


I guess time off from her only previous job as a bartender. she can shake up a martini, so lets make her a congresswoman? WTF?

Not an answer, is it.

I don't infer that she's still working as a bartender --- she only mentions going around meeting constituents --- but so the fuck what if she does? Is she supposed to be a connected attorney-type? You want to dictate what she can do with her employment now? And you're sitting here talking "thumbs"?

And wtf does a Rep in Queens have to do with anybody in Louisiana in the first place? Geography much?

she has nothing to do with me, or you. But she has become the dem's media darling. So any discussion of her is the direct result of her actions and words and the media's fascination with her.

Personally, I find it amusing as you dems scramble to try to cover for her. That's all this is about, relax.

AOC supports

Medicare for all
Free and low cost college education
A basic right to housing
Jobs guarantees
Immigration reform

Things that enrage conservatives

things that socialists support and that freedom loving people take personal responsibility for.

Hm, taking personal responsibility eh? Ya mean like... bankruptcies? Children? Hush money to porn stars? Posing as fake press agents? The Central Park Five? The ethnicity of a judge? Fake accounts of "thousands and thousands dancing on rooftops"? Jerking around to mock a congenital disability when a reporter won't lie? Deleted twits? Deleted misspelled twits? Smocking? Ronald Reagan's electoral vote? "Three million illegals"?
as I just said, I am glad that the DNC and the left wing media has chosen her as their standard bearer. She helps the GOP with each new foolish statement.

Glad to have her

AOC advocates “Medicare for all”
Republicans advocate “Medicare for none”

bullshit, medicare for those of us who have paid for it out of our paychecks for years.
My mother has it and loves it
Now, let’s have employers and employees shift what they pay for private insurance into the Medicare program.

Imagine having a completely transferable medical plan from cradle to grave

and how do you plan to pay for it and who would administer it? the best medicare plans are medicare advantage where an insurance company does the administration. Those actually work for everyone, the individual, the government, the medical providers, and the company. The company gets a fixed annual amount for each policy holder then negotiates with providers to get the best deal for everyone. It works.

I don't know that such a plan would work for 330,000,000 people, but we know that single payer would never work.
Right now, trillions go into healthcare
Insurance companies, Drug Companies and Medical Conglomerates rake in most of that money.

Our current healthcare system is horribly inefficient. A single payer would save significantly. I have no issue with working our current insurers into the Medicare umbrella
Want to see single payer in action go to the VA.
Where does she say anything about "time off"?

And what would it be "time off" from, considering she doesn't get sworn in until next month?


I guess time off from her only previous job as a bartender. she can shake up a martini, so lets make her a congresswoman? WTF?

Not an answer, is it.

I don't infer that she's still working as a bartender --- she only mentions going around meeting constituents --- but so the fuck what if she does? Is she supposed to be a connected attorney-type? You want to dictate what she can do with her employment now? And you're sitting here talking "thumbs"?

And wtf does a Rep in Queens have to do with anybody in Louisiana in the first place? Geography much?

she has nothing to do with me, or you. But she has become the dem's media darling. So any discussion of her is the direct result of her actions and words and the media's fascination with her.

Personally, I find it amusing as you dems scramble to try to cover for her. That's all this is about, relax.

Once AGAIN I'm not a "dem" whatever that might be. I'm just knocking down the low-hanging fruit bowling pins y'all line up for me begging to be knocked down.

I don't know jackwagon about her programs, and I don't need to. All I need is to read the cockamamie butthurt of these weeping and gnashing of teeth threads wetting their pants over a Congressional Rep thousands of miles away from the whiners who isn't even in the office yet. Once AGAIN, this thread being a prime example --- a wag three thousand miles away wailing and weeping about a "vacation" he just made up.

Speaking of which it would seem the OP has taken his own vacation once his bogus thread was busted.

dem is short for democrat, are you really that dumb?

Ah, so you're accusing me of a belief in the ideal of democracy huh?

:desk: Guilty as charged. And irrelevant.
I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
What was foolish was conservatives wetting themselves because she said she was taking time off

who was pissing their pants over this? only you from what I have seen.

