After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

If you wanted a knew, fresh way to pit Americans against each other this seems like a perfect fit. People who paid their student loans pitted against the people who won a lottery by not paying them. The construction worker paying taxes to pay off his Dentist's college degree. The first year student that get's nothing but inherits the inflation etc. ...This will cause a very complex and heated discussion at every family gathering...Perhaps that is why this nonsense is being pushed forward.
Like people who paid their PPP loans and those that did not...

According to U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) data, about 94% of PPP loans that were approved in 2020 had been forgiven as of December 2021. Overall, around $28 billion of all PPP loans remain unforgiven as of February 2022, a Bloomberg News analysis suggests.Apr 4, 2022

Two Years Later, Was The PPP Worth It? – Forbes Advisor​

In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt​

If you’re really lucky almost dead joe will allow to pay off the college debt of Mexico’s people….it’s awesome!
Politicians are supposed to do things that make life easier for Americans. Republicans have forgotten this to the point where it's "vote buying" to do anything for anyone who isn't rich.

When you do things to make life easier for YOUR base at the expense of other Americans then you don't really have the welfare of the country at heart! Biden is making poor people pay for rich people's college educations and he's doing that because those wealthy college educated professionals are his biggest supporters.
Like people who paid their PPP loans and those that did not...

According to U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) data, about 94% of PPP loans that were approved in 2020 had been forgiven as of December 2021. Overall, around $28 billion of all PPP loans remain unforgiven as of February 2022, a Bloomberg News analysis suggests.Apr 4, 2022

Two Years Later, Was The PPP Worth It? – Forbes Advisor

This has already been covered.
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

Excellent. That will be $2K less you have to spend on other things which will really help with the inflation problem. Consider it your Patriotic duty and salute the flag when you mail in your check..
It's a fair question. Giving people an escape from crushing debt is an act of great kindness. Should we not do it just because some other people managed to pay off a debt that should not be there to begin with?
As I posted earlier today, it's the colleges and universities that should be be giving you debt relief not taxpayers. They have many many billions of dollars in endowments and they are the ones who gouged you.
Cry me a river.
When I went off to university back in the Paleolithic there was no such thing as "student loans".
If you went to school you either had a rich family.....or you worked two or three jobs between or after classes.
The 'rich family' option was a no-go for me.
So I worked the work.
And it paid off. Which was the expectation.
I ain't pitching any bitch, cryin' in my beer, or grievance-ridden that things have changed in all those years.
Get on with life. And don't whine about.
That is one of the most indelible.....and I got from my years at university.

So quit being a baby about it. Get on with your life.

Good ol' poster "two-iron"......our Republican, Conservative, Trump Supporter, and thoughtful and measured spokesman for MAGA-think.
Good ol' poster "two-iron" ...... such a poster child for the above.
They must be proud.
Make America Great Again.
I actually worked 2 jobs and got assistance my final year. Sounds like you don't want to pay anyone else's loans off either.
Excellent. That will be $2K less you have to spend on other things which will really help with the inflation problem. Consider it your Patriotic duty and salute the flag when you mail in your check..
How will my paying off someone else's loan help inflation? How is it patriotic to pay off some deadbeats loan?
Cry me a river.
When I went off to university back in the Paleolithic there was no such thing as "student loans".
If you went to school you either had a rich family.....or you worked two or three jobs between or after classes.
The 'rich family' option was a no-go for me.
So I worked the work.
And it paid off. Which was the expectation.
I ain't pitching any bitch, cryin' in my beer, or grievance-ridden that things have changed in all those years.
Get on with life. And don't whine about.
That is one of the most indelible.....and I got from my years at university.

So quit being a baby about it. Get on with your life.

Good ol' poster "two-iron"......our Republican, Conservative, Trump Supporter, and thoughtful and measured spokesman for MAGA-think.
Good ol' poster "two-iron" ...... such a poster child for the above.
They must be proud.
Make America Great Again.
I worked a full-time job, raised a family, went to school four nights a week and worked weekends for nearly six years.
I paid for my tuition and never looked back.
Why should I be made to pay for some snot-nosed biased twerp's four years of college education?
Most can't write nor read after graduation.
Having $2000 less to spend on food and gas will help bring the prices down. Getting inflation under control is our number one priority.
'Get Trump' is the Democrat's #1 priority...
Having $2000 less to spend on food and gas will help bring the prices down. Getting inflation under control is our number one priority.
Are leftists really thus dumb?! What about the thousands of dollars MORE that those with forgiven loans will have to spend on food and gas?

Why should the college-educated accountant or the journalist or the middle manager be given MORE money to spend - and the car mechanic or the HVAC technician or the secretary have to pay for it?
And the attacks on the middle class continue in earnest. The USA as we knew it is dead, and bloated. Now we bear witness to the plethora of scavenger feeding off of what remains of this behemoths carcass.
Are leftists really thus dumb?! What about the thousands of dollars MORE that those with forgiven loans will have to spend on food and gas?

Why should the college-educated accountant or the journalist or the middle manager be given MORE money to spend - and the car mechanic or the HVAC technician or the secretary have to pay for it?
Well first, they don't "have to pay for it". Your taxes are based on your income period. And second, the US doesn't pay off its bills. That debt just gets refinanced when the bonds come due. and third, if they write down $10K on a loan that was made 10 years ago, it almost literally costs people nothing more than than whatever they have to pay the servicers to make the changes as the money was loaned ten years ago and is already part of the debt we never pay. It is just a matter of the government not having that money to spend in the future. It isn't like the Department of Ed has to suddenly come up with $10K to pay the department of ed servicer $10K.
When you do things to make life easier for YOUR base at the expense of other Americans then you don't really have the welfare of the country at heart! Biden is making poor people pay for rich people's college educations and he's doing that because those wealthy college educated professionals are his biggest supporters.
Wrong. Next!
Are leftists really thus dumb?! What about the thousands of dollars MORE that those with forgiven loans will have to spend on food and gas?

Why should the college-educated accountant or the journalist or the middle manager be given MORE money to spend - and the car mechanic or the HVAC technician or the secretary have to pay for it?
And yet you and any other republican would be absolutely alright with another tax cut gift to the "job creators".
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