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All About The Muslims: No Treble

7. Islam lifted the monotheistic concept from the Judeo-Christians and even claims that none other than that frequent flyer Gabriel imparted the divine message to the Prophet, Muhammad.

O. M. G. lolol

Oh, P. S.,

which of the pre-Christian religions did Christians lift the virgin birth from? There are quite a few to choose from.

And, on that topic.....

12. ."...stop hiding our Christian light under a bushel, and end this imbecilic fantasy that indulgence of those who would kill or subjugate all of us and anyone else deemed ambivalent in their hydra-headed jihad will achieve anything except the encouragement of their violent contempt. The two most populous Western countries, the United States and Brazil, are overwhelmingly Christian. A very inquisitive person would ransack the Western media to discover this, but a bone-crushing majority in both countries embraces the principal tenets of Christianity.

13. ....research by the very rigorous Pew Research Center disclosed a month ago that 73% of American adults believe that Mary was a virgin when delivered of Jesus, that 75% believe in the story of the Three Wise Men, 81% that Jesus was placed in a manger, 74% that angels announced His birth to shepherds, and 65% of adult citizens of the United States believe all of the above. The figures for belief in the four tenets mentioned above among Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 are, respectively, 70%, 74%, 80%, and 69%. Even among the millions of Americans with post-graduate degrees, from 53 to 65% believe each one of these traditional assertions."
Victory Awaits France In the Pending War Its Long History Suggests - The New York Sun

Interesting, huh?
I always marvel at the 'my hocus pocus is better than your hocus pocus' arguments.

Some call it "utopium"....I believe this applies to you:

"Who can forget the hideous sight of terrorist Michael Adebolajo? He stood in the middle of a busy London street in broad daylight, surrounded by stunned bystanders. His hands clutched a butcher’s knife and a meat cleaver, covered in the blood of off-duty Pvt. Lee Rigby. Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale had just run over him with a car and gruesomely carved him up, shouting “Allahu Akbar.

But what makes this image doubly repugnant is Britain’s reaction. After briefly being startled awake, it went back to smoking its “utopium,” that hallucinogen that makes Islamist terrorism go away by simply ignoring its real cause."
Britain rsquo s lsquo Utopium rsquo - theTrumpet.com
14." Brazil is a good deal more fervent, in Christian terms, than the United States, the more so from the Roman Catholic conversions to evangelical Protestantism of about 20% of the country when the Liberation Catholics were presenting Christ as a Marxist who sanctioned violence for social aims. (The process of erosion from Rome to Christian fundamentalism effectively stopped when Pope John Paul II excommunicated the principal Liberation theologians.)

15. The Canadian figures would be somewhat, but not unrecognizably, less robust than the American. Even Western Europe, though there would be extensive erosion of the faith in most of it, is unambiguously Christian by cultural and traditional criteria. The fact that Western society is so commendably tolerant does not give us a dispensation from protecting our heritage from assault.

16. Let us hope, and those so inclined may legitimately pray, that the outrage in Paris will assist the Judeo-Christian world in seeing violent Islam plain, and in responding to it with the force that it has successfully employed against earlier, and in all respects, greater, threats. Otherwise, servile appeasement and cowardly silence in the face of the persecution of Christian minorities will eventually produce another Crusade,..."
Victory Awaits France In the Pending War Its Long History Suggests - The New York Sun
How sickening to see, daily, the brain-dead defending the latest world-wide iteration of psychopaths, the religious maniacs of Islamic provenance, by claiming that the number is inconsequential compared to the vaunted "one point six billion blah blah blah....."

Theodore Dalrymple, one of my fav Brits, gives an honest, intelligent perspective:

17." There is more to fear in one terrorist than to celebrate in 99 well-adjusted immigrants.

The shots in the Paris ... killed Ahmed Merabet, a Muslim policeman going to the defense ofCharlie Hebdo: a reminder that by no means all Muslims in France, far from it, are France-hating, Allahu-akbar-shouting fanatics, and that many are well-integrated.

. I go to a Muslimboulangerin Paris whose French bread and pastries are as good as any in the vicinity... I have a prejudice in favor of patronizing his shop precisely to encourage and reward his successful integration.

.... he is only one of many cases that I know. Unfortunately, ...a handful of fanatics can easily have a much more significant social effect than a large number of peaceful citizens.

18. There is more to fear in one terrorist than to celebrate in 99 well-integrated immigrants. And if only 1 percent of French Muslims were inclined to terrorism, this would still be more than 50,000 people,...

... jihadists now have a large pool from which to draw, and there are good reasons to think that more than 1 percent of young Muslims in France are distinctly anti-French.

The number of young French jihadists fighting in Syria is estimated to be 1,200, equal to 1 percent in numbers of the French army...

19. ... the following argument, taken from an articlein the Guardian by French journalist Nabila Ramdani, will not be of much comfort to the French or to other Europeans.

Referring to a terrible episode in 1961, when the French police in Paris killed 200 Algerians and threw them in the Seine (though Ramdani fails to mention that 20 times as many Algerians in France were killed by other Algerians at about the same time, in a power struggle among the nationalist factions), she writes:

“As the history of Paris shows, extreme violence often inspires further violence. The bloody cycle continues, just as it has always done. But attributing its causes to millions of law-abiding French Muslims is as cynical as trying to blame it on a small group of artists and writers.”
Tyranny of the Minority by Theodore Dalrymple City Journal 9 January 2015
20. There is no reason to think that the events in Paris of 1961 “inspired” the Charlie Hebdomassacre—.... so their introduction into the argument can only serve to minimize or exculpate.

