After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

They didn’t “fuck up” their own life. We as the middle class are now fighting against an Administration intentionally trying to make things as hard as possible for us.
Oh you poor little victim. If you are actually middle class and you are having a hard time that means you decided to live beyond your means.
Wow, Dog Style, really?

Let's look at that.

I paid for my college by joining the National Guard and working two minimum wage jobs during college. So in theory, I should be upset that Biden is doing this, right?


When I went to college in the 1980's (also known as the era of Big Hair.) You could attend UIC full time at for $1500 a year in fees and tuition. Which means you could work a minimum wage job back then only working 10 hours a week to pay tuition.

Today, Fees and Tuition at UIC is $17,000 a year. Even adjusting for inflation, it's a 400% increase. Meanwhile, minimum wage hasn't even kept up with inflation.

As for people who don't have high paying jobs, they aren't the ones paying for it, because as your side constantly points out, they don't pay that much in income tax.

This is GOOD for the country. This means these kids can get to buying homes and starting families earlier... a benefit for a country already in demographic decline.
Gee, Joey...maybe if the liberals who now control higher education weren't gouging the students that attend their institutions then those students could pay for college without taking out a loan! You on the left won't go after THEM though! Instead you think that having taxpayers pay for it will solve the problem. As usual you're clueless. All that will do is allow those same colleges to charge even MORE for an education! That isn't good for the country. It's good for liberal colleges already sporting bloated endowments and it's good for the politicians they support. The rest of us get stuck with the bill!
No, it will cost the government a couple billion at most and OMG $300B less in other people's money in the future to spend. The number of stories of people who have paid back more than they ever borrowed and are still in 6 digit debt to the Department of Education are legion and for many of them this $10K is nothing more than a year or so's less interest they will have to pay. Many of these loans will ultamately be discharged anyway once the borrower reaches their 20 or 25 year drop dead date on the debt and for those people the $10K won't even change their monthly payment because their required payment doesn't even cover a month's interest on the debt.
A couple billion? Not a math major...are you Dekster?
If you are having a such a hard time you must have fucked up somewhere.
1) Democrats always blame the wrong people. The people who fucked up on those who took out loans, and now are crying they can’t pay them back - and YOU defend THEM.

2) The hard-working middle class who played by the rules, honor their obligations, and are now being suffocated by sky-rocketing prices at the grocery store are MOCKED by YOU as “fucking up their lives.”
Oh you poor little victim. If you are actually middle class and you are having a hard time that means you decided to live beyond your means.
What about the college-educated professionals earning six-figures? They are living beyond their means if they are crying they can’t make a $400 a mo th payment on a loan they took out.

And I never said I was having a hard time. I said I was shocked by Biden’s grocery prices - and I feel for the working class who can’t afford the same amount of food they could before Biden.

Odd how the Dems’ sympathies go to the $100,000 professional instead of the $45,000 secretary.
There is no way Executive Order should be used for this purpose. They have made a mockery of the Impeachment Process, Congressional hearings and now EOs. There isn't an aspect of this country they aren't fKg up.
It isn't an exectutive order......I thought you guys said Biden was dumb...but it looks like you folks are too dumb to even know the difference between an E/O or not.
1) Democrats always blame the wrong people. The people who fucked up on those who took out loans, and now are crying they can’t pay them back - and YOU defend THEM.

2) The hard-working middle class who played by the rules, honor their obligations, and are now being suffocated by sky-rocketing prices at the grocery store are MOCKED by YOU as “fucking up their lives.”
If I had a middle class income I would have more money than I know what to do with. Where did you screw up? Why are you having such a hard time paying for groceries when you are making far more money than most people who work for a living?
And remember people….the loans we are paying off ALSO go to the people without the discipline or ability to actually graduate from college.
Here is an added bonus for the racists out there.....the 20K of debt forgiveness for those with PELL grants will benefit other people...not real Americans.......since nearly 70% of those with PELL grants are yucky minorities.....and Biden is giving them 20K Eww...he hates our country....

If I had a middle class income I would have more money than I know what to do with. Where did you screw up? Why are you having such a hard time paying for groceries when you are making more far money than most people who work for a living?
WTF is wrong with you?

