Alice Weidel doesnt celebrate the "destruction of Germany"


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010

Alice Weidel refused to celebrate victory day at the Russian embassy. Some congratulate her, that she is a german patriot, and then a discussion emerged whether Germany was defeated and humiliated or if Germany was "freed".

My neutral thoughts

-As a German you can see it either way, on the one hand you could see it as a collapse etc. as a war loser and humiliated etc. That would be legitimate from a national and patriotic point of view. But you could also see it differently.
But you could also see it that way as an enemy of Germany, Germany as a defeated "enemy country", I don't know if modern Germans really want to see themselves that way?

-You could project it like many Germans do, that Germany is now a model democracy and an ally of the Allies and also a NATO member and the strongest country in the EU, which has the most say in the EU.
I'm not sure whether modern Germans are humiliated by inciting against the Nazis or whether they are "empowered" in retrospect, almost as if the Germans were never the enemy but the Russians or the Chinese or someone else. Germany is now rich and powerful, so maybe in retrospect it's not a defeat at all? There are also Germans who see it that way, and they are sometimes right-wing conservative nationalists, but more like pro-Israel, pro-USA types. You could also see those who see it as a humiliation as weaklings who have once again become an enemy because then the rest of the world will again see Germany as an enemy like the USA, the British, Israel, etc. In retrospect, the Nazis became the Americans, the Nazis built the rocket that was flown to the moon by the Americans . That's why, in retrospect, maybe it's not so bad for the Germans.

What do you say about my thoughts?
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In fact, it was a military defeat. It was not about liberation but defeat. That is what counts, not what the defeated say. The war against the SU was planned and Hitler had to bear the consequences, simple as can be. However, the victorious powers do not tell us to celebrate the outcome, so the question does not even exist.
Idiot , Tosser , Moron .

Perm any twenty seven from those three and add ketchup .

Alice Weidel refused to celebrate victory day at the Russian embassy. Some congratulate her, that she is a german patriot, and then a discussion emerged whether Germany was defeated and humiliated or if Germany was "freed".

My neutral thoughts

-As a German you can see it either way, on the one hand you could see it as a collapse etc. as a war loser and humiliated etc. That would be legitimate from a national and patriotic point of view. But you could also see it differently.
But you could also see it that way as an enemy of Germany, Germany as a defeated "enemy country", I don't know if modern Germans really want to see themselves that way?

-You could project it like many Germans do, that Germany is now a model democracy and an ally of the Allies and also a NATO member and the strongest country in the EU, which has the most say in the EU.
I'm not sure whether modern Germans are humiliated by inciting against the Nazis or whether they are "empowered" in retrospect, almost as if the Germans were never the enemy but the Russians or the Chinese or someone else. Germany is now rich and powerful, so maybe in retrospect it's not a defeat at all? There are also Germans who see it that way, and they are sometimes right-wing conservative nationalists, but more like pro-Israel, pro-USA types. You could also see those who see it as a humiliation as weaklings who have once again become an enemy because then the rest of the world will again see Germany as an enemy like the USA, the British, Israel, etc. In retrospect, the Nazis became the Americans, the Nazis built the rocket that was flown to the moon by the Americans . That's why, in retrospect, maybe it's not so bad for the Germans.

What do you say about my thoughts?
It is easy to forget that Soviet Bolshevism was poised to take over all of Europe in the 1920s. In retrospect, maybe it's not so bad they were stopped.
Alice Weidel refused to celebrate victory day at the Russian embassy.
Poles , Ukrainians, Balts, etc. WILL NOT, as well , SO WHAT ? ARE you GONNA HAVE X-MASS PARTY WITH THE RAPISTS this year ? , BUT YOUR ARE SEMI- SERB , ITS OK FOR YOU I guess

Moscow veteran recalls their crimes in Germany​

It is easy to forget that Soviet Bolshevism was poised to take over all of Europe in the 1920s
the best post for today, yes, WW2 started in 1920, Moscow Marxist empire had bigger than Hitler even has plans - TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD

That time Poland saved the world...​

the best post for today, yes, WW2 started in 1920, Moscow Marxist empire had bigger than Hitler even has plans - TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD

That time Poland saved the world...​

You do what i commented or pointed out, eventhough you might not be german but another collaborateur, in retrospect it looks like the russians were always the enemy, never the nazis in retrospect that paints another picture for nowadays and that could "empower" the ex-fascists. And i didnt said it because im a "semi-serb" i said my neutral thoughts, or was thinking about it.
in retrospect it looks like the russians were always the enemy,

His family sold their last cow to buy him boots. He volunteered for the war, got into a colony for fighting with his senior, his family racked up a huge debt on their credit card to pay for a lawyer,

Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn
Say what you will, the Russians won the war in Europe and triggered the end of the war against Japan.
victory day at the Russian embassy.
with them ? they 🇷🇺 lost as far as i know ...



In fact, it was a military defeat. It was not about liberation but defeat. That is what counts, not what the defeated say. The war against the SU was planned and Hitler had to bear the consequences, simple as can be. However, the victorious powers do not tell us to celebrate the outcome, so the question does not even exist.
so it is …..
It takes 100 years to pass before a war can be viewed objectively. We aren't there yet.
A wave of large corporate bankruptcies has hit Germany. In 2023, their number rose by 22.1% to 17,814, 38% more than in 2022. There are clear signs that this is just the beginning of a powerful wave of deindustrialization - writes German publication NIUS

Don't stop!

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