And while it is no doubt true that the majority of French Muslims are law-abiding, minorities, unfortunately, may be more important than majorities. A substantial number are not law-abiding, and they commit violence because of a version of religious belief.

Just before Christmas, a man entered a police station in Tours, cut the throat of a policeman and injured two others while shouting “Allah akbar!”

A day later, another man shouted “Allah akbar!” as he drove around Dijon, deliberately running over 11 people. He was probably mad, but madness and religious fanaticism are not mutually exclusive. Ramdani fails to explain why France does not have similar problems with its Vietnamese immigrants."
Tyranny of the Minority by Theodore Dalrymple City Journal 9 January 2015
21. "Fortunately, the response to this week’s attacks has been admirable. The left-wing French newspaper,Libération, which I have often criticized, has bravely given the magazine space in its office; the next edition ofCharlie Hebdowill print 1 million copies, 25 times its normal run.

And in Britain, the Guardian Media Group has announced a donation of £100,000 toCharlie Hebdo. This stands in marked contrast to the pusillanimity displayed by George W. Bush during the Danish cartoon crisis of 2006, and by Barack Obama in 2012, when he criticizedCharlie Hebdofor being offensive to Muslim sentiment." Tyranny of the Minority by Theodore Dalrymple City Journal 9 January 2015
Again, the west sticks its dick into a hornet's nest and then complains about getting stung.

Yeah! Damn us!!! We should all be sitting ducks, as the radical Islamists take over the world. You don't really think they would leave us out. :lmao:

When was the last time Islamists attacked Japan?

That's right Japan doesn't fuck with them, they don't fuck with da Japs.

We support Israel, bomb, invade support coups and then arm people like Saddam and Bin Laden and wonder why they turn on us.
Again, the west sticks its dick into a hornet's nest and then complains about getting stung.

so there were no terrorist attacks before Iraq? Is THAT what you are saying?

No. I'm saying that we have a 40-60 year history of making sweet, sweet love to that Hornet's nest.

Let's review, shall we.

We supported the Counter Coup in IRan in 1953 that put the Shah back in power. He spent the next 25 years not only eradicating any secular oppossition, but radicalizing his people through torture, oppression and general fiscal mismanagement. The Royals lived in big palaces while people starved.

We sent a bunch of military aid to the Zionist Entity in 1973 when they were getting their asses kicked. The Arab world kindly thanked us by jacking up the price of oil.

Since 1980, we have invaded, occupied or bombed - Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Somalia, the Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and probably a few others.

And my personal favorite. We back a lot of really nasty thugs who eventually turn on us. Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were both guys that the CIA told Ronald Reagan we could work with. How'd that turn out again?

But we need to keep making sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung.

Must be something fucked up with Muslims!

Or maybe, just maybe, we can learn what every other imperial power has learned. No one really likes being invaded, bombed or having their culture treated as second class.
Again, the west sticks its dick into a hornet's nest and then complains about getting stung.

so there were no terrorist attacks before Iraq? Is THAT what you are saying?

No. I'm saying that we have a 40-60 year history of making sweet, sweet love to that Hornet's nest.

Let's review, shall we.

We supported the Counter Coup in IRan in 1953 that put the Shah back in power. He spent the next 25 years not only eradicating any secular oppossition, but radicalizing his people through torture, oppression and general fiscal mismanagement. The Royals lived in big palaces while people starved.

We sent a bunch of military aid to the Zionist Entity in 1973 when they were getting their asses kicked. The Arab world kindly thanked us by jacking up the price of oil.

Since 1980, we have invaded, occupied or bombed - Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya, Somalia, the Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and probably a few others.

And my personal favorite. We back a lot of really nasty thugs who eventually turn on us. Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were both guys that the CIA told Ronald Reagan we could work with. How'd that turn out again?

But we need to keep making sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest, and then complain about getting stung.

Must be something fucked up with Muslims!

Or maybe, just maybe, we can learn what every other imperial power has learned. No one really likes being invaded, bombed or having their culture treated as second class.

if you know ANYTHING about Islam, you would know they lie, cheat, kill and steal. They are TOLD to kill, befriend and lie to non- Christians until they get enough power to rule the world.
Again, the west sticks its dick into a hornet's nest and then complains about getting stung.

Of course, anybody with a triple digit IQ realizes that what has actually occurred is Muslim hornets who have moved their nest to Europe trying to intimidate the native populations there.

It has nothing to do with your retarded platitudes.

They may have to make other plans:
"3 jihadists reportedly killed in counter-terrorism raid in Belgium"
3 jihadists reportedly killed in counter-terrorism raid in Belgium Fox News
if you know ANYTHING about Islam, you would know they lie, cheat, kill and steal. They are TOLD to kill, befriend and lie to non- Christians until they get enough power to rule the world.

Why do I guess you don't really know much about Islam other than what you've heard on Hannity's show.

I don't watch Hannity libtard. You are clueless.

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