Alec Baldwin Vs. Sean Hannity


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004

Hollywood liberal Alec Baldwin stormed out of an in-studio radio interview Sunday night after he was confronted on the phone by radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin.

Baldwin was 30 minutes into a planned two-hour-plus sitdown with WABC Radio's Brian Whitman when Hannity called in.

The fireworks commenced almost immediately.

HANNITY: Alec, I wanted to give you an official WABC welcome considering you were supposed to come on my program last week and you didn't show up. What happened?

BALDWIN: No, I wasn't supposed to come on your program, Sean Hannity.

HANNITY: No, actually you were supposed to come on the program because a deal was made with your agent that if you were going to come on with Brian, first you'd come on with me.

BALDWIN: I wouldn't dream of coming on your program, Sean Hannity. I'm here with Brian. I'm here with a really talented broadcaster.

HANNITY: [Crosstalk] that you are, you don't tell the truth.

BALDWIN: Why would I want to come on the show with a no-talent, former construction worker hack like you?

HANNITY: Are you the guy that said of our vice president, while we're at war, while we're leading troops in harm's way - are you the reckless, third-rate Hollywood actor who said that Dick Cheney is a terrorist? Are you the guy . . .

BALDWIN: Yes I am.

HANNITY: . . . . who said to stone Henry Hyde to death? Are you the guy who said our president is a CIA mass murderer? I wanted you to come on the program and defend that, you gutless coward.

BALDWIN: At first I thought this was a joke. But you can hear all the acid venom spewing hatred. It is Sean Hannity. [END EXCERPT]

The exchange got even hotter when Mark Levin joined in.

LEVIN: We've only just begun - are you 40 or 50 pounds overweight now?

WHITMAN: Oh, C'mon now . . . .

HANNITY: Once and for all you need to be challenged. You want to call our vice president a terrorist - fine. You want to talk about stoning people to death, say it on my program. If you want to be irresponsible and call our president a mass murderer while he's at war leading troops in harm's way . . . .

BALDWIN: And what are you gonna do about it, Sean Hannity?

HANNITY: You don't have the courage to answer questions.

BALDWIN: And what are you gonna do? And what are you going to do about it, Sean Hannity. If I come on your program, what are you going to do?

LEVIN: He's going to show that you have a two digit IQ - that's what he's gonna do.

BALWIN: What are you going to do?

LEVIN: I just told you - you've got a two digit IQ.

BALDWIN: And who's that - who's your little cabin boy there with you.

LEVIN: I'm not a cabin boy, butt-boy.

BALDWIN: What are you doing there, cabin boy? . . . . I now dub you Sean Hannity's cabin boy.

LEVIN: And you know what you are? You're 'Brokeback Alec.' [END EXCERPT]

The confrontation continued to spiral out of control, with Whitman intermittently trying to make peace and Baldwin repeatedly urging him to move on to other callers.

BALDWIN: Listen, Sean - you incredibly ignorant boob from Long Island . . .

HANNITY: Oh, ouch, Alec.

BALDWIN: No, no, no, you've spoken, let me talk, Sean. Cause you've been spewing your . . .

HANNITY: You're a third rate Hollywood egomaniac.

BALDWIN: You're a no talent ignorant fool from Long Island. You should go back to building houses in Hempstead.

LEVIN: Why was your [former] wife [Kim Basinger] so pissed off at you, anyway?

WHITMAN: Now, c'mon guys.

BALDWIN: OK. We're done. [Gets up and leaves the studio]

WHITMAN: Come back. Come back. Alec? They're gone. Alec? Alec has walked out of the studio. Alec, please come back.
mom4 said:
Wow. That sounds like some of the arguments I've seen here. LOL! :D
Maybe all of them are here under different names. :D

Look for buzz words like second rate, butt-boy, and egomaniac.
Ha! I dont think Hannity and especially not Levin should have called into another program to bash Alec. It makes them look petty, but the message was right on. Alec is a 3rd rate hollywood actor that bashes the president without recourse.
insein said:
Ha! I dont think Hannity and especially not Levin should have called into another program to bash Alec. It makes them look petty, but the message was right on. Alec is a 3rd rate hollywood actor that bashes the president without recourse.

Well Levin cracks me up - he was there for comedy relief I'm sure..

But Sean called him after Alec dodged his show..... I feel it was appropriate...
Just read the first post, didn’t listen to the audio…BUT
I don’t know about anyone else, I expect more professionalism from
HANNITY and LEVIN than this.

