Ahmadinejad Mania In Cuba. U.S. Warns Of 'Dangerous Alliance'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Ahmadinejad’s Latin America tour seen as effort side-step international tensions and find new markets as the European Union considers an outright embargo on Iranian oil.


Ahmadinejad was to meet with Cuban President Raul Castro later Wednesday, after lecturing at the University of Havana. Cuban diplomatic sources in Havana said that Ahmadinejad also has plans to meet with historic Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

As he arrived in the communist island in the Caribbeann, Ahmadinejad lifted two fingers in a sign of victory. He was coming in from Nicaragua, where he attended Daniel Ortega's inauguration for a further presidential term late Tuesday...

At a time of tension in the oil-transport corridor of the Strait of Hormuz, Ahmadinejad's tour of Latin America - which started Sunday in Venezuela and is set to end Thursday in Ecuador - is seen as an effort to side-step growing international tensions and find new markets as the European Union considers an outright embargo on Iranian oil.

The US could impose sanctions on foreign countries doing business with Iran's central bank, which would also seriously block the inflow of money for its major export, oil.

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Iranian president arrives in Cuba; U.S. warns of
We dont come here for news we come here for discussion of the news libocalypsenow's retread. If you're not going to comment don't make a thread. But I know - you wait for the direction of the conversation to make sure you have back-up for your trolling assed points. /lame
Ahmadinejad seems to be more popular in Latin America than our President is. Hmm?
I thought the Paulbot line was an insular foreign policy, why do you care?
Ammerjabberjob smoozin' with the Hispexicans...
US Lawmakers: Iran's Latin America Ties Pose Threat to US
February 02, 2012 - Members of a U.S. congressional panel expressed concern Thursday that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's ties to several Latin American leaders could pose a threat to U.S. national security. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs that senior Iranian officials are "now more willing to conduct an attack in the United States." He said Iran is trying to penetrate and engage in the Western Hemisphere.
The chairwoman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, said some people might question whether the Iranian-Latin American connection is a threat, but she said there is cause for concern. "Iran’s [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad recently returned from his ‘Tour of Tyrants’ trip to visit Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador. Media reports have indicated an increased presence of Iran’s Quds Force in these countries and offices of Iran’s intelligence services surfacing throughout the region," said Ros-Lehtinen. "The fact that the military arm of a state-sponsor of terrorism has its operatives within multiple countries in our hemisphere is certainly cause for alarm and merits congressional focus."

Obama administration officials say the United States is keeping a close watch on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's ties to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. During Ahmadinejad's recent visit to Venezuela, he and Chavez praised each other and joked about concerns in the West about Iran's relations with Latin America. The United States and Europe have been tightening sanctions on Iran in recent months because they say Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

Democratic Representative Gary Ackerman of New York said that given Iran's actions, Tehran can expect increased international isolation. "Ahmadinejad can rack up all the frequent flyer miles he wants, and he can figure out how to convince the people that tyranny would be better and that the waste of war is superior to the fruits of peace. He will continue to find welcome only in the most marginal and radical of states," said Ackerman.

Michael Shifter, president of the Washington-based public policy group Inter-American Dialogue, agreed. He said that unlike in 2009, it is important to note that Ahmadinejad did not visit Brazil during his recent Latin American tour. "Iran is trying to expand its support in the region, and Ahmadinejad did visit four countries on his recent visit to reinforce the few ties he still has in the world. But his efforts have not been successful. And the four countries he visited, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador are less and less relevant to regional politics," said Shifter. Also on Thursday, the Senate Banking Committee approved tough new sanctions on Iran, which now will have to go to the full Senate floor.


See also:

Iran working on missile that could reach the US, warns Israel
February 2, 2012 - Iran is working on a missile that could travel 6,000 miles, and reach the US, says Israel's vice prime minister. A mysterious explosion killed 17 on Nov. 12 at the military base in Iran where Israel says the missile is being developed.
Israel said on Thursday Iran had been working on developing a missile capable of striking the United States at a military base rocked by a deadly explosion three months ago. The blast on Nov. 12 killed 17 Iranian troops, including an officer regarded as the architect of Iran's missile defenses. Iran said at the time the explosion at the facility, 45 km (28 miles) from Tehran, was an accident and occurred during research on weapons that could strike Israel. Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon, addressing Israel's annual Herzliya security conference, challenged the Iranian account that the weapons project was focused on targeting Israel, and implied Iran was seeking to extend its strike range fourfold. He said the base was a research and development facility where Iran "was preparing to produce or develop a missile with a range of 10,000 km (6,000 miles) ... aimed at the 'Great Satan', the United States of America, and not us".

