After vaccination: 82-year-old man died while still on the premises of the vaccination center


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Even if tens of thousands will die within few minutes after vaccinations presstitutes, 'politicians' will claim the 'jab' had been fine. Think about what going on here.

In Würzburg, an 82-year-old man died on the premises of the vaccination center shortly after the Corona vaccination. It is remarkable how the tragic incident is reported in the media. A search query on "Google News" with the keywords "Würzburg 82-year-old" yielded only a few search hits at noon on Saturday. As a regional media provider, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation in particular is reporting on various pages or in various offerings. Interesting is, how with the reports the illnesses of the man are put into the foreground. There is talk of a "severely pre-ill person". This can at least give the impression that the deceased was almost in need of help. In any case not spry. If one reads then however between the lines and further down, one learns, "that the man went back after the inoculation...independently to the car". That sounds at least as if he was still quite spry for his age. Shortly before the report, Health Minister Jens Spahn had stated at the Federal Press Conference that there was no evidence of causal links between vaccinations and deaths.

Even if tens of thousands will die within few minutes after vaccinations presstitutes, 'politicians' will claim the 'jab' had been fine. Think about what going on here.

In Würzburg, an 82-year-old man died on the premises of the vaccination center shortly after the Corona vaccination. It is remarkable how the tragic incident is reported in the media. A search query on "Google News" with the keywords "Würzburg 82-year-old" yielded only a few search hits at noon on Saturday. As a regional media provider, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation in particular is reporting on various pages or in various offerings. Interesting is, how with the reports the illnesses of the man are put into the foreground. There is talk of a "severely pre-ill person". This can at least give the impression that the deceased was almost in need of help. In any case not spry. If one reads then however between the lines and further down, one learns, "that the man went back after the inoculation...independently to the car". That sounds at least as if he was still quite spry for his age. Shortly before the report, Health Minister Jens Spahn had stated at the Federal Press Conference that there was no evidence of causal links between vaccinations and deaths.

why put up a link thats in German here in this forum?...
100 million plus have been vaccinated without issues

Why don't you start a thread on them instead of fear mongering?

Do you know something about upcoming 'issues' within few years?
Just ask yourself why governments worldwide are forcing humanity to accept the jab against the renamed as Covid flu.
Basing on your opinion I dare to claim you aren't a 'rightwinger' but a hard-core communist
Even if tens of thousands will die within few minutes after vaccinations presstitutes, 'politicians' will claim the 'jab' had been fine. Think about what going on here.

In Würzburg, an 82-year-old man died on the premises of the vaccination center shortly after the Corona vaccination. It is remarkable how the tragic incident is reported in the media. A search query on "Google News" with the keywords "Würzburg 82-year-old" yielded only a few search hits at noon on Saturday. As a regional media provider, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation in particular is reporting on various pages or in various offerings. Interesting is, how with the reports the illnesses of the man are put into the foreground. There is talk of a "severely pre-ill person". This can at least give the impression that the deceased was almost in need of help. In any case not spry. If one reads then however between the lines and further down, one learns, "that the man went back after the inoculation...independently to the car". That sounds at least as if he was still quite spry for his age. Shortly before the report, Health Minister Jens Spahn had stated at the Federal Press Conference that there was no evidence of causal links between vaccinations and deaths.

why put up a link thats in German here in this forum?...

First of all its translated, secondly there is no one in English ( say 'thank' to presstitutes )
Thread summary;

Trump cultists are laughably ignorant of statistics. It's one reason they're Trump cultists. You can fool them with any number that sounds scary.

