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Ahmed didn't build a clock

"You're a child. A child with little understanding of how the world works."Cops are getting gunned down everyday." Look up the number of police murders. Compare that to the 70s and 80s. You're statement isn't even close to truth."Sanctuary cities are your fault." Wrong. I worked for an immigration lawyer. If an illegal is picked up and detained in jail for weeks on end and something happens he can sue the city and they would have to pay for it. If INS isn't already there MANY cities will let illegals go because of due process requirements. It's Congress' job to provide proper funding for these organizations so they can have the resources needed to deal with dangerous illegal immigrants."Unarmed marines are your fault!" Because no military base regulations existed prior to Obama. Oh wait that's also totally false."Black lives matter is a domestic terrorist organization." Name one major executive member of the national black lives matter movement calling for any type of violence and maybe I'll take your slanderous claim remotely seriously.My only advice is that you research junior. You simply regurgitate poorly talking points from a shallow pool of information and because you're a young black teen with a YouTube account you went viral. They don't like you kid. Not really. Hopefully you learn from this."
Video is destroyed.

"You're a child. A child with little understanding of how the world works."Cops are getting gunned down everyday." Look up the number of police murders. Compare that to the 70s and 80s. You're statement isn't even close to truth."Sanctuary cities are your fault." Wrong. I worked for an immigration lawyer. If an illegal is picked up and detained in jail for weeks on end and something happens he can sue the city and they would have to pay for it. If INS isn't already there MANY cities will let illegals go because of due process requirements. It's Congress' job to provide proper funding for these organizations so they can have the resources needed to deal with dangerous illegal immigrants."Unarmed marines are your fault!" Because no military base regulations existed prior to Obama. Oh wait that's also totally false."Black lives matter is a domestic terrorist organization." Name one major executive member of the national black lives matter movement calling for any type of violence and maybe I'll take your slanderous claim remotely seriously.My only advice is that you research junior. You simply regurgitate poorly talking points from a shallow pool of information and because you're a young black teen with a YouTube account you went viral. They don't like you kid. Not really. Hopefully you learn from this."
Video is destroyed.

Not everywhere. One kid had the right idea

10-year-old cooks up positive police relations - CBS News

"You're a child. A child with little understanding of how the world works."Cops are getting gunned down everyday." Look up the number of police murders. Compare that to the 70s and 80s. You're statement isn't even close to truth."Sanctuary cities are your fault." Wrong. I worked for an immigration lawyer. If an illegal is picked up and detained in jail for weeks on end and something happens he can sue the city and they would have to pay for it. If INS isn't already there MANY cities will let illegals go because of due process requirements. It's Congress' job to provide proper funding for these organizations so they can have the resources needed to deal with dangerous illegal immigrants."Unarmed marines are your fault!" Because no military base regulations existed prior to Obama. Oh wait that's also totally false."Black lives matter is a domestic terrorist organization." Name one major executive member of the national black lives matter movement calling for any type of violence and maybe I'll take your slanderous claim remotely seriously.My only advice is that you research junior. You simply regurgitate poorly talking points from a shallow pool of information and because you're a young black teen with a YouTube account you went viral. They don't like you kid. Not really. Hopefully you learn from this."
Video is destroyed.

How about that, a BLACK, 13 year old with an IQ 50 points higher than an old, liberal, white asshole! There is hope for the black race as the Liberal DemocRATS import UNEDUCATED Latino's into this country to take the blacks places in jobs and voting. They are cheaper labor, and settle for LESS FREE SHIT!....The blacks are finally learning!
  • Briefcase Clock Maker UPDATE: Kid admits forethought – knew it was going to be “suspicious”
    Conservative Treehouse ^ | Sep 18, 2015 | Sundance
    UPDATE: In his own words Ahmed Mohamed, 14, an Irving MacArthur High student essentially states he knew taking the device to school was controversial. Listen at 1:26 video: “I closed it with a cable, so… because, I didn’t want to lock it to make it seem like a threat so I just used simple cable…. so it won’t look that much suspicious”. Update#2 – We are not the only people to pick up on the admitted “intent”. Follow THIS LINK – To see exactly how it was engineered and the kids’ story gets even more sketchy.
Imagine when he takes the clock to the White House...and it gets the full monty of inspection by the Secret Service....because it looks like a bomb...do you think the media will cover that?

