Ahhhh Barack Barack Barack.... lol....


Evil Mongering
Jun 19, 2009
Get your free Barack Obama commemorative health care reform certificate today!

Get your free Barack Obama commemorative health care reform certificate today! | Washington Examiner
Organizing for America, the permanent Obama presidential campaign, is offering a free certificate to the “over one million supporters of reform that submitted their name [sic] as ‘co-signers’ of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” OFA says it is doing so to thank those who showed “the broad support that exists across the country for the health reform bill” that Obama signed into law. “It’s free — even the shipping — and it’s personalized with your name,” says OFA. Please allow 6 – 8 weeks for delivery.

The certificate says: “Together, we reduced the cost of care. We established the toughest patient protections in history. And we achieved the dream of generations — high-quality, affordable health care is no longer the privilege of a few, but the right of all.” When you read the “privilege of a few” part, remember that about 85 percent of Americans have health care coverage, and the overwhelming majority of them are happy with it. In what way is that the “privilege of a few”?

That would make a nice gift libs. Keep it next to your chia Obama.


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