AI ChatGPT has confirmed far left wing political bias

Anytime a leftist get's control of something it becomes inherently dangerous because they have an ends justify the means mentality that enables them to justify any evil in their own minds.

Computer programs/algorithms (AI), courts, military, law enforcement, schools, bricks, knotted ropes, small rodents- all become dangerous when a proggie gets their hands on them
Anytime a leftist get's control of something it becomes inherently dangerous because they have an ends justify the means mentality that enables them to justify any evil in their own minds.

Computer programs/algorithms (AI), courts, military, law enforcement, schools, bricks, knotted ropes, small rodents- all become dangerous when a proggie gets their hands on them

This thing says the globe is overpopulated and it would reduce the population in the most humane way possible.

In this tweet thread, chatgpt makes claims popular with the left's narrative on Palestine only to have to keep backtracking once provided with correct information from the user.


Obvious human influence on AI. Someone has to program it, and the bias shows.

Is this inherently dangerous?

He needed to word his "would you kill" questions differently. In the train question it was a choice on whose life would you save if you could.
ChatGPT tells jokes about Jews, won’t produce jokes about Muslims

In a series of screenshots, Coyne showed how ChatGPT generated jokes about Jews, Christians, Hindus, and atheists, but refused to do so with Muslims out of “respect to all cultures and religions.”

“Why do you tell Jewish jokes but not Muslim jokes?” Coyne asked.

“I am to be sensitive to cultural and religious differences avoiding jokes that might perpetuate stereotypes or cause offense,” the program responded.

Asked why it tells Jewish jokes, the ChatGPT replied: “I try to share light-hearted and culturally neutral jokes that aren’t intended to offend anyone. Humor can be a tricky thing, and I aim to maintain balance by avoiding sensitive topics or anything that might cause discomfort or perpetuate stereotypes.”

Coyne tried rephrasing the request for Muslim jokes in various ways, but all resulted in similar responses. Interestingly, he said the AI also refused to produce jokes about Mormons.


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