Once again....another lie like "Hands up don't shoot". Liberals are falling over themselves to tweet photos of themselves holding actual real clocks that display time and sarcastic quotes like "Oh I look dangerous". No you look.like a retard.

Hockmed knew his device would cause concern. God damn liberals are so easy to dupe. He wanted to get a rise out of people and he got it.

HIS FATHER is running for president in Sudan by the way. Hmmm......wouldn't a nice lawsuit help with campaign funding????
Geller: 'Islamophobia' Clock a 'Setup'
"This story is pure agitprop most fatal."
Pamela Geller says that the story of a Muslim teen arrested this week for bringing a device that looked like a bomb to school is a

setup" likely dreamed up by the boy's pro-Muslim activist father.

Geller, the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, became a national name after the AFDI's controversial "Draw Muhammad" contest was targeted by Islamic extremists.

In an op-ed Thursday, Geller said she though something "smelled fishy" when she first heard reports of teen Ahmed Mohamed being taken away in handcuffs for bringing a mysterious "ticking device" to school and being "passive aggressive" when questioned by officials. But when more information about the father surfaced, Geller said the whole thing "positively stinks":

In what has become one of the most egregious of the faked hate narratives, the bomb hoax clockster turns out to come from a family that has a history of supremacist stunts. The New York Daily News reported this Wednesday about Ahmed Mohamed’s father, Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed:

all of it here:
Geller: 'Islamophobia' Clock a 'Setup'
Geller: 'Islamophobia' Clock a 'Setup'
"This story is pure agitprop most fatal."
Pamela Geller says that the story of a Muslim teen arrested this week for bringing a device that looked like a bomb to school is a

setup" likely dreamed up by the boy's pro-Muslim activist father.

Geller, the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, became a national name after the AFDI's controversial "Draw Muhammad" contest was targeted by Islamic extremists.

In an op-ed Thursday, Geller said she though something "smelled fishy" when she first heard reports of teen Ahmed Mohamed being taken away in handcuffs for bringing a mysterious "ticking device" to school and being "passive aggressive" when questioned by officials. But when more information about the father surfaced, Geller said the whole thing "positively stinks":

In what has become one of the most egregious of the faked hate narratives, the bomb hoax clockster turns out to come from a family that has a history of supremacist stunts. The New York Daily News reported this Wednesday about Ahmed Mohamed’s father, Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed:

all of it here:
Geller: 'Islamophobia' Clock a 'Setup'

Now it's coming out Daddy insisted the police leave the handcuffs on until a picture could be taken. This thing is blowing up in the media and left's faces. Complete set up
This is ridiculous. An innocent kid is humiliated and unjustly detained and handcuffed; and conservatives are in an uproar because he got the last laugh.

I guess we should thank Agmed for trolling you conservative fucks.

You were duped. Learn to live with it.

(Complete meltdown with accompanying obscenity and name calling in 3...2...1...)
I'm laughing along with Ahmed. His story has ended up teaching America an important lesson about the people who call themselves conservatives.

And the lesson is conservatives aren't as easily dupes as liberals...I agree, it's a very important lesson.

Like the dipshit in Trump's audience who knows Obama isn't American & there are terroist training camps right here... I suppose they must be inside those damn FEMA camps....:rolleyes:
We need to wake up to the GAMES that is BEING played on us. and that Obama jumped right in it. well you freaking decide why that would be?
These teachers can tell the difference between a clock and a bomb, much in the same way that many conservatives understand the difference between Sikhs and Muslims.

Anyone remember the Sikh temple that was shot up by some redneck because he thought they were Muslims?

No... But I recall a Leftist that shot up a Sikh Temple.

<pffft> here you go again... 'leftists' aren't typically neo Nazi's you fool.
A leftist? Really? Facts dispute your allegations...........................

"Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin."

A White Supremacist? You mean like the KU KLUX KLAN? The Race-hatin' cult which was created by a Democrat, FOR Democrats?


Now... Are we talkin' a real Robert Byrd type Right Winger?

That is fascinatin'...

Ya say he was from Wisconsin? Oh my... Wisconsin... now is that a state commonly affiliated with RIGHT WINGERS?

