After Ferguson, do you distrust cops more or blacks more?

Do you distrust cops more or blacks more?

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Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
When Michael Brown's mother was asked about her husband inciting the crowd to "burn this bitch down", she said he was just being emotional. Using that as an excuse to commit domestic terrorism is why blacks will be viewed as uncivilized, and unworthy of holding political office, or even jobs by a lot of white people. With blacks being only 18% of the population, it's going to be very difficult for another black to become president again for a long time. And with whites providing most of the jobs, blacks are making it even more difficult to get a job. And more violence, looting and vandalism, is only going to put more blacks in prison. This is why 25% of all blacks are already in prison.
When Michael Brown's mother was asked about her husband inciting the crowd to "burn this bitch down", she said he was just being emotional. Using that as an excuse to commit domestic terrorism is why blacks will be viewed as uncivilized, and unworthy of holding political office, or even jobs by a lot of white people. With blacks being only 18% of the population, it's going to be very difficult for another black to become president again for a long time. And with whites providing most of the jobs, blacks are making it even more difficult to get a job. And more violence, looting and vandalism, is only going to put more blacks in prison. This is why 25% of all blacks are already in prison.
Black people in Ferguson had a fantastic opportunity to let their voices be heard using peaceful protest and a healthy dose of civil disobedience.
Two items I full support as basic human rights.
However, the rioters BLEW this opportunity and thus allowed all the stereotypes as predicted to come to the surface.
All that destruction and violence does is solidify the perception that the stereotypes are indeed with merit.
Good people come in all colors. So do bad.

Same with cops. I still believe that most cops are good people just doing their job.

The problems we're having is due to the militarization of cops, the proliferation of nutters carrying guns and the ongoing racism from a certain segment of our society.

I'm a lot more afraid of some nutter deciding to blast the life out of someone for the color of their skin or because they're ticked that someone cut in line ahead of them.
When Michael Brown's mother was asked about her husband inciting the crowd to "burn this bitch down", she said he was just being emotional. Using that as an excuse to commit domestic terrorism is why blacks will be viewed as uncivilized, and unworthy of holding political office, or even jobs by a lot of white people. With blacks being only 18% of the population, it's going to be very difficult for another black to become president again for a long time. And with whites providing most of the jobs, blacks are making it even more difficult to get a job. And more violence, looting and vandalism, is only going to put more blacks in prison. This is why 25% of all blacks are already in prison.
Black people in Ferguson had a fantastic opportunity to let their voices be heard using peaceful protest and a healthy dose of civil disobedience.
Two items I full support as basic human rights.
However, the rioters BLEW this opportunity and thus allowed all the stereotypes as predicted to come to the surface.
All that destruction and violence does is solidify the perception that the stereotypes are indeed with merit.

Most of them did just that - protested peacefully.

Sadly, there are always some who take advantage of such a situation and some politicians who care more about getting re-elected than in keeping the peace.
When Michael Brown's mother was asked about her husband inciting the crowd to "burn this bitch down", she said he was just being emotional. Using that as an excuse to commit domestic terrorism is why blacks will be viewed as uncivilized, and unworthy of holding political office, or even jobs by a lot of white people. With blacks being only 18% of the population, it's going to be very difficult for another black to become president again for a long time. And with whites providing most of the jobs, blacks are making it even more difficult to get a job. And more violence, looting and vandalism, is only going to put more blacks in prison. This is why 25% of all blacks are already in prison.
Black people in Ferguson had a fantastic opportunity to let their voices be heard using peaceful protest and a healthy dose of civil disobedience.
Two items I full support as basic human rights.
However, the rioters BLEW this opportunity and thus allowed all the stereotypes as predicted to come to the surface.
All that destruction and violence does is solidify the perception that the stereotypes are indeed with merit.

Most of them did just that - protested peacefully.

Sadly, there are always some who take advantage of such a situation and some politicians who care more about getting re-elected than in keeping the peace.
But the majority that protested peacefully doesn't fall into the op's anyone surprised???
Asking a question to viewers about the incident in Ferguson is not racism. Condemning a race of people for the color of their skin is racism. Condemning people for criminal activity is not racism. Condemning people for trying to justify criminal activity is not racism. Condemning a cop for the color of his skin is racism. Does anyone really believe the vandalism and looting would have happened if the cop was black, and the one killed was white?

In my opinion, the cops that beat Rodney King were racists. And those that beat white people and burned businesses in the riots after the cops were acquitted, were also racists. I also believe that the law is racist, and fans the flames of racism. Funny, that I'm the only one that distrusts the law more.

I put this poll on another forum, and the results were much different.
16 said they distrusted the cops more. 8 said they distrusted blacks more. And 5 said they still trusted everybody. I was the only one on both forums the distrusted the law more.
The Ferguson prosecutor has made a mockery of the Grand Jury process. He has corrupted the legal process and justice has been denied, not only to those in Ferguson, but to every American.

