African-Americans Haven't Progressed Due to Culture, Not Racism & Slavery

I don't need to prove the big events of the bible to you. That is not what the op is about. BTW Any book that has been read by as many people has the bible has is not a failure.

I told you my reference to the bible when speaking to people like you is secular. The writing in red coincides with real places . You need not look in the bible to find the names Canaan, Cush, or Mizraim...a quick google will suffice. These were the most prominent of the ancient Black nations of the world

. For the doubters like you, there is no getting around the black Cushite Kingdom to the south of ancient Kemet (Mizraim). Those were two Eponymous brother nations connected to a third ( Canaan) outside of continental Africa and home of the Phoenicians who gave us the phonetic alphabet. I used the bible only as a reference to substantiate what scholars have uncovered and verified about ancient black civilizations.

As far as blacks being fully adapted to White civilization, I'd think they would prefer to put their own stamp on civilized behavior. They have done that many times and continue to do so , despite the image and notoriety of white focus on black thuggery. Black civilization = this:



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I don't need to prove the big events of the bible to you. That is not what the op is about. BTW Any book that has been read by as many people has the bible has is not a failure.

I told you my reference to the bible when speaking to people like you is secular. The writing in red coincides with real places . You need not look in the bible to find the names Canaan, Cush, or Mizraim...a quick google will suffice. These were the most prominent of the ancient Black nations of the world

. For the doubters like you, there is no getting around the black Cushite Kingdom to the south of ancient Kemet (Mizraim). Those were two Eponymous brother nations connected to a third ( Canaan) outside of continental Africa and home of the Phoenicians who gave us the phonetic alphabet. I used the bible only as a reference to substantiate what scholars have uncovered and verified about ancient black civilizations.

As far as blacks being fully adapted to White civilization, I'd think they would prefer to put their own stamp on civilized behavior. They have done that many times and continue to do so , despite the image and notoriety of white focus on black thuggery. Black civilization = this:

Praying to the white man's white god. Someone should tell them that the slaves were freed a long time ago.

It's doesn't matter how old black "civilization" is, what I'm saying is that the leap from hunter gatherer to white society in such a short time, as happened with slavery then them being freed, overwhelmed the black race's ability to adjust in time.
Bulletin Board Broadway

Culture transcription is important for economics and history.

The success of American fast food chains has made working in a KFC or Burger King branch oddly respectable for an African-American woman in the USA.

The fictional comic book super-heroine Storm (X-Men: Marvel Comics) is an African-American woman who represents 'culture auctions.'

I don't need to prove the big events of the bible to you. That is not what the op is about. BTW Any book that has been read by as many people has the bible has is not a failure.

I told you my reference to the bible when speaking to people like you is secular. The writing in red coincides with real places . You need not look in the bible to find the names Canaan, Cush, or Mizraim...a quick google will suffice. These were the most prominent of the ancient Black nations of the world

. For the doubters like you, there is no getting around the black Cushite Kingdom to the south of ancient Kemet (Mizraim). Those were two Eponymous brother nations connected to a third ( Canaan) outside of continental Africa and home of the Phoenicians who gave us the phonetic alphabet. I used the bible only as a reference to substantiate what scholars have uncovered and verified about ancient black civilizations.

As far as blacks being fully adapted to White civilization, I'd think they would prefer to put their own stamp on civilized behavior. They have done that many times and continue to do so , despite the image and notoriety of white focus on black thuggery. Black civilization = this:

Praying to the white man's white god. Someone should tell them that the slaves were freed a long time ago.

It's doesn't matter how old black "civilization" is, what I'm saying is that the leap from hunter gatherer to white society in such a short time, as happened with slavery then them being freed, overwhelmed the black race's ability to adjust in time.
Inventing "black" civilizations out of the scantiest evidence in desperation doesn't help a bit. Sub-Saharan Africa was and is still today the most backward of regions, despite infusion from actual civilizations that has taken place in the last 500 years.
I don't need to prove the big events of the bible to you. That is not what the op is about. BTW Any book that has been read by as many people has the bible has is not a failure.

I told you my reference to the bible when speaking to people like you is secular. The writing in red coincides with real places . You need not look in the bible to find the names Canaan, Cush, or Mizraim...a quick google will suffice. These were the most prominent of the ancient Black nations of the world

. For the doubters like you, there is no getting around the black Cushite Kingdom to the south of ancient Kemet (Mizraim). Those were two Eponymous brother nations connected to a third ( Canaan) outside of continental Africa and home of the Phoenicians who gave us the phonetic alphabet. I used the bible only as a reference to substantiate what scholars have uncovered and verified about ancient black civilizations.

As far as blacks being fully adapted to White civilization, I'd think they would prefer to put their own stamp on civilized behavior. They have done that many times and continue to do so , despite the image and notoriety of white focus on black thuggery. Black civilization = this:

Praying to the white man's white god. Someone should tell them that the slaves were freed a long time ago.

It's doesn't matter how old black "civilization" is, what I'm saying is that the leap from hunter gatherer to white society in such a short time, as happened with slavery then them being freed, overwhelmed the black race's ability to adjust in time.
White man's God? We aren't talking about Zeus or Odin, son. We are talking about the God of Beta Israel and His Son Jesus who seems to have been of mixed heritage like many Jews are.
I don't need to prove the big events of the bible to you. That is not what the op is about. BTW Any book that has been read by as many people has the bible has is not a failure.

I told you my reference to the bible when speaking to people like you is secular. The writing in red coincides with real places . You need not look in the bible to find the names Canaan, Cush, or Mizraim...a quick google will suffice. These were the most prominent of the ancient Black nations of the world

. For the doubters like you, there is no getting around the black Cushite Kingdom to the south of ancient Kemet (Mizraim). Those were two Eponymous brother nations connected to a third ( Canaan) outside of continental Africa and home of the Phoenicians who gave us the phonetic alphabet. I used the bible only as a reference to substantiate what scholars have uncovered and verified about ancient black civilizations.

As far as blacks being fully adapted to White civilization, I'd think they would prefer to put their own stamp on civilized behavior. They have done that many times and continue to do so , despite the image and notoriety of white focus on black thuggery. Black civilization = this:

Praying to the white man's white god. Someone should tell them that the slaves were freed a long time ago.

It's doesn't matter how old black "civilization" is, what I'm saying is that the leap from hunter gatherer to white society in such a short time, as happened with slavery then them being freed, overwhelmed the black race's ability to adjust in time.
Inventing "black" civilizations out of the scantiest evidence in desperation doesn't help a bit. Sub-Saharan Africa was and is still today the most backward of regions, despite infusion from actual civilizations that has taken place in the last 500 years.

Your ignorance is nauseating. Further evidence of it comes with wild exclamations that all captured slaves were hunter/ gatherers. Actually some were skilled laborers and artisans. Some were adept at animal husbandry and farming. Some were Muslims who could read and write.
Your premise makes no sense since 400 years of bondage certainly replaced any nexus between slaves and their previous worldview.
No, the small minority of black boogey men that you fear are the product of those years in bondage. The majority of Blacks are Christians who abide by the common law and take care of their families
whether they are married or not! Only 12% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Blacks don't just live below the Sahara. You will find them all over the middle east and in Mesopotamia as well. Ethiopia is not really sub-Saharan and neither is Sudan or Egypt (Kemet) for that matter. You never been there so you just have take someone else's word either way.

The "scant" evidence of black civilization is ore credible than many of the tales that embellish European and American history!

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