Alex Jones dumps Qanon - credibility issues

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Where do we start with this one ? This is truly through the looking glass.
You would imagine that the lack of a second coming for trump might raise doubts for loyal Qbots. But folk who believe in Jewish Space lasers probably have a high degree of immunity to reality.

Of course there isnt a conspiracy too whacky for Alex to promote. Is it possible that this is just a turf war to own the crazies market. A battle for the hearts and minds of low grade trumpers.

I would like to hear what Lauren and Marje have to say about this. We may get closer to the truth at that stage.
Do you remember a time in the early 1990's before all the "Extreme" entertainment was born?
1994 was the year AoL and the internet went world wide. . . it is, ostensibly, the year that the cabal lost the ability to control the thoughts and ideas of the masses.

Take this article for instance. A lot of it uses language which is off that charts biased, and quite the laugh.

OTH, yeah, Jones is quite the character.

MSM is not really reliable, and it lies all the time. Just as much as Jones gets it wrong. . . if you don't know that, you are a fool.
Do you remember a time in the early 1990's before all the "Extreme" entertainment was born?
1994 was the year AoL and the internet went world wide. . . it is, ostensibly, the year that the cabal lost the ability to control the thoughts and ideas of the masses.

Take this article for instance. A lot of it uses language which is off that charts biased, and quite the laugh.

OTH, yeah, Jones is quite the character.

MSM is not really reliable, and it lies all the time. Just as much as Jones gets it wrong. . . if you don't know that, you are a fool.
I just happened to have been a Radio/TV/Film/theater major in jr high through college(s) also studied mass communications and I left the industry in the later 1980's because the trend was changing to an aggressive political conviction to a wildcard political maneuver to see what they could get away with and the industry changed when they over loaded the sensory abilities of humans to watch news TV 27/7. Essentially with the Drug War you also had extremes of social divisions in society of the "good" and "bad" created by the drug war propaganda.
Do you remember a time in the early 1990's before all the "Extreme" entertainment was born?
1994 was the year AoL and the internet went world wide. . . it is, ostensibly, the year that the cabal lost the ability to control the thoughts and ideas of the masses.

Take this article for instance. A lot of it uses language which is off that charts biased, and quite the laugh.

OTH, yeah, Jones is quite the character.

MSM is not really reliable, and it lies all the time. Just as much as Jones gets it wrong. . . if you don't know that, you are a fool.
I just happened to have been a Radio/TV/Film/theater major in jr high through college(s) also studied mass communications and I left the industry in the later 1980's because the trend was changing to an aggressive political conviction to a wildcard political maneuver to see what they could get away with and the industry changed when they over loaded the sensory abilities of humans to watch news TV 27/7. Essentially with the Drug War you also had extremes of social divisions in society of the "good" and "bad" created by the drug war propaganda.

The corporate lies from the left, are the same as the corporate lies from the right. . . the cabal is all connected.

And it makes no difference if they told it at six o'clock, or told these lies around the clock.

Folks that watched the TEE VEE and cabal news. . . had one view of Ruby Ridge, Waco, the OKC bombing, and 911. Folks that used the internet? Knew a completely different set of facts. . . AND they had totally been exposed to the different paradigm of that JFK assassination for the first time, a whole new generation was demanding answers once again from the state.

The corporate media, on the left, and the right, whether it is broadcast or cable, b/c they are embedded with the intel. agencies, STILL, like they always had, played servant to the STATE and the establishment, just like they have been doing to today. How the hell do you think such a vegetable like Biden, who could never in the previous times he ran for president, and couldn't even get the nomination, could beat the most historically popular president in history?

It was either rigged, or there was the most thorough and a complete brainwashing of every non-thinking, government compusulary educated person in the nation that believes what their idiot box tells them.

That is all there is to it.
Do you remember a time in the early 1990's before all the "Extreme" entertainment was born?
1994 was the year AoL and the internet went world wide. . . it is, ostensibly, the year that the cabal lost the ability to control the thoughts and ideas of the masses.

Take this article for instance. A lot of it uses language which is off that charts biased, and quite the laugh.

OTH, yeah, Jones is quite the character.

MSM is not really reliable, and it lies all the time. Just as much as Jones gets it wrong. . . if you don't know that, you are a fool.
I just happened to have been a Radio/TV/Film/theater major in jr high through college(s) also studied mass communications and I left the industry in the later 1980's because the trend was changing to an aggressive political conviction to a wildcard political maneuver to see what they could get away with and the industry changed when they over loaded the sensory abilities of humans to watch news TV 27/7. Essentially with the Drug War you also had extremes of social divisions in society of the "good" and "bad" created by the drug war propaganda.

The corporate lies from the left, are the same as the corporate lies from the right. . . the cabal is all connected.

And it makes no difference if they told it at six o'clock, or told these lies around the clock.

Folks that watched the TEE VEE and cabal news. . . had one view of Ruby Ridge, Waco, the OKC bombing, and 911. Folks that used the internet? Knew a completely different set of facts. . . AND they had totally been exposed to the different paradigm of that JFK assassination for the first time, a whole new generation was demanding answers once again from the state.

The corporate media, on the left, and the right, whether it is broadcast or cable, b/c they are embedded with the intel. agencies, STILL, like they always had, played servant to the STATE and the establishment, just like they have been doing to today. How the hell do you think such a vegetable like Biden, who could never in the previous times he ran for president, and couldn't even get the nomination, could beat the most historically popular president in history?

