...this forum noticed "Trump Employee #4" earlier.....

And that is a legitimate issue to be combed over by the defense attorneys representing Nauta, and maybe Trump.

I think those attorneys must do that. That is what they are hired for. THAT is there job.
And Taveras should expect he will be grilled and treated 'impolitely' on the witness stand.

So then, it is up to he prosecutors to vet him, vet his story, and inform him on what he will be up against.
THAT.....is the prosecutor's job.

But legitimacy will not be relevant to Trump supporters. It will be poisoned testimony regardless of vetting.

The Trump media will bludgeon him to death with conspiracy's, hearsay and character assassinations.

We have all seen this play out before but ultimately the jury will decide.
And he won’t be the last one. If those 18 idiots indicted with RICO Don, thought he would protect them, and pay their legal bills. They just found out there is poison in the Kool Aid.

Yall are fucking retarded.
Yeah right.
No, no, no, follow along now. This is the first time ever.

Who told you that was anything similar to what the tRumplings did?

"cause you need to go have some words with them for lying to you.
New lawyer probably told him the truth, lie here and he could face actual consequences.

Not a surprise that when faced with the reality that Trump is not going to protect anyone, those he used to commit crimes are flipping.

Nah, his testimony matches with all the evidence.
When was the last time there was a successful perjury prosecution?

About half past decades ago. :rolleyes-41:
The issue in Trump's case is whether his handling of classified information is a felony. This has no bearing on the outcome of Trump's case. The Court might ultimately rule that the President, having absolute power to declassify any document on his own whim, CANNOT mis-handle classified documents simply by taking them to his post-White House residence.

Lefties are so stupid.
Okay, but here's the thing..

Yes Trump was enitled to have all the things he did..

But Biden demanded them to start this whole shitball rolling downhill to where the FBI could subpoena Trump for his stuff.

The president has a right to do that, but none ever have before.

It's legal, Biden lied, but it's legal. Biden didn't need what Trump had to carry on his duties as president, he made

that unprecedented request in order to get this whole shitball rolling.

I can see Obama going through things and saying "Oh! We can do that?" "Let's do it."

Okay, so. Is it within the lines of the law? Yes.

Is it dirty as fuck? Also YES.

It's the incumbent president using his power and privileges against potential political opponents.

A terrible precedent to set. I'm not sure where we go from here.
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And it is now confirmed that it is Don Trump's Mar-A-Lago IT specialist, Yuscil Taveras.
And now it is confirmed that he flipped.
He will be a material witness against the interest of at least Nauta, possibly Trump himself.

This was reported today:

"Prosecutors: Trump Mar-a-Lago security aide flipped after changing lawyers

Special counsel Jack Smith’s team revealed the details of the employee’s about-face in a new filing."

"A Trump employee who monitored security cameras at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate abruptly retracted his earlier grand jury testimony and implicated Trump and others in obstruction of justice just after switching from an attorney paid for by a Trump political action committee ........ prosecutors said in a court filing Tuesday.

The aide — described as “Trump Employee 4” in public court filings but identified elsewhere as Yuscil Taveras — held the title of director of information technology at Mar-a-Lago. He initially testified to a grand jury in Washington, D.C., that he was unaware of any effort to erase the videos, but after getting the new attorney “immediately … retracted his prior false testimony” and detailed the alleged effort to tamper with evidence related to the investigation of the handling of classified information stored at Trump’s Florida home, the new submission said."
We have a president who is demented and pushing us toward WWIII while doing nothing for the country, but many continue to stay fixated on the Don.
Jacobin democrats see this as the hill they are willing to die on. Nothing is off the table. Threatening witnesses, fake charges, manufactured evidence. Whatever it takes to stop Trump from running for the presidency.

They executed a coup on a sitting President.
There is literally nothing that they wouldn't do at this point.
The alternative is execution for treason.
The Deep State gets to another witness, just like they got to Devon Archer.

I dunno about some sort of 'Deep State' getting to anybody
However, if there is such a 'State' it may have some additional work to do soon.
Another target to 'get to'.
Mark Meadows.

This was reported today in the New York Times:

"This winter, after receiving a subpoena from a grand jury investigating former President Donald J. Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election, Mark Meadows commenced a delicate dance with federal prosecutors.

