After 2008 Liberals Predicted That Republican Party was Dead

GOP rebounded in 2010 and now in 2018 the control 2/3rds of all state houses and all three branches of federal government. Typical Americans find Democrats too far left and well...repulsive. What happened liberals? Now you face extinction.

So, moron, a conservative radio host stated his opinion that the "GOP was dead"....and somehow, your half brain decided to start a thread stating that such was the Libs' prediction???

Just wondering who turns on the computer for you since it may be too difficult a task for your mental capacities.
GOP rebounded in 2010 and now in 2018 the control 2/3rds of all state houses and all three branches of federal government. Typical Americans find Democrats too far left and well...repulsive. What happened liberals? Now you face extinction.

So, moron, a conservative radio host stated his opinion that the "GOP was dead"....and somehow, your half brain decided to start a thread stating that such was the Libs' prediction???

Just wondering who turns on the computer for you since it may be too difficult a task for your mental capacities.
Liberals picked up in it a ran with it.
GOP rebounded in 2010 and now in 2018 the control 2/3rds of all state houses and all three branches of federal government. Typical Americans find Democrats too far left and well...repulsive. What happened liberals? Now you face extinction.
The Fall of Conservatism | The New Yorker
2012 or Never

Donald trump changed that.

Now Democratic people want all republic pols to endorse his 2020 re-election bid.

We can count on you too, right?
GOP rebounded in 2010 and now in 2018 the control 2/3rds of all state houses and all three branches of federal government. Typical Americans find Democrats too far left and well...repulsive. What happened liberals? Now you face extinction.
The Fall of Conservatism | The New Yorker
2012 or Never

Just like the Repubs are doing it the Dems now.

You rubes never learn

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In 2012, conservatives predicted that Obama was going to lose.

Partisans will be partisans.

I hope republicrats come out in the same numbers they did in 2010 or even more.

These collectivist parasites must be defeated, and so far the GOP does better when they promote conservatives.

They lost their asses in 2006 because they tried to out moonbat the parasites.

I will really enjoy rubbing it in that faggot Don't taze me' s stupid fucking face if they win big.

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GOP rebounded in 2010 and now in 2018 the control 2/3rds of all state houses and all three branches of federal government.

That's not going to be the case in 2019
GOP will expand its power in 2018.

Does “expanding power” now mean losing seats and relevance?
The will gain in Senate and House. Democrats have more vulnerable Senators up for re-election and gerrymandering means incumbents win 90% of time in House.
The will gain in Senate and House. Democrats have more vulnerable Senators up for re-election and gerrymandering means incumbents win 90% of time in House.

Let's not get too cock sure of ourselves here.

The moonbat rabies infection has flared up and they're foaming at the mouth more than normal. We need serious turn out to keep the sociopaths they vote for out of office.

The will gain in Senate and House. Democrats have more vulnerable Senators up for re-election and gerrymandering means incumbents win 90% of time in House.

Let's not get too cock sure of ourselves here.

The moonbat rabies infection has flared up and they're foaming at the mouth more than normal. We need serious turn out to keep the sociopaths they vote for out of office.

We will. Trump supporters are a “movement” and will not give up the ship to socialist in 2018.
Actually these turd brain Moon Bats were predicting that after Crooked Hillary's landslide victory in 2016 the Republican Party would be kaput. They said that Crooked Hillary coat tails would sweep a Democrat House and Senate. The idiots were saying things like "the next Republican President hasn't been born yet" and other silly things.

This year the Republicans will maintain control of the House and pick up seats in the Senate. Trump will still be President. The Party of Moon Bats will still be the minority as they are well deserved. They are the scum of America.

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