“ala. Anti-immigrant law?”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(FYI; Alabama’s anti-illegal immigration law)
Quote Scott Douglas. Greater Birmingham Ministers. Steven Colbert show.
Watch The Colbert Report Season 7 Episode 168 online | Rev. Scott Douglas | TV Show | SideReel

Illegal immigration is a crime. “it’s a federal crime. Not a state crime.” WTF?:confused:
“We should be using our law enforcement to hunt down serious crimesStealing jobs, killing Americans and raping children are not “serious crimes?”
“Dr. King said; “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”
Blacks did not enter this country illegally. The were taken by force, shackled and put on slave ships and forced into slave labor for 200 years. They made contributions to this country. They did not even get paid cheap labor wages and was considered less than human even after they were freed. When they protested they were beaten, hosed down, attacked by dogs and jailed. And sometime murdered. When has any Illegal Alien’s protest been beaten, hosed down and dog let loose on them and murdered.

Illegal aliens displace Afro-American in the workforce more than any other race. Unemployment among Afro-Americans are higher them among Illegal Aliens.

How dare you evoke Dr. Kings name when making excuses for Illegal Aliens. And it is not an injustice to enforce our immigration laws. Dr. King would have been for legal immigration and not illegal immigration.

Illegal Aliens have invaded and occupied this country, killed more Americans and raped more children than Al Qaeda and Taliban combined. What would we do if Al Qaeda and the Taliban invaded and occupied this country? We would hunt them down and kill them.
Two more sections of Alabama immigration law blocked...
Court blocks more of Alabama immigration law
3/8/12 - A federal appeals court has temporarily blocked two more sections of a new Alabama law targeting illegal immigration.
The order issued Thursday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit bars enforcement of a provision forbidding state and local governments from engaging in "business transactions" with illegal immigrants and another that instructs state courts not to enforce contracts involving those illegally in the U.S.

The three-judge panel handling lawsuits over the Alabama law offered no detailed rationale for the decision, but said that the federal government and private groups challenging the law had "met their burden" to expand a previously-ordered injunction against other parts of the law, including a requirement for schools to check the immigration status of children. The limits on the Alabama measure are expected to remain in place until the U.S. Supreme Court rules later this year on a similar Arizona law.

Critics of the Alabama legislation were delighted with the 11th Circuit ruling, while the state government expressed dismay. "Today’s order brings immediate relief to countless Alabamians whose fundamental rights have been trampled by this anti-immigrant law," Cecilia Wang of the American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement. "These provisions were designed to make it impossible for ordinary families to live in Alabama by stripping them of their ability to engage in contracts – like rental agreements or car leases – and to do any business with the state government. They are unconstitutional and the court rightly blocked them pending a final ruling on the appeal.”

"I strongly disagree with the Eleventh Circuit’s decision today to temporarily enjoin two provisions of the immigration law that the District Court upheld," Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange said in a statement. "I will continue to vigorously defend Alabama’s immigration law in the courts. I am hopeful that the Supreme Court's coming decision in the Arizona case will make clear that our law is constitutional." The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on the Arizona law on April 25.

I would only comment that illegal entry is not a crime. It is a misdemeanor, not a criminal offense. I know that it is commonly called a crime, even by law enforcement and politicians and I don't point this out in order to minimalize the issue. I think it is important to consider this when ever you wonder why certain things are done or not done regarding the issue. It's only a misdemeanor and that means that some of these harsh penalties that some think we should pursue just aren't going to happen unless there is a fundamental change in how illegal entry is defined. As it stands now, it is a misdemeanor, along the lines of a serious traffic offense.

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