Alan Dershowitz On Trump's Legal Team?

Yup he will be in the senate to defend Trump another Democrat..
Dershowitz is great at getting guilty people off

Ask OJ
I have to wonder whether he is there to discuss the impeachment or Epstein.
Yup he will be in the senate to defend Trump another Democrat..

I don't know if it's so much defending Trump than it is defending the system and our Constitution. He was very critical about the way Schiff Face handled the House inquiries, the stacked deck of one pro-Trump constitutional expert to the three against, and even laughed at what their claims were for impeaching Trump.

It's not being pro-Trump because he made similar criticisms during the Clinton impeachment.

The left now hates him because he's one of the few honest Democrats they have, and you can't be honest and bi-partisan if you are a Democrat. You either march to the beating drum or you don't, right or wrong.

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