After Ferguson, do you distrust cops more or blacks more?

Do you distrust cops more or blacks more?

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I distrust politicians and the MSM more, which I didn't think was possible. But there you have it.

The Ferguson prosecutor corrupted the justice system for political purposes so yes, politicians cannot be trusted, regardless of affiliation.

That is one of the reasons why I am an Independent.

Agreed, but I think the Governor was even worse. He kept the National Guard on the sidelines and allowed allowed looters to destroy all of those small businesses. It's disgusting.

But the worst are Eric Holder and Obama. They poured gasoline on this fire from day 1.

'After Ferguson, do you distrust cops more or blacks more?'

Frankly, I distrust the 'media' more. Inciting riot to boost ratings and increase advertising revenue sucks.

I distrust politicians and the MSM more, which I didn't think was possible. But there you have it.

The Ferguson prosecutor corrupted the justice system for political purposes so yes, politicians cannot be trusted, regardless of affiliation.

That is one of the reasons why I am an Independent.

Agreed, but I think the Governor was even worse. He kept the National Guard on the sidelines and allowed allowed looters to destroy all of those small businesses. It's disgusting.

But the worst are Eric Holder and Obama. They poured gasoline on this fire from day 1.

We were watching Fox yesterday and the lt gov was on and he was trying real hard not to say that the national guard was held back for political reasons, but you know that's what he suspects.

You know the Mayor of Ferguson couldn't even get a hold of anyone on the Governor's staff Monday night? No one would return his calls.

That's disgusting.
I distrust politicians and the MSM more, which I didn't think was possible. But there you have it.

The Ferguson prosecutor corrupted the justice system for political purposes so yes, politicians cannot be trusted, regardless of affiliation.

That is one of the reasons why I am an Independent.

Agreed, but I think the Governor was even worse. He kept the National Guard on the sidelines and allowed allowed looters to destroy all of those small businesses. It's disgusting.

But the worst are Eric Holder and Obama. They poured gasoline on this fire from day 1.

We were watching Fox yesterday and the lt gov was on and he was trying real hard not to say that the national guard was held back for political reasons, but you know that's what he suspects.

You know the Mayor of Ferguson couldn't even get a hold of anyone on the Governor's staff Monday night? No one would return his calls.

That's disgusting.

It is disgusting. And Holder blew the dog whistle for the Governor to not deploy the National Guard.
Asking a question to viewers about the incident in Ferguson is not racism. Condemning a race of people for the color of their skin is racism. Condemning people for criminal activity is not racism. Condemning people for trying to justify criminal activity is not racism. Condemning a cop for the color of his skin is racism. Does anyone really believe the vandalism and looting would have happened if the cop was black, and the one killed was white?

In my opinion, the cops that beat Rodney King were racists. And those that beat white people and burned businesses in the riots after the cops were acquitted, were also racists. I also believe that the law is racist, and fans the flames of racism. Funny, that I'm the only one that distrusts the law more.

I put this poll on another forum, and the results were much different.
16 said they distrusted the cops more. 8 said they distrusted blacks more. And 5 said they still trusted everybody. I was the only one on both forums the distrusted the law more.
Will the time come when you people get tired of high fiving each other over this? You really should be getting on with your lives, shitty as they must be.
It didn't take Ferguson. The random attacks by black people across the United States created distrust long before Ferguson and long before Michael Brown decided he could beat up a cop.

It is reversed. Random violent attacks, the success of the knock out game, the number of times people have successfully killed an officer with his own gun created Ferguson.

Long before Michael Brown robbed that convenience store, the number of older people randomly attacked in my neighborhood taught me to treat blacks differently and never go out of the house unarmed.
Asking a question to viewers about the incident in Ferguson is not racism. Condemning a race of people for the color of their skin is racism. Condemning people for criminal activity is not racism. Condemning people for trying to justify criminal activity is not racism. Condemning a cop for the color of his skin is racism. Does anyone really believe the vandalism and looting would have happened if the cop was black, and the one killed was white?

In my opinion, the cops that beat Rodney King were racists. And those that beat white people and burned businesses in the riots after the cops were acquitted, were also racists. I also believe that the law is racist, and fans the flames of racism. Funny, that I'm the only one that distrusts the law more.

