aliens want to transform earth into a biosphere they like

aliens per definiton don t do human rational, so maybe alien killer clowns do go to earth for an alien reality show

"killer clowns on primitive planets TODAY"

might be the top show on some planet

they laugh theire ass off when aliens run from killer clowns

humans being the aliens
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aliens have been using humans to convert earths atmosphere into something these aliens like.

they promote usage of coal and oil, the promote cattle so theres more methane in the air.

these aliens require higher co 2 levels and higher temperature

thats why the aliens promote coal burning infrastructure and oilburning infrastructure and gas burning infrastructure and have people eat beef so theres more cows to produce methane

humans wouldn t want that

Well, you're more rational than most AGW fucktards are.. :dunno:

I'm just sayin...
Perhaps all the clown sightings in the woods are aliens masquerading so they can surveil their targets. You might even call them Killer Klowns From Outer Space.

The guy might be insane, but you have to admit that his claims are more rational and based on better science than the shit you AGW cultists spew every day.. :eusa_whistle:
Perhaps all the clown sightings in the woods are aliens masquerading so they can surveil their targets. You might even call them Killer Klowns From Outer Space.

The guy might be insane, but you have to admit that his claims are more rational and based on better science than the shit you AGW cultists spew every day.. :eusa_whistle:

You exhibit fear of reality, brought on by cognitive dissonance.

In other words, it's too scary so your brain rejects it. You fall in the middle of the bell curve.
You exhibit fear of reality, brought on by cognitive dissonance.

Says the AGW Cultist who thinks a sentient planet is punishing us for our carbon sins.. :eusa_whistle:

In other words, it's too scary so your brain rejects it. You fall in the middle of the bell curve.

You're a fucking nutjob, following a cult designed to make the terminally stupid imagine themselves wise.

Son, you are an extremely bigoted Atheist - who has a devout Christian as an Avatar and fails to grasp just how ignorant that reveals you to be.

When challenged to explain the scientific principle of falsification, you never did grasp what a null hypothesis is or how this is used to confirm concepts.

Science is not something you have a hint of a clue about, yet you imagine that your moronic following of a silly cult somehow makes you knowledgeable. It's as sad as it is absurd.

At least the OP is open about being a nutjob,
You exhibit fear of reality, brought on by cognitive dissonance.

Says the AGW Cultist who thinks a sentient planet is punishing us for our carbon sins.. :eusa_whistle:

In other words, it's too scary so your brain rejects it. You fall in the middle of the bell curve.

You're a fucking nutjob, following a cult designed to make the terminally stupid imagine themselves wise.

Son, you are an extremely bigoted Atheist - who has a devout Christian as an Avatar and fails to grasp just how ignorant that reveals you to be.

When challenged to explain the scientific principle of falsification, you never did grasp what a null hypothesis is or how this is used to confirm concepts.

Science is not something you have a hint of a clue about, yet you imagine that your moronic following of a silly cult somehow makes you knowledgeable. It's as sad as it is absurd.

At least the OP is open about being a nutjob,


You have the ability of a squirrel to comprehend complicated things, don't embarrass yourself further. You are scared and you don't understand the science, that doesn't mean Global Warming is not true, it means you have some failures that preclude you from seeing reality. Again, you aren't alone, there are many who are not only ignorant of the facts but many of whom, like you, reject facts as they make you incredibly uncomfortable.

You belong to the denier cult. Just like the Flat Earth cult, the bigfoot cult, the cult who claims humans never landed on the moon. You are likely a birther even though you won't admit it.

Debate on Global Warming ended among scientists 15 years ago. They all agree it is real and accelerating. You scared children continue to whine and cry about this reality but the time has come to ignore you. Sit in your house and scream at the tv Archie Bunker. You don't know science and you think yourself more intelligent that 10,000 PH.D's around the world.

Good luck with that. I hear Jefferson knocking at your door, you better get it.

You have the ability of a squirrel to comprehend complicated things, don't embarrass yourself further. You are scared and you don't understand the science, that doesn't mean Global Warming is not true, it means you have some failures that preclude you from seeing reality. Again, you aren't alone, there are many who are not only ignorant of the facts but many of whom, like you, reject facts as they make you incredibly uncomfortable.

You belong to the denier cult. Just like the Flat Earth cult, the bigfoot cult, the cult who claims humans never landed on the moon. You are likely a birther even though you won't admit it.

Debate on Global Warming ended among scientists 15 years ago. They all agree it is real and accelerating. You scared children continue to whine and cry about this reality but the time has come to ignore you. Sit in your house and scream at the tv Archie Bunker. You don't know science and you think yourself more intelligent that 10,000 PH.D's around the world.

Good luck with that. I hear Jefferson knocking at your door, you better get it.

First off cult boi, I have a Ph.D.

One thing, and only one thing has been constant in the climate of Earth over the last 4.6 billion years, and that is change.

I've explained this to you before, but sadly you were too stupid to comprehend.

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a rehash of the oldest scam in history, the volcano god.

The scam works like this;

Villagers see smoke rising from the mountain and become frightened. The Shaman comes out and declares that the volcano god is angry at them for their sins and transgressions and that only by sacrificing their best crops and their virgin daughters which he rapes and throws into the volcano, can they be saved from the anger of the gods. Note that the power of this is the threat that the angry god will not just kill a single person, but the entire village. If one person defies the shaman, then he endangers everyone.

Now, the volcano is real enough, but the Shaman has no power over it. Sacrificing only fills the belly and lusts of the corrupt shaman, it has no effect on what the volcano will or will not do.

AGW is EXACTLY the same.

We had a little ice age that ended, since that time, global temperatures have been rising. Some shamans have stepped forward and claimed that Gaea is angry over our carbon sins, and only through SACRIFICE (including huge wealth to the climate priests) can we be saved. We must forgo air conditioning to feed the bloodlust of the left who seek an impoverished and miserable underclass.

Do greedy clowns like Michael Mann or Algore have any control over the climate? Fuck no. Is it the actions of humans that created the last ice age, or ended it? Fuck no, All we have are shamans who can con the stupid, the very stupid like you.
how can you be sure that aliens,
capable of interstelar travel.

don t influence

human politics

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