...this forum noticed "Trump Employee #4" earlier.....

Breaking News:

A Trump employee who monitored security cameras at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate abruptly retracted his earlier grand jury testimony and implicated Trump and others in obstruction of justice just after switching from an attorney paid for by a Trump political action committee to a lawyer from the federal defender’s office in Washington, prosecutors said in a court filing Tuesday.

The aide — described as “Trump Employee 4” in public court filings but identified elsewhere as Yuscil Taveras — held the title of director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. He initially testified to a grand jury in Washington, D.C., that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos, but after getting the new attorney “immediately … retracted his prior false testimony” and detailed the alleged effort to tamper with evidence related to the investigation of the handling of classified information stored at Trump’s Florida home, the new submission said.
the house of cards will come tumbling down
What will FoxCon News say?

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Prosecutors say witness in Trump's classified documents case retracted false testimony​

We shall see how this man gets brutally attacked for being honest.
Michael Cohen is on line #1
Michael Cohen did Trump much damage, after Trump turned on him.

This guy will probably be a nail that seals the coffin
the house of cards will come tumbling down
The better question is what happens after.

It is clear that his supporters will still support him, will still have refused to read a single charge or piece of evidence brought against him and ultimately believe his he is innocent no matter what the reality is.

Trump will go away at some point, these people will not.
No - DemocraTaliban.
… What are you, insane?
Crazy like a sane person seeing the country being burned down by the DemocraTaliban.
Many Repubs like to say Dems are “immoral” because they are “atheists” or even “Satanists.”
After all most support women’s rights including their right to have an abortion.
Good show; the actual Taliban has its less than horrible aspects as well.
Does that sound like the Taliban to you?
The DemocraTaliban is VASTLY more dangerous, I agree.

But they do stand up for abortion, yes.
Dems also like to point out that many Repubs are more or less “Christian Nationalists.”
Or they say correctly that Trumpsters are often anti-woman religious fanatics …
like the Taliban.
The Republicans are horrible, I agree.

But the DemocraTaliban is VASTLY worse.
Many Dems also believe that the MAGA movement or “Trump Party” contains millions of “semi-fascist” authoritarians
— which however is not the same as your saying Dems are “Nazis”!
Good point - the DemocraTaliban is worse.
You really need to get your own ludicrous insults, epithets and slanderous political characterizations straight!
I should watch more CNN?
Don’t these words have any meaning to you
Sure they do.
besides how useful they are at insulting & trolling Democrats?
In fairness, I’m always happy to insult and troll Republicans as well. :)

As long as it’s accurate, I’ll say it.
Aren’t you also the one who makes a big deal of distinguishing between “liberals” and “leftists”?
You noticed! :re:
I agree with making that distinction …
though I doubt we distinguish them in the same way.
No doubt.
I suppose if Dems are “Taliban fascists”
At best.
and “Nazis” they couldn’t also be “communists” — as so many Trump fanatics often claim.
Correct. :)
What a relief to know that ….
Well here is another characterization — psychopaths — which I also would argue applies more to Trump cultists than to average Democrats.
I don’t know any Trump cultists.

Are they like DemocraTaliban cultists?
Whatever, glad you see some “good points” in my earlier comment.
You’re obviously quite smart, if a scootch confused on some things.
Sorry you nevertheless have such nutty ideas in general!
Crazy like a patriot, bra. :)
And it is now confirmed that it is Don Trump's Mar-A-Lago IT specialist, Yuscil Taveras.
And now it is confirmed that he flipped.
He will be a material witness against the interest of at least Nauta, possibly Trump himself.

This was reported today:

"Prosecutors: Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers

Special counsel Jack Smith’s team revealed the details of the employee’s about-face in a new filing."

"A Trump employee who monitored security cameras at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate abruptly retracted his earlier grand jury testimony and implicated Trump and others in obstruction of justice just after switching from an attorney paid for by a Trump political action committee ........ prosecutors said in a court filing Tuesday.

The aide — described as “Trump Employee 4” in public court filings but identified elsewhere as Yuscil Taveras — held the title of director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. He initially testified to a grand jury in Washington, D.C., that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos, but after getting the new attorney “immediately … retracted his prior false testimony” and detailed the alleged effort to tamper with evidence related to the investigation of the handling of classified information stored at Trump’s Florida home, the new submission said."
Yeah, they're flipping like hotcakes.

The excuse will be that they're commie spies. Or something.

