aliens want to transform earth into a biosphere they like

and hjmick remember this IS a conspiracy website

so please more conspiracy

we got prove of alien mind control

because donald trump got elected as presidential candidate of the republican party, thats PROVE theres alien mind control
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what we need is prove that aliens at roswell took over aerea 51 and the us airforce

im not sure but the aliens are pretty obviouesely remaints of an interstelar war
these people are destroing the world we need to live,
only people working for aliens would do that

people working for humans would not do it
They say the rich are ancestors of the rich. I'm talking really rich. The Pharaohs, Kings, emperors. Some took Europe some took Africa some took the native Americans some took Asia. And the rich that rule us today are their ancestors. We do what they want. They control us
what we need is prove that aliens at roswell took over aerea 51 and the us airforce

im not sure but the aliens are pretty obviouesely remaints of an interstelar war
Just realize the kochs, rockafellors, JP Morgan, Rothschild's, jl Gould are aliens and we serve them. For one reason or another they don't care about global warming or the debt
both thre usa and russia are scared shitless of the aliens, thats the nummber 1 reason the cold war never got hot

the nukes are to ensure earth won t be conquered

if the aliens come all of earth gets nuked
both thre usa and russia are scared shitless of the aliens, thats the nummber 1 reason the cold war never got hot
If the rich aliens rule the world that has to include Russia. I think that's why we are fighting Islam. Islam is against interest rates and the Western banks.
the reason theres just 1 spacestaion,the iss is that earth is only allowed 1 spacestation
the chinese could build another space station, why don t they ?
we could build interstelar space ships, why don t we do that ?
the USA spend 6 trillion dollars to fight a useless war, with this money the USA could have build 4 interstelar probes

thats the same logic that killed the appolo program with the vietnam war

NASA could have been on mars in 1985

with nuclear powered interplanetary spaceships

but the vietnam war killed human exploration of space
To better understand the effect of deep space on humans, volunteers and criminals should be shot up into space in single occupancy capsules, that have a lot of food, water, air filter and Internet connection. That would be cheaper than all current proposals, plus they would give more bio data than even the best mengele experiment. Some ratchety volunteers may even decide to contribute by undertaking various scientific tasks whilst traveling to nowhere.
your sick, id never shoot a criminal into space, because its too expensive, it costs about 100 million to get a man into space no criminal is worth that for any reason.

we should build a space ship of 10 000 tons which can have a crew of 300 to send it into the asteroid belt and reproduce, have smelters and 3d printers to be able to reproduce itself , with solarcells and whatever needed to keep 300 people alive

i think that space ship would cost about 2 trillion $

it would be great for the economy, specially high tech
the us budget for millitary is 600 billion a year, a 2 trillion dollar space ship could be paid byslashing funds for the miölitary for 5 years by 50% keeping us military the most powerfull on earth

1. year use 20 billion to start the design for a rocket and start designing the spaceship
2. year start to build rockets
3. year build rockets start to construckt the 10 000 spaceship
4. year 60 billion budget

you can t just slash 300 billion and use that somewhere else
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your sick, id never shoot a criminal into space, because its too expensive, it costs about 100 million to get a man into space no criminal is worth that for any reason.

we should build a space ship of 10 000 tons which can have a crew of 300 to send it into the asteroid belt and reproduce, have smelters and 3d printers to be able to reproduce itself , with solarcells and whatever needed to keep 300 people alive

i think that space ship would cost about 2 trillion $

it would be great for the economy, specially high tech
Yes, that's a good idea too.

By the way, do you know how much prison service contractors charge per prisoner per year? Easily a 100,000 dollars. That way it is not so expensive.

Also there is the possibility to build a stratospheric space elevator to a geo synchronous small space station, where the elevator could be reached by helicopters. Then a much cheaper rocket could be used from the geo synchronous space station to a larger Lagrangian space station or the Moon. From there then we can shoot them really cheap to anywhere we want. Plus the more we shoot them, the volume makes it the more cheap.
aliens have been using humans to convert earths atmosphere into something these aliens like.

they promote usage of coal and oil, the promote cattle so theres more methane in the air.

these aliens require higher co 2 levels and higher temperature

thats why the aliens promote coal burning infrastructure and oilburning infrastructure and gas burning infrastructure and have people eat beef so theres more cows to produce methane

humans wouldn t want that

i think aliens anal probing is bullshit, on the other hand ? who knows maybe aliens laugh there ass off analy probing people for no reason at all
Perhaps all the clown sightings in the woods are aliens masquerading so they can surveil their targets. You might even call them Killer Klowns From Outer Space.

Once I saw a movie where the girls piloted a space ship and forgot to wear any clothes. A gigantic big alien seeing this jumped out of nowhere in the space and put his gigantic dick across the center of the girls space craft. There was not other way for the girls to get this alien out of their ship but to jerk his dick off. The girls were working very hard at the problem. Some riding it, some pulling it, some pushing it, and everything. I'm telling you, the aliens are of dubious agendas.
your sick, id never shoot a criminal into space, because its too expensive, it costs about 100 million to get a man into space no criminal is worth that for any reason.

we should build a space ship of 10 000 tons which can have a crew of 300 to send it into the asteroid belt and reproduce, have smelters and 3d printers to be able to reproduce itself , with solarcells and whatever needed to keep 300 people alive

i think that space ship would cost about 2 trillion $

it would be great for the economy, specially high tech
Yes, that's a good idea too.

By the way, do you know how much prison service contractors charge per prisoner per year? Easily a 100,000 dollars. That way it is not so expensive.

Also there is the possibility to build a stratospheric space elevator to a geo synchronous small space station, where the elevator could be reached by helicopters. Then a much cheaper rocket could be used from the geo synchronous space station to a larger Lagrangian space station or the Moon. From there then we can shoot them really cheap to anywhere we want. Plus the more we shoot them, the volume makes it the more cheap.

at 100 000 $ per year you need a 1000 year sentence + 1o0 million a year to shoot the prisoners into space because it costs 100 million to get someone into space and it costs 100 million to keep them alive for a year

no prisoners in space

theres some islands in the pacific that are 3000 km from the next human place, a lot cheaper then a space station as a prison, and just as safe

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