ALL MEN ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. 1 Cor 6;9 Thomas Jefferson declared “all men created e


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
1 Cor 6;9

Thomas Jefferson declared “all men created equal” not GOD. Jefferson did not know GOD. And that did not stop men from not treating all men equal. John F. Kennedy quote form “A Nation of Immigrants.” Birth defects are not a creation by GOD.

GOD did not create homosexuals anymore than he created Cain as a murderer. Satan was not created the devil. Gay marriage is moral issue not a legal issue and has been settle by GOD in the beginning when he created male and female.

GOD set down for a set of laws concerning marriage in Leviticus and GOD does not change and GOD’s laws trumps man’s laws. It is a sad day when we compromise our moral principals for political gains. In order to define marriage you must first define what sex is. Sex is the same in animals and in humans and some plants. To grow a squash you need a female and a male. There has to be a male and a female with the anatomy to perform the sex act. If not it is something other than sex. GOD did not make provisions for same sex marriage. There are two organs needed for sex and two woman and two man don’t have them and therefore cannot perform what is constituted sex. Homosexuality is defined in the bible and there is no other definition. Sex does not define love.

Most people support gay marriage and the most popular thing is not always he right thing. We have lost our way as a nation and need to find our way back to GOD. Isa 59;2...A nations iniquities separate them from GOD…
A gay marriage will never be recognized as a legal marriage in the eyes of GOD.
” Birth defects are not a creation by GOD.

GOD did not create homosexuals anymore than he created Cain as a murderer. Satan was not created the devil.

So...all those things caught God by surprise? He didn't see them coming?

Gay marriage is moral issue not a legal issue and has been settle by GOD in the beginning when he created male and female.

Gay marriage is both a moral AND a legal issue and until we become a theocracy, the Constitution is still the law of the land. Personally, I don't like the idea of gay marriage, but I also cannot see any constitutional reason to deny it...yet. There is a case before the Supreme Court right now which may settle that issue, if the Court dares.

Most people support gay marriage and the most popular thing is not always he right thing. We have lost our way as a nation and need to find our way back to GOD. Isa 59;2...A nations iniquities separate them from GOD…

According to II Chron 7:14, it is not the nation which needs to find its way back to God, but His church, His people. It is BELEIVERS who have gone astray, not everyone else.
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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”, declared the signatories of the American Declaration of Independence, but the slave-owning Thomas Jefferson did not seem to think they need stay that way. Indeed, if there’s one characteristic shared by almost every human society, it is inequality: the existence of a social hierarchy.
BBC - Future - Science & Environment - Social status: Why all men are not created equal

We are one people, one nation and when the Nation of Israel sinned the entire nation suffered the consequences.
Even though I don't agree with gay marriage I could never cast a vote of the issue. It really makes no difference if the constitution legalize it or not. Gay marriage does not take away from my marriage.(if had one)
Nothing catches GOD by surprise. It know the out come from the beginning to the end.
I apologize for insults to members of the board for insults and foul language. I will refrain in the future.
Marriage should not be a legal issue, though we as a society think we should be allowed to control others freedom to choice their own lives. Good or bad even God doesn't overwrite Man's right of free well...though he does judge us on the choices we make.
Marriage equality is marriage elasticity to end with marriage extinction.

Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia,” he wrote. “‘It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,’ she said. ‘But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. … ‘Marriage equality’ becomes ‘marriage elasticity,’ with the ultimate goal of ‘marriage extinction.’”
Read more at ?Marriage equality? spells ?marriage extinction?
Nothing catches GOD by surprise. It know the out come from the beginning to the end.

So...that means God either had to cause the things you mentioned (including gay marriage) or allow them to happen for His own purposes, right?

If anything happens in His creation that He does not either direct or allow, He's not the God he claims to He?
Marriage equality is marriage elasticity to end with marriage extinction.

Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia,” he wrote. “‘It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,’ she said. ‘But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. … ‘Marriage equality’ becomes ‘marriage elasticity,’ with the ultimate goal of ‘marriage extinction.’”
Read more at ?Marriage equality? spells ?marriage extinction?

Good point.....but this can not happen unless the Church allows it. Marriage was created by God for us. Marriage can not die if we hold true to his word. If we don't then marriage is the least of our worries.
Nothing catches GOD by surprise. It know the out come from the beginning to the end.

So...that means God either had to cause the things you mentioned (including gay marriage) or allow them to happen for His own purposes, right?

If anything happens in His creation that He does not either direct or allow, He's not the God he claims to He?

I would suggest learning about who God is before making these accusations.
Nothing catches GOD by surprise. It know the out come from the beginning to the end.

So...that means God either had to cause the things you mentioned (including gay marriage) or allow them to happen for His own purposes, right?

If anything happens in His creation that He does not either direct or allow, He's not the God he claims to He?

I would suggest learning about who God is before making these accusations.

