Advanced anti Trump team going to Cleveland

If the left/dims are so sure that Hitlery is going to win, why even waste the time and money on something like this? They'll just end up looking like a bunch of idiots, anyway.

Dims? what Dims?

from the article ...

We've built a list of every delegate in the country," said Steve Lonegan, former New Jersey director for Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-Texas) presidential campaign and the leader of the anti-Trump Courageous Conservatives PAC. His group will identify three regional field directors and will name an executive director of the effort.

So, is that how Ted Cruz honors his pledge that he made prior to the first Republican debate, that he will support the eventual Republican winner?

And that goes to the rest of the sixteen, except for those few who were honest enough to stand by their words.

As they say about empires: They will be destroyed from within. same goes for parties and eventually, countries.
Like the song in M*A*S*H says: "Suicide is painless". Or not.
If Ted Cruz keeps dicking around, he will lose his senate seat and his political career is over.
LOL Cruz may not be able to win anywhere else, but Trump's lucky the convention ain't in Houston.
As I think of it, the use of "advanced" in context is incorrect. The apparent intent suggests "advance" (no "-ed") would have meaning. In this case, perhaps an even better choice might have been "retarded".
"Advanced anti Trump team going to Cleveland"

Yay, the violent, intolerant liberal extremists determined to interfere with others' right to peacefully assemble and exercise their freedom of speech because these people do not share their radical liberal extremist views.


they're all Republicans. :clap::clap2:
Probably gonna screech about him being an 'Evil Racist', no? How new and original. We haven't heard that one before in Elections. Boring predictable stuff. Movin on...
oh, so NOW they're Republicans they won't be violent.
uh huh ....

Absolutely. Republicans have not attacked, chased down and beaten, and put Trump supporters in the hospital, bloodied and beaten like the liberals have done.
oh, so NOW they're Republicans they won't be violent.
uh huh ....

Absolutely. Republicans have not attacked, chased down and beaten, and put Trump supporters in the hospital, bloodied and beaten like the liberals have done.

certainly not .... they just post fake pictures of the victims Democrats didn't beat down ..
Why don't conservatives read the report at the link provided?

The leader of this group is a ted cruz delegate.

This is being done by republicans. Not democrats.

If you don't like what your fellow republicans are doing that's your problem but it's very immature and dishonest to blame this on any democrat.

This is all the republicans who hate trump.
If you think that 95% of these Anti Trump clowns AREN'T democrats, then you're just being intellectually dishonest. I also doubt that the 1 republican will be participating in the innevitable physical assaults on innocent Trump voters.

We dont care about people not liking trump. It's the mob violence that bothers us.

Sorry that you refuse to believe honest facts. However, I'm not surprised.

This is being done by republicans. The person in the article is a ted cruz delegate. The person is trying to change the rules half way through the process. They want to go to the convention and change the rules. Democrats don't go to republican conventions nor do they try to change the rules on how republicans conduct their nomination process or convention.

The name of the group is Delegates Unbound. A republican group. Here's their latest ad against trump. Democrats didn't make this ad nor are they in the Delegates Unbound group.

Delegates Unbound ad: "Follow Your Conscience"

I don't like what they're doing. They're spitting on every person who sacrificed their lives to preserve democracy and freedom in America.

No one should be able to change the rules half way through any process. They all agreed on the rules at the beginning but some republicans want to change the rules because they lost.

This liberal supports democracy and the sanctity of the vote. The people voted and they voted in the majority for trump. He is the rightful nominee. No republican or democrat should be doing this. It's very childish and deceitful.

But then when have republicans ever been mature or honest?

Grow up and take some of that personal responsibility that you demand from everyone but yourselves.

It is ironic that among all those dishonest former contenders who went back on their pledge to support the eventual nominee, it is the followers of the one who may not even be eligible to be president due to the fact that he is not American born.

Yes it's very ironic.

The argument is made that since his mom was an American citizen he is also. I don't know the legality of it.

What I do know is that I won't vote to elect a person who wasn't born in America. I don't know how others feel but I want my president to be born right here in America.
Yes it's very ironic.

The argument is made that since his mom was an American citizen he is also. I don't know the legality of it.

What I do know is that I won't vote to elect a person who wasn't born in America. I don't know how others feel but I want my president to be born right here in America.

That is SO discriminatory against clones! And.....if more people felt that way how could have a meat puppet ever have been elected?

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