1) I didn’t say I am having a hard time paying for groceries. I am sympathizing with the working class who is being asked to absorb the loans of college graduates, while they, the working class, is suffering under Bideninflation.

2) Why aren’t you scolding the college-educated earning six figures who screwed up their lives so badly that they are having a hard time honoring their financial commitments, which include a $400 a month loan repayment?

You are the perfect example of how Democrats always blame the wrong people.
What about the college-educated professionals earning six-figures? They are living beyond their means if they are crying they can’t make a $400 a mo th payment on a loan they took out.

And I never said I was having a hard time. I said I was shocked by Biden’s grocery prices - and I feel for the working class who can’t afford the same amount of food they could before Biden.

Odd how the Dems’ sympathies go to the $100,000 professional instead of the $45,000 secretary.
That is the epitome of projection...

The plan caps at 125K for single families and 250K for married....if this was geared towards hurting that 45K a year secretary.....the plan would exclude them, not include them.....

Meanwhile, this is how the previous admin tackled student loan debt....because of how much they care for that poor secretary ...

WTF is wrong with you?

1) I didn’t say I am having a hard time paying for groceries. I am sympathizing with the working class who is being asked to absorb the loans of college graduates, while they, the working class, is suffering under Bideninflation.

2) Why aren’t you scolding the college-educated earning six figures who screwed up their lives so badly that they are having a hard time honoring their financial commitments, which include a $400 a month loan repayment?

You are the perfect example of how Democrats always blame the wrong people.
You dont mind when working class people absorb the debt of tax breaks and corporate subsidies being given to the top 1% -- you don't mind when working class people have to continuously have their social security and medicaid put on the chopping blocks to lavish luxuries on the wealthy -- so spare the bullshit....As usual, whenever something is done to bail out middle class folks -- the main people whining are Conservatives...

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WTF is wrong with you?

1) I didn’t say I am having a hard time paying for groceries. I am sympathizing with the working class who is being asked to absorb the loans of college graduates, while they, the working class, is suffering under Bideninflation.

2) Why aren’t you scolding the college-educated earning six figures who screwed up their lives so badly that they are having a hard time honoring their financial commitments, which include a $400 a month loan repayment?

You are the perfect example of how Democrats always blame the wrong people.
Oh so you are not actually having a hard time in spite of acting like Biden has some personal vendetta against you. That's about what I expected. Sounds like you have a pretty good life and yet you are still deeply unhappy. That's on you.
Oh so you are not actually having a hard time in spite of acting like Biden has some personal vendetta against you. That's about what I expected. Sounds like you have a pretty good life and yet you are still deeply unhappy. That's on you.
You’re crazy. I am SYMPATHIZING with the working class whom Biden is trying to destroy. I’m sure eventually he’ll work his way to me, and YOU. You’re a fool.
You’re crazy. I am SYMPATHIZING with the working class whom Biden is trying to destroy. I’m sure eventually he’ll work his way to me, and YOU. You’re a fool.
People like you don't sympathize. You wouldn't even know where to start.
If you took out loans or just paid tuition you already paid for the tuition of many others who got free rides.
I paid for my college by joining the military...

And I'm perfectly fine with this program. Saddling kids with tens of thousands in debt to the point where they put off buying homes and starting families is not good for the country as a whole.
And these indoctrination camps are laughing at this as they raise their costs.

As I said earlier, the govt should pull tax payer funding,as tbey havemlions of dollars.

Companies should step up and open apprenticeships. No college necessary, they teach you everything you need to have a career, you get paid as you work / learn, skip the college bills, and you agree to stay with them fix 'x' nunber of years in return for their training & education.

I paid the Univ of SC an insulting amount of money my last 2 years for my degree in Journalism. They got paid, and I worked mof the MDA and a PR Firm out of Atlanta on a PR job for tge Pope's visit to Columbia, Sc - the Capitol of SC.

I learned everything from those firms, USC did not teach me 1 thing, but USC got paid.

What a scam - it was an APPRENTICESHIP. working for those 2 companies.

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