Alabama Governor Bentley had illicit affair with staffer in Governor’s office

I looked at his website and it looks like he's doing a good job at governor. Also, how many Democratic politicians have had affairs? Most of them probably.
Democratic governors don't run on family values ... Bentley did.
So it's ok for Democratic politicians to be immoral and unethical slimeballs because that's what they stand for?
If that suits you. Bentley is a hypocrite.
Doesn't it make you a hypocrite to judge a Republican but not judge a Democrat? That's a double standard. And who the hell are you to judge? Since you are a Democrat, I can assume you are a homosexual and/or a transvestite.
I don't judge unless it's a hypocrite.

Then I suggest you do not vote for him if he runs for reelection. Other than that, what business is it of yours?
Republicans and conservatives have only themselves to blame for such ridicule – the consequence of their arrogant nonsense about being the party of ‘family values.’
Liberals are into abortion, homosexuality, sodomy, transexualism, transvestitism, pedophilia, child pornography, so please don't set yourself up as a judge to anyone.
Conservatives are into all that, but pretend to be against it.
It seems all of the fine, moral, christian, conservatard nutters in this thread are just fine with his behavior, or as expected resort to deflection.

What a bunch of hypocrites. Party of Family Values my ass.

Sorry! We were all Clintonized in the 90s.
Is this wrong, Political Junky? Should the governor be forced out of office?
Yes & yes.

So you think Bill Clinton should have been impeached for his misconduct?

The coward won't answer that question. Ironically, he's a hypocrite.


You and others on the right are in no position to accuse others of being 'cowards' or ‘hypocrites.’
He's out of there. Conservatives will not reelect him and you can bet he is being asked to step down The only way you can get away with this sort of thing is to be a Clinton.

Do you remember when they tossed Senator Vitter after his illicit affairs were made public? Yeah, me neither. lol

Did you look at his last election results before making that uninformed comment?
Is this wrong, Political Junky? Should the governor be forced out of office?
Yes & yes.

So you think Bill Clinton should have been impeached for his misconduct?
This post should be impeached for being a red herring fallacy.

This reply should be impeached for it being a nonsensical mental meandering of someone whose avatar is considered toilet paper by most liberals.
The problem with Democrats is they hate family values, and hates any politician who talks about family values.

The founder of the Democratic party was a man who took a black slave as a mistress and had children with her, and then his children were also his slaves, etc. and he didn't free them because he had so much debt from his foolish squandering of money to fix up his plantation.

Since then, Democrats have proven over and over that they are unfaithful husbands, bad role models to their children, drunkards, philanderers, prostitute solicitors, rapists, expositionists, child pornography viewers, who have homosexual brothels in their basement.

A Republican gets a little sidelined in his marriage, and these Democrats who wallow in their own filth and semen, make a pretense to be outraged.
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