I know about God. Do you? I know He's omni-present (everywhere at all times), omniscient (having complete, unlimited awareness, understanding and knowledge) and omni-powerful (no limits to what He can do).

If that's the God you know, please explain to me how anything can happen, anywhere in creation, with His knowing it and either causing it to happen or allowing it.
So...that means God either had to cause the things you mentioned (including gay marriage) or allow them to happen for His own purposes, right?

If anything happens in His creation that He does not either direct or allow, He's not the God he claims to He?

I would suggest learning about who God is before making these accusations.

I know about God. Do you? I know He's omni-present (everywhere at all times), omniscient (having complete, unlimited awareness, understanding and knowledge) and omni-powerful (no limits to what He can do).

If that's the God you know, please explain to me how anything can happen, anywhere in creation, with His knowing it and either causing it to happen or allowing it.

My appologies ... I miss read your post.
God allows all manner of evil to exist. If we did not have the free will to choose between good and evil we would no longer be human being of His creation.
Marriage equality is marriage elasticity to end with marriage extinction.

Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia,” he wrote. “‘It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,’ she said. ‘But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. … ‘Marriage equality’ becomes ‘marriage elasticity,’ with the ultimate goal of ‘marriage extinction.’”
Read more at ?Marriage equality? spells ?marriage extinction?

Good point.....but this can not happen unless the Church allows it. Marriage was created by God for us. Marriage can not die if we hold true to his word. If we don't then marriage is the least of our worries.

So true! Very true. The Church is not God and Churches choose evil as a political expediency all the time. Many Churches chose Nazism because if they did, they would survive.

One of the promises God made was that very few can be true Christians. Very few will actually keep His Word. Those who did would be persecuted, their institutions torn down and their faith attacked relentlessly.
I would suggest learning about who God is before making these accusations.

I know about God. Do you? I know He's omni-present (everywhere at all times), omniscient (having complete, unlimited awareness, understanding and knowledge) and omni-powerful (no limits to what He can do).

If that's the God you know, please explain to me how anything can happen, anywhere in creation, with His knowing it and either causing it to happen or allowing it.

My appologies ... I miss read your post.

Apology accepted. And, thank you for having the courage and character to do that. Many people won't.
1 Cor 6;9

Thomas Jefferson declared “all men created equal” not GOD. Jefferson did not know GOD. And that did not stop men from not treating all men equal. John F. Kennedy quote form “A Nation of Immigrants.” Birth defects are not a creation by GOD.

GOD did not create homosexuals anymore than he created Cain as a murderer. Satan was not created the devil. Gay marriage is moral issue not a legal issue and has been settle by GOD in the beginning when he created male and female.

If you have ever spent the time to study the Adam and Eve fable, it's quite evident that the gods created evil prior to "poofing" Adam and Eve into existence.

GOD set down for a set of laws concerning marriage in Leviticus and GOD does not change and GOD’s laws trumps man’s laws. It is a sad day when we compromise our moral principals for political gains. In order to define marriage you must first define what sex is. Sex is the same in animals and in humans and some plants. To grow a squash you need a female and a male. There has to be a male and a female with the anatomy to perform the sex act. If not it is something other than sex. GOD did not make provisions for same sex marriage. There are two organs needed for sex and two woman and two man don’t have them and therefore cannot perform what is constituted sex. Homosexuality is defined in the bible and there is no other definition. Sex does not define love.

Most people support gay marriage and the most popular thing is not always he right thing. We have lost our way as a nation and need to find our way back to GOD. Isa 59;2...A nations iniquities separate them from GOD…

I suppose the good news is that we can look forward to the gods initiating another of those humanity-wiping floods to rid the planet of humans who have been such a disappointment.
A gay marriage will never be recognized as a legal marriage in the eyes of GOD.

And this isn't a theocracy based on the christian religion and beliefs.

"In 1776 our fathers endeavored to retire the gods from politics. They declared that "all
governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed." This was a
contradiction of the then political ideas of the world; it was, as many believed, an act of
pure blasphemy a renunciation of the Deity. ...It was a notice to all churches and priests
that thereafter mankind would govern and protect themselves. Politically it tore down every
altar and denied the authority of every "sacred book" and appealed from the Providence of
God to the Providence of man."
..........Robert Ingersoll
Sex is the same in animals and in humans and some plants. To grow a squash you need a female and a male. There has to be a male and a female with the anatomy to perform the sex act.

So what do you call it when a male cat humps another male cat?
God allows all manner of evil to exist. If we did not have the free will to choose between good and evil we would no longer be human being of His creation.
Aye, aye, my friend. According to certain scriptures, God not only allows evil to exist,he created it:

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. (Isaiah 45:7, KJV)
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? (Amos 3:6, KJV)
Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good? (Lamentations 3:38)
the left wants to legalized gay marriage so that homos can have all the legal rights normal strait couples have ,and that includes adopting kids so they can raise more left wing voters.

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