After Paying Off My Own Tuition I Get To Pay Off More Than $2,000 of One Of Joe Biden's Staffer's College Debt

You are single-handedly paying $2,000 for him? Do us a favor and delete your account. Dumbass.
He’s correct. Remember that half of all Americans don‘t pay ANYTHING to the federal government, and those remaining will have to pay - in one form or another - about $2,000 each to help six-figure college graduates pay off the loans they agreed to repay. Those providing extra spending money to the $120,000 accountant and $110,000 Congressional staffer will be the $45,000 secretary and the $50,000 car mechanic.

At this point, the intent, and impending result of this administrations actions, are quite clear. While the is very little we can do about there actions of "upper management", we do still have some control down here in the trenches.

Divesting, and decoupling as much as possible from FedGov is really ones only option for weathering the storm. The more one is in bed with the machine, the more likely one is to get caught up in its gears. The best bet is to murder your tax burden. Do everything lawfully possible to pay as few taxes as possible. Take a very scrutinizing look at one's own personal economy; and use, or develop as many means as possible to control one's own import/export dynamic. This can take many forms but most rely on principles of self sufficiency. Anything you buy from the machine, or its minions; find another source. One of the easiest amongst the imports is food. One can grow much of their own, or pay cash at farmers markets. Same goes with certain building materials. Explore all alternative sources, and deny the beast every possible tax penny you can, at every opportunity that presents itself.

Stop feeding the beast, and it withers. Stop feeding it long enough, and it dies...

No one trusts the beast, and that counts too. Many of us hate the beast, and the worshippers of the beast know that too. And that makes them very, very nervous.
Really? Because Biden was leading Trump in all the polls by comfortable margins long before anyone heard of Covid, and Democrats weren't quite behind him.

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Sure it does. That and we've decided as a society that a bachelor's degree is the new High School Diploma.

Supply and Demand. Demand has increased, supply has decreased (in that the state's aren't subsidizing them, and no one is building new colleges)

You are really a stupid person, aren't you?
Supply and demand has caused the cost of higher education to go up by an average of 169% in forty years? That's laughable.
He’s correct. Remember that half of all Americans don‘t pay ANYTHING to the federal government, and those remaining will have to pay - in one form or another - about $2,000 each to help six-figure college graduates pay off the loans they agreed to repay. Those providing extra spending money to the $120,000 accountant and $110,000 Congressional staffer will be the $45,000 secretary and the $50,000 car mechanic.


i live in a purple state and paid for my college via academic scholarships and working. I’m not going to pay off someone else’s loans who used the money to go to Stowe and Cancun.
Politicians are supposed to do things that make life easier for Americans. Republicans have forgotten this to the point where it's "vote buying" to do anything for anyone who isn't rich.

Forcing non-college degree tax payers to pay the debts of people making more money than them, is not helping them.
In addition to the media reporting almost all of Joe Biden's staffers are eligible for his Student Loan Forgiveness, I just found out every tax-paying US citizen - even those like me who have already paid off their own college debt - gets to pay more than $2,000 each to help pay off someone else's - like one of Biden's staffers - student debt.

2 things....

1. Thanks, Joe.

2. Let's go, Brandon

Did you complain about tax cuts for billionaires? You paid for those tax cuts too??? How come you said NOTHING about those tax cuts???
i live in a purple state and paid for my college via academic scholarships and working. I’m not going to pay off someone else’s loans who used the money to go to Stowe and Cancun.

I don't really care how people manage to pay for their college as long as they pay for it.
If they want to government to foot the bill ... There's a way they can do that which doesn't involve loan forgiveness.

I don't care if they made poor financial decisions ...
Nowhere in the Constitution does it grant the Federal Government the Power to make me responsible for their Origin of Debt.

Yeah, our system is designed to save the substandard fuckups from their shitty life decisions. Faggot A decides to take out $60K in loans for his BA in Queer Studies and then doubles down with another $30K for an MA in Mid-1700's European Faggotry. The barista job in the strip mall is only paying $25K/year and his expertise in 18th century cock sucking is difficult to monetize.

Hmmm.... bad decision queer boi. But why do I have to pay for this?
You are just DRIPPING with latent homosexual desire.
Why don't you do yourself a favor and just come out of the closet.
Embrace it!
Celebrate it!
You GO girl!
It's a fair question. Giving people an escape from crushing debt is an act of great kindness. Should we not do it just because some other people managed to pay off a debt that should not be there to begin with?
No we should not.

If YOU wish to fine but there is no we
Well the money was a complete waste. You’re dumber than a sack of hammers and gullible to boot

I’d ask for a refund.

The whole idea of this debt forgiveness, especially based on income ... Is tied directly to Critical Theory and Class Warfare.
If you had a lick of sense and learned anything ... You could recognize it as Marxism wrapped up in a Sheepskin.

Politicians are supposed to do things that make life easier for Americans. Republicans have forgotten this to the point where it's "vote buying" to do anything for anyone who isn't rich.
No they are not supposed to do that.

They are supposed to leave us alone to make our own lives better
College tuition debt forgiveness is the signal for colleges to raise tuition. The colleges have a ton of money, in the billions. They should pay tuition or reduce tuition. Colleges today are just hedge funds with a few classrooms attached.

The barista with a degree in Queer Theory Socialism might get his $20,000 student loan forgiveness only to find that he must pay the college tuition of $40,000 for the girl who got her degree in Racism and Colonial Expansion.
Why do you think others should suffer a shitty fixed system just because you did?
Why should I be charged $2K so that worthless shitheads like you get $10K off your debt?

Great example of why democracy sucks.

Of course this is illegal as hell because only Congress can spend money. All President Potatohead can do is suspend interest payments temporarily.
Supply and demand has caused the cost of higher education to go up by an average of 169% in forty years? That's laughable.

Um. Yeah.

Okay, let's look at that in depth.

Regular inflation since 1982 has increased 214% since 1982.

So let's look at what is driving Tuition inflation.

Well, first, demand. - We've gone from 12 million going to secondary education to 20 million today.


Decline in support for state colleges.


This isn't rocket science. You increase demand, devalue currency and remove state support, and college ends up falling out of reach for young people.


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