Yaalon, who is also minister of strategic affairs, gave no other details nor relate his remarks to the cause of the explosion. Analysts currently estimate the longest range of an Iranian missile to be about 2,400 km, capable of reaching Israel and Europe. Israeli leaders are keen to persuade any allies who do not share their assessment of the risk posed by Iran that a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic would also threaten the West. Israel has made little comment on accusations by Tehran that its agents along with those of its Western allies are waging a covert war against Iran's nuclear programme. Iran denies Israeli and Western allegations that it is seeking to build atomic weapons, saying it is enriching uranium to generate electricity and for other peaceful purposes.


In a Nov. 28 report on the explosion at the Iranian base, the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), said it had learned the blast occurred "as Iran had achieved a major milestone in the development of a new missile". The Washington-based ISIS, founded by nuclear expert David Albright, said Iran was apparently performing a volatile procedure involving a missile engine when the explosion took place. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pressing for stronger international sanctions against Tehran, has said repeatedly that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and Europe as well.

Israel is widely believed to be the Middle East's only nuclear power and to have developed missiles capable of striking Iran. It has said all military options are open in preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. In his address, Yaalon, a former chief of staff of the Israeli military, was dismissive of arguments that underground Iranian nuclear sites may be invulnerable to so-called "bunker-buster" bombs. Speaking in general terms, he said: "From my military experience, human beings will know how to penetrate any installation protected by other human beings. Ultimately all the facilities can be hit."

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Ahmadinejad Mania In Cuba. U.S. Warns Of 'Dangerous Alliance'...

Playing the ‘Cuba card,’ how quaint.

First the Soviets were going to get us through Cuba and now Iran.

Keep fear alive.
That analogy is true. Iran and syria are their customers,thats why they veto resolutions
Politics aside; Ahmadinejad is a real class act leader.

He loves his country and always puts it first when dealing with other nations.

I only wish our leadership would follow his example of how to govern a nation.
Ahmadinejad’s Latin America tour seen as effort side-step international tensions and find new markets as the European Union considers an outright embargo on Iranian oil.


Ahmadinejad was to meet with Cuban President Raul Castro later Wednesday, after lecturing at the University of Havana. Cuban diplomatic sources in Havana said that Ahmadinejad also has plans to meet with historic Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

As he arrived in the communist island in the Caribbeann, Ahmadinejad lifted two fingers in a sign of victory. He was coming in from Nicaragua, where he attended Daniel Ortega's inauguration for a further presidential term late Tuesday...

At a time of tension in the oil-transport corridor of the Strait of Hormuz, Ahmadinejad's tour of Latin America - which started Sunday in Venezuela and is set to end Thursday in Ecuador - is seen as an effort to side-step growing international tensions and find new markets as the European Union considers an outright embargo on Iranian oil.

The US could impose sanctions on foreign countries doing business with Iran's central bank, which would also seriously block the inflow of money for its major export, oil.

Read More:
Iranian president arrives in Cuba; U.S. warns of

What the hell is Cuba going to export to Iran? Cigars and baseball players?
Ahmadinejad’s Latin America tour seen as effort side-step international tensions and find new markets as the European Union considers an outright embargo on Iranian oil.


Ahmadinejad was to meet with Cuban President Raul Castro later Wednesday, after lecturing at the University of Havana. Cuban diplomatic sources in Havana said that Ahmadinejad also has plans to meet with historic Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

As he arrived in the communist island in the Caribbeann, Ahmadinejad lifted two fingers in a sign of victory. He was coming in from Nicaragua, where he attended Daniel Ortega's inauguration for a further presidential term late Tuesday...

At a time of tension in the oil-transport corridor of the Strait of Hormuz, Ahmadinejad's tour of Latin America - which started Sunday in Venezuela and is set to end Thursday in Ecuador - is seen as an effort to side-step growing international tensions and find new markets as the European Union considers an outright embargo on Iranian oil.

The US could impose sanctions on foreign countries doing business with Iran's central bank, which would also seriously block the inflow of money for its major export, oil.

Read More:
Iranian president arrives in Cuba; U.S. warns of

What the hell is Cuba going to export to Iran? Cigars and baseball players?

maybe some deoderant?
Politics aside; Ahmadinejad is a real class act leader.

He loves his country and always puts it first when dealing with other nations.

I only wish our leadership would follow his example of how to govern a nation.

If you support terrorist regimes and leaders,then get the fuck out. Hopefully someones watching this board and picking up this proterror regime shit,and your ass gets a first class back to wherever the fuck it is you came from.
Politics aside; Ahmadinejad is a real class act leader.

He loves his country and always puts it first when dealing with other nations.

I only wish our leadership would follow his example of how to govern a nation.

If you support terrorist regimes and leaders,then get the fuck out. Hopefully someones watching this board and picking up this proterror regime shit,and your ass gets a first class back to wherever the fuck it is you came from.
Why would you want to send me back to Ohio??

I am a loyal an patriotic American who loves my country and am against terrorism.

All I was doing is making an observation about the leadership style of a foreign ruler in comparison to our current president.

What's wrong with that??
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