JUST IN: FBI Turned Off Security Cameras During Mar-a-Lago Raid

It was not a lie. I told you when I find the article I will re-post it. Now fuck off troll.

And I showed there was an objection after the attack, meaning Pelisi didn't stop objections. Which you then lied on top of your previous lie, falsely claiming the objection to Pennsylvania came before the objection to Arizona.
And I showed there was an objection after the attack, meaning Pelisi didn't stop objections. Which you then lied on top of your previous lie, falsely claiming the objection to Pennsylvania came before the objection to Arizona.
Didn't I tell you to fuck off?
This is off-the-charts insane and proves how anti-trump the FBI is. The judge must drop all charges against trump.

Look who "funnied" this. Wait till this stuff happens to the leftists here
Gee, what are all those guns being toted around? Hmmmmm, let me see here.....oh hell, they are MACHINEGUNS you dumbass! You might be a moron, but I'm not.

That is at night...who knows what day and ARE NOT the FBI, because for the Mara Lago search by the FBI, it was all over with and the FBI were gone by 6pm with full sun light, in the month of August.

YOU were fooled by the totally DISHONEST characters in your party or crowd, roaming the internet with fake news, ad nauseam! And it pisses me off that they totally take advantage of people like you, and it pisses me off, that you let them!!! Grrrrrrr!
That is at night...who knows what day and ARE NOT the FBI, because for the Mara Lago search by the FBI, it was all over with and the FBI were gone by 6pm with full sun light, in the month of August.

YOU were fooled by the totally DISHONEST characters in your party or crowd, roaming the internet with fake news, ad nauseam! And it pisses me off that they totally take advantage of people like you, and it pisses me off, that you let them!!! Grrrrrrr!
Who is the one still believing proven liars?
That is at night...who knows what day and ARE NOT the FBI, because for the Mara Lago search by the FBI, it was all over with and the FBI were gone by 6pm with full sun light, in the month of August.

YOU were fooled by the totally DISHONEST characters in your party or crowd, roaming the internet with fake news, ad nauseam! And it pisses me off that they totally take advantage of people like you, and it pisses me off, that you let them!!! Grrrrrrr!
They are the same FBI I watched as the raid was happening. What's funny is how desperately Google is trying to censor any of the pictures and video from that night.
Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar A Lago when he heard he was hitting on minors. Bill Clinton was still taking rides on the "Lolita Express" LONG after that happened! Or have you forgotten the portrait of Bill that was on the wall at Epstein's island estate?


Trump purportedly banned Epstein from Mar-a-Raided in 2004 for hitting on the minor daughter of another member. The last flight log showing Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane, which Trump also flew on, was in 2003.
Trump watched the whole thing on camera.
Yeah, from cameras that weren't cut. The problem is the fbi cut the feeds to the cameras where they were planting evidence.


Sheesh you're a moron.

Trump purportedly banned Epstein from Mar-a-Raided in 2004 for hitting on the minor daughter of another member. The last flight log showing Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane, which Trump also flew on, was in 2003.
Here's the fact that you perverts always ignore.

Trump is the ONLY person named by the epslimes victims lawyers to have materially aided them in their case against epslime.

Do you get that dumbfuck?

Not one of your peeps could be bothered to help those poor women. Not one.

So take your bullshit attempts to link epslime to Trump, and shove them up your collective asses.

Because the whole world knows you are all full of shit.

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