The prosecutor should be held accountable and disbarred in my opinion.

Unfortunately I am in a very small minority who appreciate that what actually happened was a travesty of "justice" so I very much doubt that the Ferguson prosecutor will even receive as much as a reprimand.
I actively trust cops because having been one I know truly how few of them are dirty.

I do not "distrust" blacks as a race. To me they're just people like any other race. So depends on the individual person and circumstances. If its July and a guy has on a heavy dark hoodie in 95 degree heat and a red gang color theme and gold teeth and some gang tattoos. ..well yeah ill be uneasy.

Just as if a cop stops me and yells to his buddy "turn the camera off and make sure no one else is watching"....well id get worried.
The Ferguson prosecutor has made a mockery of the Grand Jury process. He has corrupted the legal process and justice has been denied, not only to those in Ferguson, but to every American.

The prosecutor should be held accountable and disbarred in my opinion.

Unfortunately I am in a very small minority who appreciate that what actually happened was a travesty of "justice" so I very much doubt that the Ferguson prosecutor will even receive as much as a reprimand.

So he is corrupt for doing nothing but dumping ALL the evidence out and letting them decide?

Most times a prosecutor only shows some of it...and twists words to ensure he gets an indictment.

IMO... his should be a model for how ALL gjs are done. Just the evidence. All of it. Nothing else.
The Ferguson prosecutor has made a mockery of the Grand Jury process. He has corrupted the legal process and justice has been denied, not only to those in Ferguson, but to every American.

The prosecutor should be held accountable and disbarred in my opinion.

Unfortunately I am in a very small minority who appreciate that what actually happened was a travesty of "justice" so I very much doubt that the Ferguson prosecutor will even receive as much as a reprimand.

So he is corrupt for doing nothing but dumping ALL the evidence out and letting them decide?

Most times a prosecutor only shows some of it...and twists words to ensure he gets an indictment.

IMO... his should be a model for how ALL gjs are done. Just the evidence. All of it. Nothing else.

The Ferguson prosecutor violated 200+ years of established jurisprudence per the words of Justice Scalia.

Justice Scalia Explains What Was Wrong With The Ferguson Grand Jury

Justice Antonin Scalia, in the 1992 Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, explained what the role of a grand jury has been for hundreds of years.

It is the grand jury’s function not ‘to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,’ or otherwise to try the suspect’s defenses, but only to examine ‘upon what foundation [the charge] is made’ by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 (O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal Pleading and Practice § 360, pp. 248-249 (8th ed. 1880). As a consequence, neither in this country nor in England has the suspect under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought to have a right to testify or to have exculpatory evidence presented.

Allowing Wilson to testify and presenting exculpatory evidence was a corruption of the justice system.
I distrust liberals even more, how they are sticking up for this thug. You watch him rob a store and then assaults a cop, and they want to arrest the cop for doing his job. Liberals are dangerous.
I distrust politicians and the MSM more, which I didn't think was possible. But there you have it.
I distrust politicians and the MSM more, which I didn't think was possible. But there you have it.

The Ferguson prosecutor corrupted the justice system for political purposes so yes, politicians cannot be trusted, regardless of affiliation.

That is one of the reasons why I am an Independent.
The Ferguson prosecutor has made a mockery of the Grand Jury process. He has corrupted the legal process and justice has been denied, not only to those in Ferguson, but to every American.

The prosecutor should be held accountable and disbarred in my opinion.

Unfortunately I am in a very small minority who appreciate that what actually happened was a travesty of "justice" so I very much doubt that the Ferguson prosecutor will even receive as much as a reprimand.

So he is corrupt for doing nothing but dumping ALL the evidence out and letting them decide?

Most times a prosecutor only shows some of it...and twists words to ensure he gets an indictment.

IMO... his should be a model for how ALL gjs are done. Just the evidence. All of it. Nothing else.

The Ferguson prosecutor violated 200+ years of established jurisprudence per the words of Justice Scalia.

Justice Scalia Explains What Was Wrong With The Ferguson Grand Jury

Justice Antonin Scalia, in the 1992 Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, explained what the role of a grand jury has been for hundreds of years.

It is the grand jury’s function not ‘to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,’ or otherwise to try the suspect’s defenses, but only to examine ‘upon what foundation [the charge] is made’ by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 (O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal Pleading and Practice § 360, pp. 248-249 (8th ed. 1880). As a consequence, neither in this country nor in England has the suspect under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought to have a right to testify or to have exculpatory evidence presented.

Allowing Wilson to testify and presenting exculpatory evidence was a corruption of the justice system.

What? Suspects testify before grand juries all the time.

You, perhaps intentionally, misread what you quoted. Scalia CLEARLY wrote that a suspect doesn't have a right to testify, meaning the DA can choose not to have them testify, he did NOT say that they couldn't and don't testify.

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