I put this poll on another forum, and the results were much different.
16 said they distrusted the cops more. 8 said they distrusted blacks more. And 5 said they still trusted everybody. I was the only one on both forums the distrusted the law more.
I don't know what you mean by distrusting the law more. Who is "The Law"?
The Emotional Quotient of some seem to be lower than others. Lower Emotional Quotient people seem to be immature, react without thinking things through, and don't see another person's point of view easily. Which group would you think have a low EQ... cops or blacks?
The Emotional Quotient of some seem to be lower than others. Lower Emotional Quotient people seem to be immature, react without thinking things through, and don't see another person's point of view easily. Which group would you think have a low EQ... cops or blacks?

I would think that the EQ of both groups would be more or less equal.
Their 15 minutes (more like a couple of days) of fame is over. And all they did was prove they STILL think they are owed for something.

I'm way over the Brown Bullshit cuz that is what it is now. Bullshit.
Ferguson didn't change anything for me. Cops must still do their job, like Wilson did and the racists do what racists do. Nothing new.
The Ferguson prosecutor has made a mockery of the Grand Jury process. He has corrupted the legal process and justice has been denied, not only to those in Ferguson, but to every American.

The prosecutor should be held accountable and disbarred in my opinion.

Unfortunately I am in a very small minority who appreciate that what actually happened was a travesty of "justice" so I very much doubt that the Ferguson prosecutor will even receive as much as a reprimand.

So he is corrupt for doing nothing but dumping ALL the evidence out and letting them decide?

Most times a prosecutor only shows some of it...and twists words to ensure he gets an indictment.

IMO... his should be a model for how ALL gjs are done. Just the evidence. All of it. Nothing else.

The Ferguson prosecutor violated 200+ years of established jurisprudence per the words of Justice Scalia.

Justice Scalia Explains What Was Wrong With The Ferguson Grand Jury

Justice Antonin Scalia, in the 1992 Supreme Court case of United States v. Williams, explained what the role of a grand jury has been for hundreds of years.

It is the grand jury’s function not ‘to enquire … upon what foundation [the charge may be] denied,’ or otherwise to try the suspect’s defenses, but only to examine ‘upon what foundation [the charge] is made’ by the prosecutor. Respublica v. Shaffer, 1 Dall. 236 (O. T. Phila. 1788); see also F. Wharton, Criminal Pleading and Practice § 360, pp. 248-249 (8th ed. 1880). As a consequence, neither in this country nor in England has the suspect under investigation by the grand jury ever been thought to have a right to testify or to have exculpatory evidence presented.

Allowing Wilson to testify and presenting exculpatory evidence was a corruption of the justice system.

That hippie Scalia.
It didn't take Ferguson. The random attacks by black people across the United States created distrust long before Ferguson and long before Michael Brown decided he could beat up a cop.

It is reversed. Random violent attacks, the success of the knock out game, the number of times people have successfully killed an officer with his own gun created Ferguson.

Long before Michael Brown robbed that convenience store, the number of older people randomly attacked in my neighborhood taught me to treat blacks differently and never go out of the house unarmed.

Do you bubble wrap yourself before you go out? I know those black people are evil and scary now that they aren't your slaves. I dare you to shoot a black person just out and about. Don't forget to call him a Negro! (sarcasm alert)
Gangstas and bad blacks and the insane far right racists are still the greatest threats to America.

The Silence around Ferguson National Review Online
Their 15 minutes (more like a couple of days) of fame is over. And all they did was prove they STILL think they are owed for something.

I'm way over the Brown Bullshit cuz that is what it is now. Bullshit.


Just 96 hours later, its epilogue time. The way a huge majority see's a nutshell.

  • Gang banger black holds up store
  • Police do their job and respond
  • Gang banger black goes for officers gun
  • Gang banger black gets his hat knocked off
  • The media incites racial shit
  • Nigga's gonna nig for a day or two.
  • Everybody has seen this same shit before.
  • Cant miss black Friday deals

End of story except for the frustrated miserable in the nether-regions of the internet.:2up:
It didn't take Ferguson. The random attacks by black people across the United States created distrust long before Ferguson and long before Michael Brown decided he could beat up a cop.

It is reversed. Random violent attacks, the success of the knock out game, the number of times people have successfully killed an officer with his own gun created Ferguson.

Long before Michael Brown robbed that convenience store, the number of older people randomly attacked in my neighborhood taught me to treat blacks differently and never go out of the house unarmed.
It didn't take Ferguson. The random attacks by black people across the United States created distrust long before Ferguson and long before Michael Brown decided he could beat up a cop.

It is reversed. Random violent attacks, the success of the knock out game, the number of times people have successfully killed an officer with his own gun created Ferguson.

Long before Michael Brown robbed that convenience store, the number of older people randomly attacked in my neighborhood taught me to treat blacks differently and never go out of the house unarmed.
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