After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

At this point, the intent, and impending result of this administrations actions, are quite clear. While the is very little we can do about there actions of "upper management", we do still have some control down here in the trenches.

Divesting, and decoupling as much as possible from FedGov is really ones only option for weathering the storm. The more one is in bed with the machine, the more likely one is to get caught up in its gears. The best bet is to murder your tax burden. Do everything lawfully possible to pay as few taxes as possible. Take a very scrutinizing look at one's own personal economy; and use, or develop as many means as possible to control one's own import/export dynamic. This can take many forms but most rely on principles of self sufficiency. Anything you buy from the machine, or its minions; find another source. One of the easiest amongst the imports is food. One can grow much of their own, or pay cash at farmers markets. Same goes with certain building materials. Explore all alternative sources, and deny the beast every possible tax penny you can, at every opportunity that presents itself.

Stop feeding the beast, and it withers. Stop feeding it long enough, and it dies...
Thank you, and I know that it will only get worse from here as the anti-American Marxists manipulate the brain-damaged Biden into destroying the middle class via inflation and taxation.

I am considering an IRA conversation to ROTH by the end of the year, and having a massive tax bill for 2022 - but then having tax-free money going forward as Biden continues his destruction of the middle class. I didn't do it before because I figured I’d be in a lower tax bracket in retirement, but no…..different scenario.
Today, Fees and Tuition at UIC is $17,000 a year. Even adjusting for inflation, it's a 400% increase.
thats because they want the government to line their pockets by paying for it, if the government keeps footing the bill the amount you cited above will look miniscule in just a few years
So why give people earning $100,000 a year another $400 a month or whatever to pump back into the economy? Inflation isn’t high enough?

According to you that $400 a month will be $400 less Susie the Waitress has to spend because she is the one who will be paying it back so it is a wash. Realistically, however, it will be like less than $100 a month that will be more than eaten up by the existing cost of inflation.
I don’t spend my life resentful of rich people. I concentrate on my own financial success, and I was doing a lot better under Trump (until the Fauci China virus was released). Now I am gasping in shock at the grocery prices, like the rest of middle America, while Biden is raising taxes on us.
Life happens. Quit taking it so personally.
According to you that $400 a month will be $400 less Susie the Waitress has to spend because she is the one who will be paying it back so it is a wash. Realistically, however, it will be like less than $100 a month that will be more than eaten up by the existing cost of inflation.
HUH?? You’re saying that because Biden is driving inflation up so high that Susie the Waitress‘s burden to pay off the accountant’s college loan isn’t all that bad?

I’m sorry, but you are just too delusional and illogical to continue to debate. YOU are why we are in the mess we are.
Life happens. Quit taking it so personally.
Oh….I‘m taking the fact that my grocery bill is 30% higher, and gas double, under Biden too personally? And that Biden is hiring 87,000 more IRS agents to put fear in the hearts of Americans? Oye.
That makes them smart.

Sound familiar?
It is getting to the point that it is not worth being employed. The NASA SLS rocket will hopefully launch its first rocket in less than a week. It should have launched several years ago at a far less price. They promised.
HUH?? You’re saying that because Biden is driving inflation up so high that Susie the Waitress‘s burden to pay off the accountant’s college loan isn’t all that bad?

I’m sorry, but you are just too delusional and illogical to continue to debate. YOU are why we are in the mess we are.

Illogical? Your posts are all nonsense emotional victim playing on this because it pisses you off that other people may have their lives made just a little less miserable.
Illogical? Your posts are all nonsense emotional victim playing on this because it pisses you off that other people may have their lives made just a little less miserable.
Oh cry me a River. The accountant earning $100,000 a year doesn’t need to be forgiven his $400 a month payment, which will drive inflation. The people who are MISERABLE are the high school educated working class now having to choose between gas and groceries. Where’s your concern for them? The Biden Bribe is just making things worse for them.
“Adjusting the accounting”? OMG. It is costing the American taxpayers an additional $300 billion, on top of the Green Deal the Dems just rammed through Congress, and SOMEONE will eventually have to pay for it.

I agree.... we need to make the rich pay their fair share, as they are the ones mostly benefiting from these college educated kids.
Oh….I‘m taking the fact that my grocery bill is 30% higher, and gas double, under Biden too personally? And that Biden is hiring 87,000 more IRS agents to put fear in the hearts of Americans? Oye.

I thought you Jews knew how to find a bargain.... Sigh...

Shop smarter, that's how you deal with inflation.
Oh….I‘m taking the fact that my grocery bill is 30% higher, and gas double, under Biden too personally? And that Biden is hiring 87,000 more IRS agents to put fear in the hearts of Americans? Oye.
Well at least you have someone to blame for your bad decisions.
That’s either a rather clever bit of sarcasm; or the stupidest shit ever written…
When I hear people whining that Biden or someone else is making their life harder as some personal act of malice I take that opportunity to tell them that they are not that important. Were they to complain long enough they would tell us exactly where they fucked up their own life.
When I hear people whining that Biden or someone else is making their life harder as some personal act of malice I take that opportunity to tell them that they are not that important. Were they to complain long enough they would tell us exactly where they fucked up their own life.
They didn’t “fuck up” their own life. We as the middle class are now fighting against an Administration intentionally trying to make things as hard as possible for us.
When I hear people whining that Biden or someone else is making their life harder as some personal act of malice I take that opportunity to tell them that they are not that important. Were they to complain long enough they would tell us exactly where they fucked up their own life.
There is a trust. Men and women who play by the rules and then the rules change over and over and then a screwing occurs. The 2008 housing collapse injured tens of millions of families who played by the rules. Because of loans given out to people who never paid much back by corrupted politicians legislation. Peoples future wounded because of it. Never to recover. This is the same on steroids and they are in front of us all showing their arrogance.
It is getting to the point that it is not worth being employed. The NASA SLS rocket will hopefully launch its first rocket in less than a week. It should have launched several years ago at a far less price. They promised.
That’s what the Dems want - as few people as employed as possible. A self-supporting voter is their enemy.
Life happens. Quit taking it so personally.
I would watch a Prog family I do not know be slowly tortured and beg for death. I agree with you. And those who screw with people really deserve the same back. And they have not been dealt with yet. You can only steal so much from someone. This is personal and not personal. What is happening is that we are reaching a point of where this are too many people collecting checks and benefits from government with a corrupted system that receives the resources.

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