The issue in Trump's case is whether his handling of classified information is a felony. This has no bearing on the outcome of Trump's case. The Court might ultimately rule that the President, having absolute power to declassify any document on his own whim, CANNOT mis-handle classified documents simply by taking them to his post-White House residence.

Lefties are so stupid.

You misstate the case.

The issue in the DocGates case isn't "whether his handling of classified information is a felony" doesn't state it correctly. The later use of "...the President, having absolute" indicates the time frame is while he was President.

There are multiple issues in the DocGates case as described in the indictment which include:
  • Mishandling of classified information AFTER leaving the Office of President.
  • Obstruction of Justice in failure to return said documents after official notification of responsible government officers (embodied in the NARA and FBI) per 18USC793(e) AFTER leaving the Office of President.
  • Conspiracy to obstruct justice in failure to comply with the subpoena issued by a Federal Court for their return by actively plotting the relocation of documents to prevent their accounting AFTER leaving the Office of President.
  • And now we have conspiracy and obstruction in attempting to destroy evidence such as the security videos all of which is AFTER leaving the Office of President.
..., having absolute power to declassify any document on his own whim, CANNOT mis-handle classified documents simply by taking them to his post-White House residence.

And just to be clear, the above statement is not the issue. There is no doubt that as President POTUS#45 could have loaded pallets of documents and sent them to MAL prior to noon on January 20, 2021.

The issue is change over time. At noon on January 20, 2021 POTUS#45 became FPOTUS#45 and at that point in time no longer had authorization to have the documents in question at his private residence.

If he had returned them when asked by the NARA, NARA & FBI, and/or fully complied with the federal subpoena demanding their return, there would be no case against FPOTUS#45. Instead his, alleged, actions were to conspire and obstruct to return of government property leading to his current legal troubles.

Last edited:
No kidding. They only believe Trump.
This is pretty common knowledge.

Certainly true for most!

But there still are Republicans — the rest call them RINOs or “Never Trumpers” or “traitors” to the “MAGA cause” — who even now are slowly and very reluctantly concluding that Trump and his fellow conspirators were “Big Liars” doing damage to the GOP and the country.

Not a huge number, but significant none-the-less. It is a painful process for them, of course. We must keep working to bring as many as possible back to their senses. Where possible we need to imagine they are “family” caught up in a religious cult.

Of course we shouldn’t try to attract them to any other “religion” or cult. Best is for them not to become supporters of any other political party either. They are certainly not going to be ready for that anytime soon. Enough that they simply see Trump for what he always was: an unprincipled conman and egomaniac just using their grievances … some of which are in fact completely legitimate.
We are seeing.....or at any rate, I am seeing.....more and more coverage about 'co-conspirators' "flipping".
I've linked two such reportages....about the Mar-A-Lago computer guy, and Mark Meadows.

Then, this morning, the Rightfield leaning web-news source, 'The Hill' (owned by Trump's golfing buddy Jimmy Finklestein)......well, The Hill had reportage this morning about many co-conspirators looking to Trump or his PAC's to help foot their legal bills. And getting discouraging signals from Trump that they are all alone in this bit of business.

Which, if one is worth "$10 billion" as Don Trump has previously asserted......well, one would think he'd pay some of the bills in order to keep such people on his side.....and not on the DOJ's side. No?

Here are some taster comments from this morning's The Hill:

"The multiplying charges brought against allies of former President Trump and their mounting legal fees are creating consternation in Trump world — while presenting a real risk to the former president.

Trump has burned through millions of dollars in donor money to pay for legal fees as he defends himself against charges in New York City, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.

But the former president, who has built a reputation for stiffing workers, has shown no interest in providing financial aid to former aides charged over their efforts to keep him in power.

Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has listed his Manhattan apartment for sale, and several Trump allies have launched crowdfunding campaigns to pay for their defenses.

As Trump’s aid to allies trickles, some warn failing to take on their legal bills could come back to haunt him if associates seek to cooperate with prosecutors.

The growing bills have already prompted complaints that Trump isn’t footing the bill.
Giuliani is facing some of the steepest debts as his cases pile up.

Beyond the two criminal cases tied to Jan. 6, he’s also facing three defamation suits related to comments he made while seeking to help Trump unwind the 2020 results — two from voting equipment companies and another from a mother-daughter duo serving as election workers in Georgia.


