AG Barr Defends Trump in Oval Office “Declaration of Border Emergency CLEARLY AUTHORIZED”

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
All the Rinos strutting about as literal Constitutional originalists, you’re wrong on this one. The power of the purse has been passed to the president for emergency declarations via long standing law. Thus the funding has been authorized by congress through that emergency powers act. If congress wants to reject the passed law, make a new law and get that passed and signed into place restricting the executive powers given to him by you.

On Friday Attorney General Bill Barr sided with President Trump. Barr said the president “absolutely has the right to declare a national emergency on the southern border there. He says the veto is the right thing to do. And the declaration will hold up in a court of law.

AG Bill Barr: Mr. President your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent… The humanitarian and security crisis that we currently have right now on the border is exactly the type of emergency that presidents are permitted to address.

Ann Coulter weighed in.

"CLEARLY LAWFUL" — Attorney General Bill Barr on border emergency declaration. But I'm sure constitutional scholars Rand Paul & Lisa Murkowski know better. Jim Hoft on Twitter — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) March 15, 2019

Ann coulter is toast after calling trump an idiot
She will not be able to crawl back to write books

Ann counter is history like the 12 republicans who went with crazy democrats

They are also toast

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