But when prosecutors working for the special counsel, Jack Smith, challenged Mr. Trump’s executive privilege claims before a judge, Mr. Meadows pivoted. Even though he risked enraging Mr. Trump, he decided to trust Mr. Smith’s team, according to a person familiar with the matter. Mr. Meadows quietly arranged to talk with them not only about the steps the former president took to stay in office, but also about his handling of classified documents after he left.
The episode illustrated the wary steps Mr. Meadows took to navigate legal and political peril as prosecutors in Washington and Georgia closed in on Mr. Trump, seeking to avoid being charged himself while also sidestepping the career risks of being seen as cooperating with what his Republican allies had cast as partisan persecution.....

The Trump media will bludgeon him to death with conspiracy's, hearsay and character assassinations.
I dunno about some sort of 'Deep State' getting to anybody
However, if there is such a 'State' it may have some additional work to do soon.
Another target to 'get to'.
Mark Meadows.

This was reported today in the New York Times:

"This winter, after receiving a subpoena from a grand jury investigating former President Donald J. Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election, Mark Meadows commenced a delicate dance with federal prosecutors.

But when prosecutors working for the special counsel, Jack Smith, challenged Mr. Trump’s executive privilege claims before a judge, Mr. Meadows pivoted. Even though he risked enraging Mr. Trump, he decided to trust Mr. Smith’s team, according to a person familiar with the matter. Mr. Meadows quietly arranged to talk with them not only about the steps the former president took to stay in office, but also about his handling of classified documents after he left.
The episode illustrated the wary steps Mr. Meadows took to navigate legal and political peril as prosecutors in Washington and Georgia closed in on Mr. Trump, seeking to avoid being charged himself while also sidestepping the career risks of being seen as cooperating with what his Republican allies had cast as partisan persecution.....
Yeah. It looks like the dominos are falling.

The Trump media will need to work overtime to spin all the new information.
The best jacobin democrats can hope in a win is that they end up with an ungovernable uncooperative people with an eye on sabotage.
Yall are fucking retarded.
Yeah right.
RICO prosecutions and laws were popularized by Rudy Giuliani and proven effective against criminal conspiracies. Many states now have their own versions of them as well. For example, Georgia. Actually all the judicial and criminal laws of Georgia were passed by the Republican-controlled state legislature there.

In this case, however, the request for a Federal “Garcia Hearing” that ultimately led to a judge explaining his situation to Witness #4 and suggesting he at least meet with a public defender (he had previously been coached only by his “Trump PAC” paid-for attorney) was perfectly legal and appropriate, and the witness himself chose to change attorneys and retract his previous testimony that “he could not remember” things … which by virtue of his job and other’s testimony he obviously did know about.

The new testimony of this single witness will be presented, cross-examined by Trump’s lawyers, and ultimately judged by a jury, along with all the other evidence presented by both sides in the “Documents Case.”

This jury will be chosen after voir dire among voters living in the Southern District of Florida — where most voters have already showed their preference for Trump and DeSantis in the past.
RICO prosecutions and laws were popularized by Rudy Giuliani and proven effective against criminal conspiracies. Many states now have their own versions of them as well. For example, Georgia. Actually all the judicial and criminal laws of Georgia were passed by the Republican-controlled state legislature there.

In this case, however, the request for a Federal “Garcia Hearing” that ultimately led to a judge explaining his situation to Witness #4 and suggesting he at least meet with a public defender (he had previously been coached only by his “Trump PAC” paid-for attorney) was perfectly legal, and the witness himself chose to change attorneys and retract his previous testimony that “he could not remember” things … which he obviously did know about.

The new testimony of this single witness will be presented, cross-examined by Trump’s lawyers, and ultimately judged by a jury, along with all the other evidence presented by both sides in the “Documents Case.” This jury will be chosen after voir dire among voters living in the Southern District of Florida — where most voters have already showed their preference for Trump and DeSantis in the past.

So sad you all will be
We shall see who is “sad.” I always said it is possible that despite overwhelming evidence presented in court indicating Trump’s guilt, there may be one or two holdouts and a deadlocked jury in this case.

You see I live here in Florida and know how many Trump fanatics just like you there are here. Many, if called to jury duty, will cheerfully lie during voir dire that they will determine Trump’s guilt or innocence impartially based on the facts … and then refuse absolutely to find Trump guilty even though they know he is.

Now that is truly sad.
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