I mean, Wisconsin was founded by predominantly German and Scandinavian "Social Democrats"... OKA: Socialists. Same group also kicked off Minnesota and Illinois. Not a ton of "Right Wingers" to be found in that cult. LOL! Unless you count "Progs" as RW'ers... . But only children and fools fall for that drivel. (Now... how old are you?)

Not sure what the "Army" reference is supposed to mean... perhaps you can elucidate on that one.

But... that said... by the looks of things I'd say that we're talkin' about the same leftist that shot up the Sikh Temple.

Anywwho... Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

KKK members from the old south are not the same as today. Why are all southern states RED states if they are still Democrats. Never mind, don't bother answering with your insane rants.
A leftist? Really? Facts dispute your allegations...........................

"Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin."

A White Supremacist? You mean like the KU KLUX KLAN? The Race-hatin' cult which was created by a Democrat, FOR Democrats?


Now... Are we talkin' a real Robert Byrd type Right Winger?

That is fascinatin'...

Ya say he was from Wisconsin? Oh my... Wisconsin... now is that a state commonly affiliated with RIGHT WINGERS?

I mean, Wisconsin was founded by predominantly German and Scandinavian "Social Democrats"... OKA: Socialists. Same group also kicked off Minnesota and Illinois. Not a ton of "Right Wingers" to be found in that cult. LOL! Unless you count "Progs" as RW'ers... . But only children and fools fall for that drivel. (Now... how old are you?)

Not sure what the "Army" reference is supposed to mean... perhaps you can elucidate on that one.

But... that said... by the looks of things I'd say that we're talkin' about the same leftist that shot up the Sikh Temple.

Anywwho... Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

KKK members from the old south are not the same as today. Why are all southern states RED states if they are still Democrats. Never mind, don't bother answering with your insane rants.

Easy. Because most Southerners aren't fucking racists like white Democrats. That's we we are mostly Red State down here.

Democrats are the most racist subgroup of Americans....and have been for 2 centuries.
A leftist? Really? Facts dispute your allegations...........................

"Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin."

A White Supremacist? You mean like the KU KLUX KLAN? The Race-hatin' cult which was created by a Democrat, FOR Democrats?


Now... Are we talkin' a real Robert Byrd type Right Winger?

That is fascinatin'...

Ya say he was from Wisconsin? Oh my... Wisconsin... now is that a state commonly affiliated with RIGHT WINGERS?

I mean, Wisconsin was founded by predominantly German and Scandinavian "Social Democrats"... OKA: Socialists. Same group also kicked off Minnesota and Illinois. Not a ton of "Right Wingers" to be found in that cult. LOL! Unless you count "Progs" as RW'ers... . But only children and fools fall for that drivel. (Now... how old are you?)

Not sure what the "Army" reference is supposed to mean... perhaps you can elucidate on that one.

But... that said... by the looks of things I'd say that we're talkin' about the same leftist that shot up the Sikh Temple.

Anywwho... Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

KKK members from the old south are not the same as today. Why are all southern states RED states if they are still Democrats. Never mind, don't bother answering with your insane rants.

Easy. Because most Southerners aren't fucking racists like white Democrats. That's we we are mostly Red State down here.

Democrats are the most racist subgroup of Americans....and have been for 2 centuries.

LOL. You're from the south? Figures you would say that. And the Civil War had zero to do with owning black people & that Confederate Flag is just showing all that southern pride too, right?
A leftist? Really? Facts dispute your allegations...........................

"Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin."

A White Supremacist? You mean like the KU KLUX KLAN? The Race-hatin' cult which was created by a Democrat, FOR Democrats?


Now... Are we talkin' a real Robert Byrd type Right Winger?

That is fascinatin'...

Ya say he was from Wisconsin? Oh my... Wisconsin... now is that a state commonly affiliated with RIGHT WINGERS?

I mean, Wisconsin was founded by predominantly German and Scandinavian "Social Democrats"... OKA: Socialists. Same group also kicked off Minnesota and Illinois. Not a ton of "Right Wingers" to be found in that cult. LOL! Unless you count "Progs" as RW'ers... . But only children and fools fall for that drivel. (Now... how old are you?)

Not sure what the "Army" reference is supposed to mean... perhaps you can elucidate on that one.

But... that said... by the looks of things I'd say that we're talkin' about the same leftist that shot up the Sikh Temple.