Here's a hint, Trump cultists. In a sample of 100 million peope that skews towards the elderly, some of those people will drop dead, vaccine or no vaccine.
100 million plus have been vaccinated without issues

Why don't you start a thread on them instead of fear mongering?
he just posted that you are wrong on that,,

and why dont you post it,, oh thats right,, cause its not true and many have gotten ill or died from the shot,,
wrongwinger has always exposed he is a shill form Langley in the fact i have noticed anytime a thread is made,he never takes the time to read the op and within minutes of reading the thread title ,he posts some kind of babble bullshit on cue.

this is another excellent thread the op has made as well taking everybody to school that it is not the virus that is a danger to us,but the vaccine instead,:thup:take a look at this thread of his and please watch the video.

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100 million plus have been vaccinated without issues

Why don't you start a thread on them instead of fear mongering?

Why not acknowledge that the vaccine can, and does, have severe issues with some people?

Because it's against the Rules of the Game.

Only the 'vaccine' makes you free ( at the moment ) then follows Covid-20 ( needs of course additional jabs ) then Covid-21 ( the same ) and then you'll die
Thread summary;

Trump cultists are laughably ignorant of statistics. It's one reason they're Trump cultists. You can fool them with any number that sounds scary.

Here's a hint, Trump cultists. In a sample of 100 million peope that skews towards the elderly, some of those people will drop dead, vaccine or no vaccine.
three shills from langley here to fart in this thread,first wrongwinger,then syntholic,now you.
Even if tens of thousands will die within few minutes after vaccinations presstitutes, 'politicians' will claim the 'jab' had been fine. Think about what going on here.

In Würzburg, an 82-year-old man died on the premises of the vaccination center shortly after the Corona vaccination. It is remarkable how the tragic incident is reported in the media. A search query on "Google News" with the keywords "Würzburg 82-year-old" yielded only a few search hits at noon on Saturday. As a regional media provider, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation in particular is reporting on various pages or in various offerings. Interesting is, how with the reports the illnesses of the man are put into the foreground. There is talk of a "severely pre-ill person". This can at least give the impression that the deceased was almost in need of help. In any case not spry. If one reads then however between the lines and further down, one learns, "that the man went back after the inoculation...independently to the car". That sounds at least as if he was still quite spry for his age. Shortly before the report, Health Minister Jens Spahn had stated at the Federal Press Conference that there was no evidence of causal links between vaccinations and deaths.

That's sad. What is your point?
Even if tens of thousands will die within few minutes after vaccinations presstitutes, 'politicians' will claim the 'jab' had been fine. Think about what going on here.

In Würzburg, an 82-year-old man died on the premises of the vaccination center shortly after the Corona vaccination. It is remarkable how the tragic incident is reported in the media. A search query on "Google News" with the keywords "Würzburg 82-year-old" yielded only a few search hits at noon on Saturday. As a regional media provider, the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation in particular is reporting on various pages or in various offerings. Interesting is, how with the reports the illnesses of the man are put into the foreground. There is talk of a "severely pre-ill person". This can at least give the impression that the deceased was almost in need of help. In any case not spry. If one reads then however between the lines and further down, one learns, "that the man went back after the inoculation...independently to the car". That sounds at least as if he was still quite spry for his age. Shortly before the report, Health Minister Jens Spahn had stated at the Federal Press Conference that there was no evidence of causal links between vaccinations and deaths.

why put up a link thats in German here in this forum?...
He's a Nazi. :biggrin:
100 million plus have been vaccinated without issues Why don't you start a thread on them instead of fear mongering?
Why not acknowledge that the vaccine can, and does, have severe issues with some people?
But that's not what the OP did, he bashed the notion of taking the vaccine.

What's wrong to discuss about the side effects?
By the way we all have God given rights stolen by government now.
Covid-1984 scamdemic is the Big Lie and renamed common flu.
Also, gubmint may force us to accept the jab, but we aren't allowed to discuss about possible death.
A nice communist logic, aren't it?
100 million plus have been vaccinated without issues

Why don't you start a thread on them instead of fear mongering?

Why not acknowledge that the vaccine can, and does, have severe issues with some people?
Give me the numbers

How many have died from the vaccine?
I can post how many have died from COVID

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