It was either rigged, or there was the most thorough and a complete brainwashing of every non-thinking, government compusulary educated person in the nation that believes what their idiot box tells them.

That is all there is to it.
I never included a side because they are all bad people that are looking out for personal gain in power and wealth..
Do you remember a time in the early 1990's before all the "Extreme" entertainment was born?
1994 was the year AoL and the internet went world wide. . . it is, ostensibly, the year that the cabal lost the ability to control the thoughts and ideas of the masses.

Take this article for instance. A lot of it uses language which is off that charts biased, and quite the laugh.

OTH, yeah, Jones is quite the character.

MSM is not really reliable, and it lies all the time. Just as much as Jones gets it wrong. . . if you don't know that, you are a fool.
I just happened to have been a Radio/TV/Film/theater major in jr high through college(s) also studied mass communications and I left the industry in the later 1980's because the trend was changing to an aggressive political conviction to a wildcard political maneuver to see what they could get away with and the industry changed when they over loaded the sensory abilities of humans to watch news TV 27/7. Essentially with the Drug War you also had extremes of social divisions in society of the "good" and "bad" created by the drug war propaganda.

The corporate lies from the left, are the same as the corporate lies from the right. . . the cabal is all connected.

And it makes no difference if they told it at six o'clock, or told these lies around the clock.

Folks that watched the TEE VEE and cabal news. . . had one view of Ruby Ridge, Waco, the OKC bombing, and 911. Folks that used the internet? Knew a completely different set of facts. . . AND they had totally been exposed to the different paradigm of that JFK assassination for the first time, a whole new generation was demanding answers once again from the state.

The corporate media, on the left, and the right, whether it is broadcast or cable, b/c they are embedded with the intel. agencies, STILL, like they always had, played servant to the STATE and the establishment, just like they have been doing to today. How the hell do you think such a vegetable like Biden, who could never in the previous times he ran for president, and couldn't even get the nomination, could beat the most historically popular president in history?

It was either rigged, or there was the most thorough and a complete brainwashing of every non-thinking, government compusulary educated person in the nation that believes what their idiot box tells them.

That is all there is to it.
I never included a side because they are all bad people that are looking out for personal gain in power and wealth..

Where do we start with this one ? This is truly through the looking glass.
You would imagine that the lack of a second coming for trump might raise doubts for loyal Qbots. But folk who believe in Jewish Space lasers probably have a high degree of immunity to reality.

Of course there isnt a conspiracy too whacky for Alex to promote. Is it possible that this is just a turf war to own the crazies market. A battle for the hearts and minds of low grade trumpers.

I would like to hear what Lauren and Marje have to say about this. We may get closer to the truth at that stage.
" Is it possible that this is just a turf war to own the crazies market. "
I'm going with this.
The families and an FBI agent who responded to the shooting, which left 20 first-graders and six educators dead, are suing Jones and his show over claims that the massacre was a hoax. The families said they have been subjected to harassment and death threats from Jones’ followers because of the hoax conspiracy.

Could you imagine being the parents of one of those children and knowing they were brutally murdered by a gun nut? And then having media figures say it was all a hoax and it never happened? Alex Jones has to be one of the worst and most disgusting people alive on the planet.
There’s even reports he knew all along that it happened and he was only doing the whole hoax thing to bring in the money from the ignorant who actually believe his nonsense.

people that believe his nonsense have to be just as heartless and mean spirited as he is.
Could you imagine being the parents of one of those children and knowing they were brutally murdered by a gun nut? And then having media figures say it was all a hoax and it never happened? Alex Jones has to be one of the worst and most disgusting people alive on the planet.
There’s even reports he knew all along that it happened and he was only doing the whole hoax thing to bring in the money from the ignorant who actually believe his nonsense.

people that believe his nonsense have to be just as heartless and mean spirited as he is.
What you have to say about this is irrelevant and pointless anyway but if you accept the
charges of Jone's worst critics without any input from Jone's himself then you are
doing exactly what you accuse Jone's of.
Do you remember a time in the early 1990's before all the "Extreme" entertainment was born?
Alex Jones helped created QAnon

When Barack Obama was president, Infowars and Donald Trump both promoted the racist lie that he was not an American citizen.

In late 2015, ahead of Republican primaries, Trump called into Infowars for a mutually fawning interview with Jones.

Trump "gave those folks who are conspiracy theorists signals that he was their guy and they had a candidate who was a conspiracy theorist for the first time," said Melissa Ryan, CEO of consulting firm CARD Strategies, which tracks disinformation and extremism.

"Trump won by being willing to appeal to this base of supporters that other people in the party would have kept at arm's length," she said, "lest they be called out for having extremist views."

The early years of Trump's presidency may have been the peak of Jones's mainstream influence.
The families and an FBI agent who responded to the shooting, which left 20 first-graders and six educators dead, are suing Jones and his show over claims that the massacre was a hoax. The families said they have been subjected to harassment and death threats from Jones’ followers because of the hoax conspiracy.

Could you imagine being the parents of one of those children and knowing they were brutally murdered by a gun nut? And then having media figures say it was all a hoax and it never happened? Alex Jones has to be one of the worst and most disgusting people alive on the planet.
There’s even reports he knew all along that it happened and he was only doing the whole hoax thing to bring in the money from the ignorant who actually believe his nonsense.

people that believe his nonsense have to be just as heartless and mean spirited as he is.
So now we know Alex Jones and Fox News both helped sell Trump's lies. Who else? Rush for sure god rest his soul. Was he alive when we stole the election from Trump? If he was it would have killed him.

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