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I live in Australia, booze is religion here, and religion is booze.

Let me introduce you to my freind Coopers Sparkling Ale, 5.8%.

I have often drank so much of this I voted for Obama. In the Australian election!

Australian beer totally sucks. But I'll give you this ... anyone that can drink Victoria Bitters and not see their lunch for the second time around is one hardcore MFer. First slug I took of that horse piss I looked like Old Faithful and had to drink a dozen Heinekens to get the taste out of my mouth.:eusa_angel:
You can count on it. Unless Larry Hagman donates his new liver to me.

One of the more painfull ways to go. You won't be so glib when the liver fails.

Mr Happy, spreading cheer and good will, as usual.:lol:

OOOPS! sorry Gunny I'm not much of a drinker. Don't mean to poop in the the punchbowl.

I watched an ex's mom die from alcohol poisoning and liver failure. It wasn't pretty.

Carry on~! Bottoms up! Skol!
I live in Australia, booze is religion here, and religion is booze.

Let me introduce you to my freind Coopers Sparkling Ale, 5.8%.

I have often drank so much of this I voted for Obama. In the Australian election!

Man.... that's really drunk. How was the hang over?

Like the signs and t-shirts in New Orleans say.........

"Avoid hangovers, stay drunk!"
someday you will explain moral and christian men who drink, call women ***** (ravi) and so on and so on....the marvels of rationalization and justiification perhaps?

I never said I was perfect. I like beer, and I'll answer to the Lord for drinking beer when I get there.

And if some woman doesn't want me to call her a "****," then she shouldn't refer to me *FIRST* as a "pole." One is no worse than the other sb, and you're constant refusal to fairly recognize that and NOT blame BOTH parties accordingly is just a little on the hypocritical side. I'd NEVER call Ravi "ravioli ****" again if she never called me "pole rider." See how that works now? Pretty simple.
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I live in Australia, booze is religion here, and religion is booze.

Let me introduce you to my freind Coopers Sparkling Ale, 5.8%.

I have often drank so much of this I voted for Obama. In the Australian election!

Man.... that's really drunk. How was the hang over?

Like the signs and t-shirts in New Orleans say.........

"Avoid hangovers, stay drunk!"

I've seen people do that... get up and just start drinking the next day after a night of drinking, and they haven't even sobered up yet. I could never do it. Just the smell of a beer or a cigarette and I'm about ready to projectile hurl... :lol:

I'd never make an alcoholic. After I drink I need to dry out for a week or so.
Beer is one of the world's oldest beverages, possibly dating back to the early Neolithic or 9000 BC, and is recorded in the written history of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.[8] The earliest Sumerian writings contain references to a type of beer. A prayer to the goddess Ninkasi, known as "The Hymn to Ninkasi", serves as both a prayer as well as a method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate people.[5][6]

As almost any substance containing carbohydrates, mainly sugar or starch, can naturally undergo fermentation, it is likely that beer-like beverages were independently invented among various cultures throughout the world. The invention of bread and beer has been argued to be responsible for humanity's ability to develop technology and build civilization.[9][10][11] The earliest known chemical evidence of beer dates to circa 3500–3100 BC from the site of Godin Tepe in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran.[12]

Beer was spread through Europe by Germanic and Celtic tribes as far back as 3000 BC,[13] though it was mainly brewed on a domestic scale.[14] The product that the early Europeans drank might not be recognised as beer by most people today. The early European beers might contain alongside the basic starch source: fruits, honey, numerous types of plants, spices and other substances such as narcotic drugs.[15] What they did not contain was hops, as that was a later addition—first mentioned in Europe around 822 by a Carolingian Abbot[16] and again in 1067 by Abbess Hildegard of Bingen.[17]

Beer produced before the Industrial Revolution continued to be made and sold on a domestic scale, although by the 7th century AD, beer was also being produced and sold by European monasteries. During the Industrial Revolution, the production of beer moved from artisanal manufacture to industrial manufacture, and domestic manufacture ceased to be significant by the end of the 19th century.[18] The development of hydrometers and thermometers changed brewing by allowing the brewer more control of the process and greater knowledge of the results.

Today, the brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant multinational companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging from brewpubs to regional breweries.[19] More than 133 billion liters (35 billion gallons) are sold per year (the equivalent of a cube 510 metres on a side), producing total global revenues of $294.5 billion (£147.7 billion) in 2006.[20]

Beer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If beer is the oldest beverage, and prostitution is the oldest profession, I propose the following..........

A whorehouse pub in every town!

Incidentally, beer was given to the Israelites by the Egyptians as a way to feed them (they called it "liquid bread"), as well as a good method of keeping them docile (they'd get drunk and go to sleep easier at night).

Beer is GOOD!
Old Milwaukee Light?

Naah... I'd rather quit drinking beer than drink that beaver piss.

We had...


Never heard of it. Is it a regional beer? Lager? Ale?

The picture looks a little "Brokeback" if you ask me, but I don't judge those who drink it.

are you gay? anytime you see a picture of two dudes in a canoe fishing with a dog you think of homos....might want to recheck your compass....
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Old Milwaukee Light?

Naah... I'd rather quit drinking beer than drink that beaver piss.

We had...


A nice beer. Far better than anything the zipper-heads at Miller or Bud ever put out.

Miller... too malty for me. Bud, ppphht... I have nothing good to say about beer made from RICE. Yes, the Leinenkugel's is great tasting beer. I still like my Pabst Blue Ribbon too. Hell Wisconsin has breweries all over. It's home to all kinds of beers. Old Style, Blatz, Hamms, POINT... which is another great tasting beer, won a beer taste contest in Playboy once...


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