*Not that they were wrong.*
What the foolish script readers don't seem to understand is that first and foremost they are salepeople. They are trying to sell both themselves(in order to read somebody else's words they need to be hired first) and the project that they are involved in(I will not spend money to go to a film that employs a script reader who thinks I am an asshole) .They are the dumb asses for revealing themselves to the public.

Actors have a tough time becoming a realistic character when they get so much real life attention that it is impossible to seperate the role they are attempting to play from who they really are. Alec Baldwin is a great example of this. He wreaks of a condescending attitude towards anyone that doesn't worship him. Can anyone name a movie he has been in, much less starred in, in the last few years. I always liked him as an actor as I did Sean Penn but I would be the idiot they believe me to be to actually help pay them by attending their movies....I no longer see them as a character in a movie, they have ruined the magic that helps me become involved in the role they are playing to the point that you forget who they really are.

I found it especially revealing of Alec's feelings about the common man. He tried twice to insult Hannity by calling him a former construction worker...what is wrong with building things, is Alec saying that you are too stupid to have an opinion if you are nothing but a lowly construction worker? It is truely amazing how hypocritical the self proclaimed progressives, that supposedly speak for the common man, have shown themselves to be.

What is really funny is the lack of education which is prevalent among the biggest loudmouths in Hollywood and New York. This site is quite revealing....
sitarro said:
What the foolish script readers don't seem to understand is that first and foremost they are salepeople. They are trying to sell both themselves(in order to read somebody else's words they need to be hired first) and the project that they are involved in(I will not spend money to go to a film that employs a script reader who thinks I am an asshole) .They are the dumb asses for revealing themselves to the public.

Actors have a tough time becoming a realistic character when they get so much real life attention that it is impossible to seperate the role they are attempting to play from who they really are. Alec Baldwin is a great example of this. He wreaks of a condescending attitude towards anyone that doesn't worship him. Can anyone name a movie he has been in, much less starred in, in the last few years. I always liked him as an actor as I did Sean Penn but I would be the idiot they believe me to be to actually help pay them by attending their movies....I no longer see them as a character in a movie, they have ruined the magic that helps me become involved in the role they are playing to the point that you forget who they really are.

I found it especially revealing of Alec's feelings about the common man. He tried twice to insult Hannity by calling him a former construction worker...what is wrong with building things, is Alec saying that you are too stupid to have an opinion if you are nothing but a lowly construction worker? It is truely amazing how hypocritical the self proclaimed progressives, that supposedly speak for the common man, have shown themselves to be.

What is really funny is the lack of education which is prevalent among the biggest loudmouths in Hollywood and New York. This site is quite revealing....
Quite true. About the only movies I can handle with Alec in them are where he's the bad guy.
The ClayTaurus said:
Quite true. About the only movies I can handle with Alec in them are where he's the bad guy.

I will give him "Hunt for Red October", but then again with a cast like that movie had they could have made me look good in that role. He was perfect as the surgeon with the God complex in "Malice" and the guy from "downtown" in "Glengarry Glen Ross", he was such a hard ass in that movie.
Mr. P said:
Just read the first post, didn’t listen to the audio…BUT
I don’t know about anyone else, I expect more professionalism from
HANNITY and LEVIN than this.

*Not that they were wrong.*

I like Hannity a lot, but that is exactly how I felt too.
dilloduck said:
Me too---Hannity got muddy fighting with the pig.

Jeez dillo, don't be such a girl. Having a legitimate debate with baldwin would have been impossible. He called for people to take politicians out of their homes and kill them in the street. The best outcome was achieved.
rtwngAvngr said:
Jeez dillo, don't be such a girl. Having a legitimate debate with baldwin would have been impossible. He called for people to take politicians out of their homes and kill them in the street. The best outcome was achieved.

I can't be your role model for macho all the time dude. Hannity looked like a doofus sinking to this crap. Why don't you volunteer to do his dirty work? :teeth:
dilloduck said:
I can't be your role model for macho all the time dude. Hannity looked like a doofus sinking to this crap. Why don't you volunteer to do his dirty work? :teeth:

Don't let me down. How can i be expected to behave without strong role models?

I'm gonna go in the corner and cry and rock for a while.
rtwngAvngr said:
Don't let me down. How can i be expected to behave without strong role models?

I'm gonna go in the corner and cry and rock for a while.

stop---dont do that !! You already embarassed me by "uniting with the libs at DU".
Ok--(hannity is still cool)
dilloduck said:
stop---dont do that !! You already embarassed me by "uniting with the libs at DU".
Ok--(hannity is still cool)

Yeah.. well.... The port deal blows chunks.

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