After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

This Dems are clueless, aren’t they? The $45k a year secretary is subsidizing the debt that her marketing manager boss, making $115,000 a year, willingly accepted.
The Democrats have become the Party of illegals, union leadership and well to do entitled progressives who live on the Coasts. They have absolute contempt for blue collar workers and anyone who lives in a "Fly over State"!
You think the chronically impoverished red state cretins are against loan forgiveness?
Despite your insults, yes they are when the loans are for cretins who went deep into debt for worthless degrees. People who either were responsible enough to pay off their loans, or couldn’t afford to go to college are furious about paying for deadbeats. Now if the people are teachers or doctors who working off portions of their debt by working in disadvantaged communities would be a different matter. Most people would be for crediting that kind of public service against college debt.
I had a doctor who complained about the level of debt she incurred getting her M.D., I pointed out that another of my doctors (who was a good friend if this doctor) not only didn’t incur a dollar of debt, but actually got paid for college and medical school by enlisting in the Navy. The navy picked up all her expenses AND paid her an officer’s salary while she was in school. All she had to do was serve an active duty term starting as an Lieutenant, ending up as a Lieutenant Commander.
Despite your insults, yes they are when the loans are for cretins who went deep into debt for worthless degrees. People who either were responsible enough to pay off their loans, or couldn’t afford to go to college are furious about paying for deadbeats. Now if the people are teachers or doctors who working off portions of their debt by working in disadvantaged communities would be a different matter. Most people would be for crediting that kind of public service against college debt.
I had a doctor who complained about the level of debt she incurred getting her M.D., I pointed out that another of my doctors (who was a good friend if this doctor) not only didn’t incur a dollar of debt, but actually got paid for college and medical school by enlisting in the Navy. The navy picked up all her expenses AND paid her an officer’s salary while she was in school. All she had to do was serve an active duty term starting as an Lieutenant, ending up as a Lieutenant Commander.
Not every college grad who owes a student loan will their debt forgiven.
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

Joey just made you a 'sucker'!
Me and hundreds of thousands too!!
Feel the FU for being responsible.
What exactly should we be "happy" about, Candy? Rampant inflation? Out of control crime? Tens of thousands dying from Fentanyl? Millions of illegals pouring across our southern border? An economy in recession? China about to invade Taiwan?

Of course people are angry! You progressives are flushing the country down the toilet! If you AREN'T angry right're not paying attention!

So we had no problems under your blob? Great. Covid was a hoot, right?
Gee, Joey...maybe if the liberals who now control higher education weren't gouging the students that attend their institutions then those students could pay for college without taking out a loan! You on the left won't go after THEM though! Instead you think that having taxpayers pay for it will solve the problem. As usual you're clueless. All that will do is allow those same colleges to charge even MORE for an education! That isn't good for the country. It's good for liberal colleges already sporting bloated endowments and it's good for the politicians they support. The rest of us get stuck with the bill!

Well, let's look at that...

Why did the cost of state colleges do up? Because state governments cut funding to them, and the burden shifted from the state to the student. That's more a conservative thing of "Gummit bad" than a liberal thing.
Despite your insults, yes they are when the loans are for cretins who went deep into debt for worthless degrees. People who either were responsible enough to pay off their loans, or couldn’t afford to go to college are furious about paying for deadbeats. Now if the people are teachers or doctors who working off portions of their debt by working in disadvantaged communities would be a different matter. Most people would be for crediting that kind of public service against college debt.
I had a doctor who complained about the level of debt she incurred getting her M.D., I pointed out that another of my doctors (who was a good friend if this doctor) not only didn’t incur a dollar of debt, but actually got paid for college and medical school by enlisting in the Navy. The navy picked up all her expenses AND paid her an officer’s salary while she was in school. All she had to do was serve an active duty term starting as an Lieutenant, ending up as a Lieutenant Commander.

Its typical right wing class-warfare bullshit all over again.

Somehow those who got or tried to get an education are seen as the enemy of someone who didn't in Conservistan. This is why Arkansas will always be Arkansas.
Joey just made you a 'sucker'!
Me and hundreds of thousands too!!
Feel the FU for being responsible.
Joe made every American a sucker by violating the Constitution again, planning to tax every middle / lower class American to pay the $300 BILLION, which only benefits SOME Anericans....and you idiots think that's all such a great job.

Well, let's look at that...

Why did the cost of state colleges do up? Because state governments cut funding to them, and the burden shifted from the state to the student. That's more a conservative thing of "Gummit bad" than a liberal thing.
That doesn't even come close to explaining why the cost of going to college has exploded over the past forty years, Joey while the endowments of those same colleges exploded as well!
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

Most students pay a mortgage most of their working life paying off student debt. The system was rigged that way. Give me one good reason students should be paying student loan debt, equal to or greater than a mortgage for thirty to forty years?
If Covid hadn't happened, Candy there is ZERO chance that a senile idiot like Joe Biden ever would have been elected!

Really? Because Biden was leading Trump in all the polls by comfortable margins long before anyone heard of Covid, and Democrats weren't quite behind him.


That doesn't even come close to explaining why the cost of going to college has exploded over the past forty years, Joey while the endowments of those same colleges exploded as well!

Sure it does. That and we've decided as a society that a bachelor's degree is the new High School Diploma.

Supply and Demand. Demand has increased, supply has decreased (in that the state's aren't subsidizing them, and no one is building new colleges)

You are really a stupid person, aren't you?
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

You are single-handedly paying $2,000 for him? Do us a favor and delete your account. Dumbass.

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