Alan Dershowitz Responds To Durham Report With Some Pointers to his Democrat Friends of Many Years

so, go after him. Doesn't change his stature. Prince Andrew was on there. Bill Clinton. shit Hitlery was on there. Did you vote for her? You know, you demfks always changing who you are to avoid rational thought.
Agreed. Go after all of them.
10 minutes to listen to a child raping MAGA freak? Absolutely not.
You're mistaken. The Juris Doctor is not a MAGA freak, he is a lifelong liberal Democrat. The difference between him and the Clinton Democrat is that he loves the Constitution, and communism worries him. That's not a "MAGA freak" as you call in a blanket judgment that all Republicans are predisposed to cult behavior in your huge projection.
Sean Hannity brings Mark Levin to his program to discuss the Durham Report:

You're mistaken. The Juris Doctor is not a MAGA freak, he is a lifelong liberal Democrat. The difference between him and the Clinton Democrat is that he loves the Constitution, and communism worries him. That's not a "MAGA freak" as you call in a blanket judgment that all Republicans are predisposed to cult behavior in your huge projection.
He is a Trump confidant and hardcore MAGA cultist, as you are yourself. Look at all the words you need to convince yourself that an extremely close Trump ally is not actually a supporter of his. You will twist anything to fit your worldview, like a good cultist.
I wasn't there, but as a person who was born and raised in the South, the claim the southerners made was their disenchantment of the northerners disallowing them to sell cotton products to France for a higher price, and forced them against their will to accept cheaper prices for northern factories. As I said, I wasn't there in the world when the war between the states happened. So was it misuse of power or was it only about slavery? The south didn't fire on Fort Sumpter because it liked to hear fireworks. And Northerners who said they hated slavery kept black people on very low salaries. Which was slavery?

Southerners had NO RIGHT to declare "this person coming off this boat is property, not entitled to Constitutional rights"

And yeah, you fucks did fire on Ft. Sumter, and you got what was coming...
This is about reconciling our divided nation, my dear friend. I'm hoping that our fellow Americans who actually believe everything the MSM press claims might step back and look at a Constitutional scholarly approach from someone who they respect. If we are alarmed that the nation is severely divided, we need to find common ground if we are to benefit the rest of the world with traditional American muscle and strength. Just look what happened to the Ukraine and Russia when they took up arms with one another. We're very close to facing World War III and enduring nuclear explosions if we don't start helping each other again.

And sometimes we have to listen to each other with the realization that if we don't start healing our rifts, Small countries will be decimated by unrestrained ambitious entities without us putting our foot down internationally. It's our role, and there's no other country that I know of than America united against evil doing by overbearing totalitarians on the planet.

Even so, thanks for sharing your opinion. I'm grateful to God that we still haven't quite lost the First Amendment. Love, beautress.
Libs don’t want common ground nor solutions
They want perpetual victimization and government to run their lives and government to punish and shut down those who can already effectively run their life.
Southerners had NO RIGHT to declare "this person coming off this boat is property, not entitled to Constitutional rights"

And yeah, you fucks did fire on Ft. Sumter, and you got what was coming...

Other Africans declared them property and rounded them up and sent them to the South.
Southerners could never have caught them on their own.
Libs don’t want common ground nor solutions
They want perpetual victimization and government to run their lives and government to punish and shut down those who can already effectively run their life.
they don't want a challenge to their ideas.
And way too many "Christians" in the Confederacy were justifying it, and then justified segregation..

Christianity is good when it teaches quality values to kids.

When it comes to slavery and war for Israel, it should be vigorously opposed and the fraud "preachers" exposed. The preachers who told the southern flocks that slavery was consistent with Jesus were, well, just as warped as the ones who supported W, because they were the SAME frauds...
I didn't know that as a Democrat Senator, Joe Biden, justified segregation, until I saw this:
He is a Trump confidant and hardcore MAGA cultist, as you are yourself. Look at all the words you need to convince yourself that an extremely close Trump ally is not actually a supporter of his. You will twist anything to fit your worldview, like a good cultist.
You can stop being an idiot any time you wish Mr. Mindreader, so plz keep yer day job because you are far off in your false characterization of me. The person I worship is Jesus Christ. I have no membership in any cult.

