After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

It's fun seeing the people who benefited for free state college and/or very low tuition costs whine and point fingers at people receiving relief from predatory lending and inflated education costs today...
It annoys me that I worked five nights a week bartending then got up the next morning and staggered off to class because I didn't want to incur student debt but now I'm expected to pay the debt of people who DIDN'T want to work like I did! I can't imagine how pissed this must make people who can't get high paying jobs because they don't have college degrees but now they're going to be asked to pay for the debt of people who CAN get those jobs!
Sour grapes. I too worked hard to pay for my college loans...during and afterwards. I'm not whining about today's students getting some loan relief.
That is the epitome of projection...

The plan caps at 125K for single families and 250K for married....if this was geared towards hurting that 45K a year secretary.....the plan would exclude them, not include them.....

Meanwhile, this is how the previous admin tackled student loan debt....because of how much they care for that poor secretary ...

That secretary doesn't HAVE a college degree, Biff! She's making $45,000...getting nailed with runaway inflation and now she's going to have her tax dollars go to someone who's making twice what she does? All so Joe can shore up his base? This is disgusting.
Sour grapes. I too worked hard to pay for my college loans...during and afterwards. I'm not whining about today's students getting some loan relief.
So you honestly think that someone making over a hundred thousand a year needs "relief", Bodecea? Go run that by some person working their ass off and making half that who won't get any relief at all! Then explain to them why the additional inflation from the additional trillion dollars that the Democrats just spent is a good thing! Here's some advice...don't expect that person to be happy.
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

The good news is you don't have to worry. Taxpayers aren't actually paying for thing because they're just going to print more phony money to pay for it. However, that will increase inflation so I guess you'll wind up paying for it anyway.
It's fun seeing the people who benefited for free state college and/or very low tuition costs whine and point fingers at people receiving relief from predatory lending and inflated education costs today...
Who that be? I received neither nor did anyone I know.
Predatory lending only works on stupid people. If you didn't understand the ramifications of taking out a school loan then you didn't belong in college in the 1st place.
You can read her posts.... all anger all the time..... you know that she is not a happy person. It's a common trait with Trump supporters.
What exactly should we be "happy" about, Candy? Rampant inflation? Out of control crime? Tens of thousands dying from Fentanyl? Millions of illegals pouring across our southern border? An economy in recession? China about to invade Taiwan?

Of course people are angry! You progressives are flushing the country down the toilet! If you AREN'T angry right're not paying attention!
You think the chronically impoverished red state cretins are against loan forgiveness?
Most of us prefer to see it as a case of "your Body, Your Choice" = "Your Debt, Your Debt".

But to go there, you would need to have far more intellectual capability than you actually have.

Nice try.
You think the chronically impoverished red state cretins are against loan forgiveness?

So as Democrats bury us in hate and poverty with you cheerleading every step of the way, I have one question for you. Do you care about future Americans AT ALL?
I'm sure you believe that.
Had you been at my morning eatery this morning you would most diffidently think that.....Responsible people believe that a person needs to meet their contractual obligations or face the consequences for not doing so. they were pissed.

I bet I won't have any trouble getting enough like-minded takers to go to the polls.....I toted 8 non-family members last November for our governor's race.....I'm looking forward to doubling that number or better this go-round. ;)
That secretary doesn't HAVE a college degree, Biff! She's making $45,000...getting nailed with runaway inflation and now she's going to have her tax dollars go to someone who's making twice what she does? All so Joe can shore up his base? This is disgusting.
This Dems are clueless, aren’t they? The $45k a year secretary is subsidizing the debt that her marketing manager boss, making $115,000 a year, willingly accepted.

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