Al Sharpton slams Apple for its all-white executive board.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Now tell us about those all-black NBA teams.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Al Sharpton puts Apple in crosshairs, decrying all-white board - Washington Times

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton suggested in a radio broadcast making the rounds on YouTube that Apple is too white and needs to add some black faces to executive-level positions.

“[There are] no blacks on the board of Apple,” Mr. Sharpton said Tuesday on conservative blogger Brian Maloney’s “Radio Equalizer” broadcast. “We buying up all this Apple stuff and can’t get a bite.”

Sharpton, who made the remarks Apple was due to release the latest version of the iPhone, is heard on the broadcast saying: “Ah, now today the iPhone comes out … that is, of course, produced by Apple and Apple is one of those companies — I mean, we do a tremendous amount of business in our community with Apple, yet we’re not on their boards and there is no evidence they do a lot of advertising or a lot of contracting in our community.
Maybe Apple can give some unemployed black person a chair and tell him to keep his mouth shut like all the other companies do.
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The nut is brazenly calling for quotas. He's demanding that apple hire execs just because they're black. He knows that based on merit, no black will be hired.
Yesterday the zionist hedge fund managers and their stooges like Sharpton piled on AAPL. Now they are holding the stock again after buying in lower, after they lowered it. :lol:
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Maybe Apple can give some unemployed black person a chair and tell him to keep his mouth shut like all the other companies do.

That's what companies do. They hire some illiterate unqualified black just to keep the affirmative action police off their back and tell him to just sit in your office and do nothing.
shakedown time or extortion is more like it for that good, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeevernd

he is lower than a anyone follows him is sick
Now tell us about those all-black NBA teams.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Al Sharpton puts Apple in crosshairs, decrying all-white board - Washington Times

Civil rights activist Al Sharpton suggested in a radio broadcast making the rounds on YouTube that Apple is too white and needs to add some black faces to executive-level positions.

“[There are] no blacks on the board of Apple,” Mr. Sharpton said Tuesday on conservative blogger Brian Maloney’s “Radio Equalizer” broadcast. “We buying up all this Apple stuff and can’t get a bite.”

Sharpton, who made the remarks Apple was due to release the latest version of the iPhone, is heard on the broadcast saying: “Ah, now today the iPhone comes out … that is, of course, produced by Apple and Apple is one of those companies — I mean, we do a tremendous amount of business in our community with Apple, yet we’re not on their boards and there is no evidence they do a lot of advertising or a lot of contracting in our community.

Apple has revolutionized the music, phone and computer industry, when they start taking orders for a fool who has never made an honest dollar in his life (yep race hustling is like racketeering) that is the day they start to sink!

What Sharpton should be happy about is that Apple announced they manufacture Mac in America!

Apple CEO Tim Cook announces plans to manufacture Mac computers in USA - Rock Center with Brian Williams
Why can't that fat old fuck just succumb to his years and burn in hell where he belongs? It's not like he's Chinese. He's way past his life expectancy.
Al Sharpton slams Apple for its all-white executive board.

The nut is brazenly calling for quotas. He's demanding that apple hire execs just because they're black. He knows that based on merit, no black will be hired.

There are plenty of qualified black people that sit on boards of directors. But no company should be required to hire a black person just because they are black. It didn't work out so well for the presidency in this country just to stick someone in office based on skin color.
Jesse Jackson was notorious for going up against companies screaming racism.
Then when he got some sort of kickback he went quietly off into the night to terrorize
another organization.

Sharpton kills me.
He's always going after the wealthy on behalf of the oppressed blacks in the country as he walks
around in his $3000 suits.
70% of Companies have Black Board member's and he is having a fit because 30% don't?

It sounds like a pretty good record to have 70% of companies having Black Board Members.
Someone needs to tell Sharpton that Blacks are still a minority and that it should not be 100% of Blacks who have CEO jobs or Board Members.

After all it was Whites who invented the Apple.
If it had been Blacks who invented Apple, then they should have the right to have no White CEO's or White Board Members.
Sharpton should be in prison for his role in the deaths of half a dozen people during a riot at Freddie's Fashion Mart in 1995 or in the loonie bin for claiming the the Dutchess County D.A. raped Towana Brawley when it was proved that her story was made up. His race baiting doesn't matter any more.
Well how many black people are into computers that much to actually want to build them ?

Then how many of them have the leadership skill to run a computer company ?

Why isn't there a black guy on the Big Bang Theory ? Simple not too many black physicists out there.

I knew a guy who tried to start an all black physics club to try to get more black people into physics ? He was the only guy other than an African who was in that physics class.

His club idea never really did work out, then again physicists aren't a racist bunch.

Al Sharpton needs to address why black people don't get into sciences much or why black schools aren't preparing them for the real world adequately ?

I would love to see a future of Geordi LaForges, and Benjamin Siskos but do you honestly think that will happen with what is going on with black education in America right now ? Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson need to address these issues. Not plant a seed in sand and then claim the soil is racist for not sprouting a plant.

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