So now, good poster Lenny Partiv can add Shirttail Tucking Rudy to the list of Deep State
We are seeing.....or at any rate, I am seeing.....more and more coverage about 'co-conspirators' "flipping".
I've linked two such reportages....about the Mar-A-Lago computer guy, and Mark Meadows.

Then, this morning, the Rightfield leaning web-news source, 'The Hill' (owned by Trump's golfing buddy Jimmy Finklestein)......well, The Hill had reportage this morning about many co-conspirators looking to Trump or his PAC's to help foot their legal bills. And getting discouraging signals from Trump that they are all alone in this bit of business.

Which, if one is worth "$10 billion" as Don Trump has previously asserted......well, one would think he'd pay some of the bills in order to keep such people on his side.....and not on the DOJ's side. No?

Here are some taster comments from this morning's The Hill:

"The multiplying charges brought against allies of former President Trump and their mounting legal fees are creating consternation in Trump world — while presenting a real risk to the former president.

Trump has burned through millions of dollars in donor money to pay for legal fees as he defends himself against charges in New York City, Florida, Georgia and Washington, D.C.

But the former president, who has built a reputation for stiffing workers, has shown no interest in providing financial aid to former aides charged over their efforts to keep him in power.

Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani has listed his Manhattan apartment for sale, and several Trump allies have launched crowdfunding campaigns to pay for their defenses.

As Trump’s aid to allies trickles, some warn failing to take on their legal bills could come back to haunt him if associates seek to cooperate with prosecutors.

The growing bills have already prompted complaints that Trump isn’t footing the bill.
Giuliani is facing some of the steepest debts as his cases pile up.

Beyond the two criminal cases tied to Jan. 6, he’s also facing three defamation suits related to comments he made while seeking to help Trump unwind the 2020 results — two from voting equipment companies and another from a mother-daughter duo serving as election workers in Georgia.


So now, good poster Lenny Partiv can add Shirttail Tucking Rudy to the list of Deep State
Dont forget Rudys "come here big tits" case.

I do wonder if the trump pac and Mr Woodward will face any sanction over this ?

They were obviously not acting in the interests of Mr Tavares.
The better question is what happens after.

It is clear that his supporters will still support him, will still have refused to read a single charge or piece of evidence brought against him and ultimately believe his he is innocent no matter what the reality is.

Trump will go away at some point, these people will not.

Yes, but without a leader like him, many will fall away. The diehard true believers? They've always been here with us. The media will find something else to obsess over.

I said long ago that Trump's spell would fade away .. slowly. Once he left office, he had nothing to barter with -- not really. The midterms showed his spell melting away -- slowly. We'll see how many votes (percentage wise) he actually gets.
No - DemocraTaliban.

Crazy like a sane person seeing the country being burned down by the DemocraTaliban.


Good show; the actual Taliban has its less than horrible aspects as well.

The DemocraTaliban is VASTLY more dangerous, I agree.

But they do stand up for abortion, yes.



The Republicans are horrible, I agree.

But the DemocraTaliban is VASTLY worse.


Good point - the DemocraTaliban is worse.

I should watch more CNN?

Sure they do.

In fairness, I’m always happy to insult and troll Republicans as well. :)

As long as it’s accurate, I’ll say it.

You noticed! :re:


No doubt.

At best.

Correct. :)


I don’t know any Trump cultists.

Are they like DemocraTaliban cultists?

You’re obviously quite smart, if a scootch confused on some things.

Crazy like a patriot, bra. :)
This one /\ is a real cracker.
And it is now confirmed that it is Don Trump's Mar-A-Lago IT specialist, Yuscil Taveras.
And now it is confirmed that he flipped.
He will be a material witness against the interest of at least Nauta, possibly Trump himself.

This was reported today:

"Prosecutors: Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers

Special counsel Jack Smith’s team revealed the details of the employee’s about-face in a new filing."

"A Trump employee who monitored security cameras at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate abruptly retracted his earlier grand jury testimony and implicated Trump and others in obstruction of justice just after switching from an attorney paid for by a Trump political action committee ........ prosecutors said in a court filing Tuesday.

The aide — described as “Trump Employee 4” in public court filings but identified elsewhere as Yuscil Taveras — held the title of director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. He initially testified to a grand jury in Washington, D.C., that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos, but after getting the new attorney “immediately … retracted his prior false testimony” and detailed the alleged effort to tamper with evidence related to the investigation of the handling of classified information stored at Trump’s Florida home, the new submission said."
Well la di da! The dam is starting to burst. How much longer can Trump acolytes make excuses for this obviously failed leader?

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