After getting trounced on an anti-progressive turnout, the D's won't even get their bipartisan infrastructure passed.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

idiots. not that I didn't see this shit coming from Red Bernie AOC and Can't even pay her own damn Jayabills
The trillion dollar package seems a done deal.

The 3.5 trillion dollar package was never going to go through.
Its a lousy bill with only 45% of it for actual infrastructure. The rest is a hodge podge of green shit and more social programs that we don't need.

The whole thing should kicked to the curb.
Both bills are dead...Pelosi knows it and that is why she is stuffing the things she took out to please Manchin back in....
The trillion dollar package seems a done deal.

The 3.5 trillion dollar package was never going to go through.
I dunno. I can see the progressives in the House blocking even clean drinking water in their prissy snit. And Manchin would probably vote for their reconciliation bill if they'd actually had the balls to raise taxes on Wall St and families making over $500K. Not that I think it's a good idea to do that to pay people with children to not work.

idiots. not that I didn't see this shit coming from Red Bernie AOC and Can't even pay her own damn Jayabills
While am and always shall be a conservative American voter, I can't help but marvel with great trepidation at the colossal overnight sea change in the attitudes of my fellow conservatives. Because of one single state victory against the psycho-democrat political machine everyone seems to think the war against radical leftist madness is won. THIS is exactly why we conservative, patriotic Americans will very likely lose it all in the end.

Does any conservative American actually believe that because a republican is now governor of Virginia CRT and gender theory will no long be taught in VA public schools? Just one example, surely, however, one miniscule victory is no call for a celebration akin to Victory Day. Very little will change in Virginia save for the occupant of the governor's mansion, I fear.

idiots. not that I didn't see this shit coming from Red Bernie AOC and Can't even pay her own damn Jayabills
Funny how Manchin always supports more war spending but never social spending, just like nearly all the assholes in DC. In fact, old Joe voted for more war spending his entire undistinguished career.
Its a lousy bill with only 45% of it for actual infrastructure. The rest is a hodge podge of green shit and more social programs that we don't need.

The whole thing should kicked to the curb.
Obama did it first with his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which seems amazingly
similar to Biden's trillion dollar monstrosity.

And knowledgeable people claim Obama is the one pulling Monkey Joe's levers and strings.
Obama did it first with his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which seems amazingly
similar to Biden's trillion dollar monstrosity.

And knowledgeable people claim Obama is the one pulling Monkey Joe's levers and strings.
Seems like a reasonable conclusion to come to.
Funny how Manchin always supports more war spending but never social spending, just like nearly all the assholes in DC. In fact, old Joe voted for more war spending his entire undistinguished career.
yeah, but once a potus puts troops where they're getting shot, even Pelosi knows they need supplies.

I thought both Obama and Trump should have pulled the Afghan plug. Biden fucked it up, but that's par for his course. It could be worse, but he's second tier. Slick Willie and Obama knew they had to stick close to the suburban voters. And even older blacks don't trust Red Bernie and can't pay her Jaybill.
yeah, but once a potus puts troops where they're getting shot, even Pelosi knows they need supplies.

I thought both Obama and Trump should have pulled the Afghan plug. Biden fucked it up, but that's par for his course. It could be worse, but he's second tier. Slick Willie and Obama knew they had to stick close to the suburban voters. And even older blacks don't trust Red Bernie and can't pay her Jaybill.

Whats jayabill?

After getting trounced on an anti-progressive anti-crackpot turnout, the D's won't even get their bipartisan infrastructure passed.​


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