However, the Lord has a use for Donald Trump because he has not commited any crime against the Constitution. Because the Lord loves those who love him, the stellar life President lived while he was President had the world on the brink of having the first real peace in the Middle East for many a meliniae.

It would be a blessing if you reviewed the 300 pages of the Durham Report. It's true every little thing claimed about Trump was shown to be a severe falsehood on the part of Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Stalk-Trump liar Maxine Waters who thinks she can make up false narratives about President Trump and his staffers and walk away with who knows how much $oros cash for her evil deed of encouraging the young women she hired to do the dirtiest work I ever heard of-- to stalk and damage the good reputations Trump staffers, voters, and MAGA sticker automobile drivers. President Biden is worse than any of them. He said dreadful things about people who voted for the reelection of Donald Trump as though we were criminals. Hardly! We were looking forward to the first real peace between the Arabs and the Israelis in several thousand years. Biden desttoyed all that and more.

Democrats who have listened to the lie-a-thon in the press have a responsiblity to read the Durham Report which reveals a boatload of Democrat lies or errors if you will against President Donald John Trump.

Please excuse any typos because I am communication with my cellular device, and my fingers are numb.

I'm praying for those who lied and carried lies about him apologize to him. The Pee tapes were a total hoax a.o g many other things. It's no surprise it took four years to research and understand how the mountain of lies Hillary Clinton created and others in the Deep State with anti-Constitutional means. Since you will likely not bother yourself to face the facts, don't be shocked when the false witnesses may get sentences as egregious as their Constitutional acts against an innocent man.
Since I'm a Conservative Republican, It's best to let Alan Dershowitz Give Pointers to his Democrat Associates of Many Years, so I'm sharing his statement that neither takes away nor adds to what the Durham Report Says:

I hope it helps all-- Democrats, Republicans, and Independent people to handle the report in a way that benefits all Americans. It only takes ten minutes to listen to his concerns. Please discuss what is said. This is once I am not taking sides to be fair to Juris Doctor Dershowitz. Thanks if you are here for civil discourse with your fellow Americans.

About Alan Dershowitz: Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia

Good people don't do the shit that was done
He is a Trump confidant and hardcore MAGA cultist, as you are yourself. Look at all the words you need to convince yourself that an extremely close Trump ally is not actually a supporter of his. You will twist anything to fit your worldview, like a good cultist.
He was asked to be a defense lawyer for President Trump, and he accepted the job for pay. Lawyers that are as scholarly as Juris Doctor Derkowitz do a lot of hard work and sacrifice to defend an innocent man who has been discredited by evil liars. His case was as sound as a rock.
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And a commie propagandist rears it ugly head. BTW not addressing the topic is a posting violation. Why are you afraid of the truth in that video?

You hit the nail on the head. The communist arm of the Democrat Party has no use for actuality and the truth. His refusal to read the Durham Report tells you it's not about the hatefulness of Hillary Clinton's braggadocious lies, but it's about a President whose image was successfully tarnished by the demonic lying press to persuade the American people to hate Donald Trump and to get rid of the President without killing him, which would result in the chair or life in Prison. I guess I was entertaining myself to hope and pray the people here were not associated with the deep State that gets its strength from the people who believe their false witness and hate religion which makes false witness a Cardinal sin. I hope the Pope reads the Durham Report and takes action to heal the people that thought lying their asses off in such grandiose fashion would make them popular but instead killed people who were attacked by countries hoping that America would be so divided they could do any dirt they wished against people they hated. Both China and Russia come to my mind. Unfortunately for Russia, they lost two hundred thousand tax-producing males by November, 2023.


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