If AOC is the future of your dem party, then your party is dead.

I have yet to start an AOC thread

Outraged Conservatives seem to start several a day

she gets attention because she keeps saying stupid things and the media keeps repeating them, all the media, not just those few on the right.

Stupid things like how she had to give up yoga and a decent diet so she could hit the ground running when her term starts.

Yeah, how stupid.
your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use

That's exactly what a Rep is supposed to be doing but I'm afraid it's also going to fly over the heads of those who swim in the soup of Planet RINO where Congresscritters are elected to serve a political party instead of constituents. They're not going to grasp that nuance.

so all of her constituents want to live under a socialist thumb? Do you?

Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

yes it is.

Get back to us next time you get mail delivered.
Or go to a library.
Or have the fire department put out your house when it's burning.
Or take a flight coordinated and kept safe under FAA rules.
Or fail to get poisoned by your food. Or cosmetics. Or medications.
Or enjoy a public park. Or museum.
Or take a ride on a public road.
Or use the internet. Or the electrical grid. Or the municipal water supply. Or municipal sanitation.

Etc etc etc
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That's exactly what a Rep is supposed to be doing but I'm afraid it's also going to fly over the heads of those who swim in the soup of Planet RINO where Congresscritters are elected to serve a political party instead of constituents. They're not going to grasp that nuance.

so all of her constituents want to live under a socialist thumb? Do you?

Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

yes it is.

You need to study up on Socialism. When you have, get back to me

no I don't
Then you are aware that Socialism controls prices and the means of production

I’m sure you have multiple examples that applies to the US
so all of her constituents want to live under a socialist thumb? Do you?

Government doing things to help We the People is not Socialism

yes it is.

You need to study up on Socialism. When you have, get back to me

no I don't
Then you are aware that Socialism controls prices and the means of production

I’m sure you have multiple examples that applies to the US

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
What was foolish was conservatives wetting themselves because she said she was taking time off

who was pissing their pants over this? only you from what I have seen.

If AOC is the future of your dem party, then your party is dead.

I have yet to start an AOC thread

Outraged Conservatives seem to start several a day

she gets attention because she keeps saying stupid things and the media keeps repeating them, all the media, not just those few on the right.

Stupid things like how she had to give up yoga and a decent diet so she could hit the ground running when her term starts.

Yeah, how stupid.

She is just opening up about how being elected is changing her life
Why would you care?
Why would you think it is stupid?
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

We're talking about members of Congress, Winger! They take more vacation time than anyone on the planet!

Just because Congress is not in session does not mean they are on vacation

They return to their home district where they have another office. This is the time for constituents to meet with their representative
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

We're talking about members of Congress, Winger! They take more vacation time than anyone on the planet!

Just because Congress is not in session does not mean they are on vacation

They return to their home district where they have another office. This is the time for constituents to meet with their representative

Congress was in session for 138 work days this past year, Winger. Yes they go back home. Yes they meet with constituents. That's when they pick up their payola! I'm sorry but the average American worker is lucky to get two weeks vacation a year. Congress works on the average schedule of a college student!
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

We're talking about members of Congress, Winger! They take more vacation time than anyone on the planet!

Just because Congress is not in session does not mean they are on vacation

They return to their home district where they have another office. This is the time for constituents to meet with their representative

Congress was in session for 138 work days this past year, Winger. Yes they go back home. Yes they meet with constituents. That's when they pick up their payola! I'm sorry but the average American worker is lucky to get two weeks vacation a year. Congress works on the average schedule of a college student!

That's 138 days too many IMO
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

We're talking about members of Congress, Winger! They take more vacation time than anyone on the planet!

Just because Congress is not in session does not mean they are on vacation

They return to their home district where they have another office. This is the time for constituents to meet with their representative

Congress was in session for 138 work days this past year, Winger. Yes they go back home. Yes they meet with constituents. That's when they pick up their payola! I'm sorry but the average American worker is lucky to get two weeks vacation a year. Congress works on the average schedule of a college student!
Again there is more to their work than being in session

They also have work to do when they are out of session

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