Anywwho... Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

KKK members from the old south are not the same as today. Why are all southern states RED states if they are still Democrats. Never mind, don't bother answering with your insane rants.

Easy. Because most Southerners aren't fucking racists like white Democrats. That's we we are mostly Red State down here.

Democrats are the most racist subgroup of Americans....and have been for 2 centuries.

LOL. You're from the south? Figures you would say that. And the Civil War had zero to do with owning black people & that Confederate Flag is just showing all that southern pride too, right?

Yes I am. Originally Charlotte. Lived in Atlanta a while. A little.bit all over the US. Now coastal SC. The South has better race relations than anywhere in the country. You dipshit liberals don't think so because you've been brainwashed. You all think every Southerner has that flag or gives a fuck about it. You Northern liberals care more about that 1861 shit than we do. We're busy taking all your jobs down here, and having far better weather, women, food, football, you name it...we like it better down here.

But go ahead...yall keep watching MSNBC and being brainwashed into thinking that about the South. They're right. It's horrible....you should NEVER move down here. Afterall....we're full with the tens of millions of people trying to move here.
A leftist? Really? Facts dispute your allegations...........................

"Page was an American white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin."

A White Supremacist? You mean like the KU KLUX KLAN? The Race-hatin' cult which was created by a Democrat, FOR Democrats?


Now... Are we talkin' a real Robert Byrd type Right Winger?

That is fascinatin'...

Ya say he was from Wisconsin? Oh my... Wisconsin... now is that a state commonly affiliated with RIGHT WINGERS?

I mean, Wisconsin was founded by predominantly German and Scandinavian "Social Democrats"... OKA: Socialists. Same group also kicked off Minnesota and Illinois. Not a ton of "Right Wingers" to be found in that cult. LOL! Unless you count "Progs" as RW'ers... . But only children and fools fall for that drivel. (Now... how old are you?)

Not sure what the "Army" reference is supposed to mean... perhaps you can elucidate on that one.

But... that said... by the looks of things I'd say that we're talkin' about the same leftist that shot up the Sikh Temple.

Anywwho... Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

KKK members from the old south are not the same as today. Why are all southern states RED states if they are still Democrats. Never mind, don't bother answering with your insane rants.

Easy. Because most Southerners aren't fucking racists like white Democrats. That's we we are mostly Red State down here.

Democrats are the most racist subgroup of Americans....and have been for 2 centuries.

LOL. You're from the south? Figures you would say that. And the Civil War had zero to do with owning black people & that Confederate Flag is just showing all that southern pride too, right?

Yes I am. Originally Charlotte. Lived in Atlanta a while. A little.bit all over the US. Now coastal SC. The South has better race relations than anywhere in the country. You dipshit liberals don't think so because you've been brainwashed. You all think every Southerner has that flag or gives a fuck about it. You Northern liberals care more about that 1861 shit than we do. We're busy taking all your jobs down here, and having far better weather, women, food, football, you name it...we like it better down here.

But go ahead...yall keep watching MSNBC and being brainwashed into thinking that about the South. They're right. It's horrible....you should NEVER move down here. Afterall....we're full with the tens of millions of people trying to move here.

LOL. I don't watch MSNBC. And I've been down your way & I have seen far too many flags waving in the breeze to think anything otherwise. Are ALL southerners racists? Of course not. Are all Northerners Liberals? OH HELL NO. We even have our fair share of Confederate flags waving up here... but to say that the south isn't still dripping with prejudice is denying reality.
The father is a fucking radical Islamofacist. The father KNEW what the boy was doing. The father encouraged the boy.
The boy admitted he bought the clock off EBay.
The 'clock' could have been a detonator.
BOBO the fucking clown got 'gamed' again. Dear God the man is stupid!
The 'boy's' name and the entire family and their history is now in a data bank at the CIA/FBI.
We haven't seen the last of the 'budding' terrorist.
The father is a fucking radical Islamofacist. The father KNEW what the boy was doing. The father encouraged the boy.
The boy admitted he bought the clock off EBay.
The 'clock' could have been a detonator.
BOBO the fucking clown got 'gamed' again. Dear God the man is stupid!
The 'boy's' name and the entire family and their history is now in a data bank at the CIA/FBI.
We haven't seen the last of the 'budding' terrorist.

Bingo :)

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