All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm

This also helps to explain was there is so much genetic diversity within the caucasian race and none within the African.

Thats not true at all Tank.
Sure it is, Cauasians can have blue, brown, green, black eyes and blond, red, black, brown hair.

Africans only have black afros and eyes.

Actually, you're wrong. There are groups in Africa, such as the Bushmen in Nambia, that are the most genetically diverse in the world.


One of her collaborators, Muntaser Ibrahim of the University of Khartoum, said indigenous people were eager to help the research. "They would like to know about their past as much as everybody else," he said. "The notion that people in remote areas are not interested in genetics is not true."

Although the study's main focus was on Africa, Tishkoff and her colleagues studied DNA markers from around the planet, identifying 14 "ancestral clusters" for all of humanity. Nine of those clusters are in Africa. "You're seeing more diversity in one continent than across the globe," Tishkoff said.

Her team looked at 98 African Americans from North Carolina, Baltimore, Chicago and Pittsburgh. The researchers determined that, on average, 71 percent of their genes could be traced to the far-flung African linguistic group Niger-Kordofanian, 8 percent to other African groups and 13 percent to Europe, with a smattering of genetic markers pointing to other places on the globe.
It would be interesting to see a genetic map of many of the bigots on this board. Bet there would be some real surprises.
There was a times when some thought blacks were "less" than human. Hilarious.

If blacks all lack the neanderthal gene then they are obviously less diverse than non blacks, and thus, by the irrefutable logic of left wing science, less than human.
What this means for all those "southern confederate" slave holders who were able to justify slavery because it's OK in the Bible and because they wanted to believe that blacks weren't entirely human. Turns out blacks are the only ones who are "entirely" human. That means all they have left is a book written by bronze age people who didn't know to wash after wiping. A book with Children's fables like "Noah's Ark" and "Samson".


Why don't you invent a time machine and go back to ask them.

Wait, you can't, time machines can only go back to the point where they first existed, not past that point. Unless our current understanding of physics is wrong, then you could ask them, and get laughed at because that was not the actual justification for slavery, that was a rationalization. The justification was that it was economically feasible.
You mean scientists lied to me when they told me that we all came out of Africa ?

"According to our results, the ancestors of Neanderthals and modern humans went their separate ways about 400,000 years ago," said co-author Jim Mullikin, a computational geneticist at the National Human Genome Research Institute.

The new data, however, also supports that Neanderthals and humans encountered each other again around 45,000 to 80,000 years ago in the Middle East, when humans migrating out of Africa likely met Neanderthals who were already living there.

The meeting must not have been too unpleasant, since the researchers believe the interbreeding happened at this place and estimated time.

Neanderthals, Humans Interbred, DNA Proves : Discovery News

They only lied to you.

Actually, you are again misinterpreting a single fact and not putting it into the context of everything we know. The truth is our most recent common ancestor was lived 2000 years ago in the Middle East. Everyone currently living on Earth is descended from that person, which means we are all cousins.

The fact that our European ancestors intermingled with Neanderthals at some point is actually just a bit of trivia, because everyone currently alive would have some of that DNA mixed in unless they somehow managed to keep their lineage completely pure. That is as close to being impossible as anything I can think of when we start talking about genetics and evolution.

I am not surprised you are confused since you do not understand evolution at all, you just believe in it.
There was a times when some thought blacks were "less" than human. Hilarious.

Like Darwin, and all those who touted evolution. I embrace my Neanderthal roots. Clever folks, who most likely invented art, the fire bow, the arrow, spear head and cooking. Ware would we be without them ?
There was a times when some thought blacks were "less" than human. Hilarious.

If blacks all lack the neanderthal gene then they are obviously less diverse than non blacks, and thus, by the irrefutable logic of left wing science, less than human.

You might, for once, want to think this through.

There started out a finite pool of humans with all the "human" genes in the world. A small group of them broke off from the main group and headed north. Just the fact that they are a small group from a much larger group makes them less genetically diverse. They mated with Neanderthals. Only about 2% of their genes actually entered the human gene pool. Even with that small addition, the main group, from where Africans are descended, were much, much more diverse genetically.

Look at lions and tigers. They have diverged genetically. Their offspring is usually sterile. But occasionally, they do have fertile offspring. Now say that "liger" mated with a lion. Now the offspring has only 25% of tiger genes and 75% lion. How many generations before the percentage drops to 2%? At some point, everyone would have some consistent percentage. Think about why.

With Neanderthals and humans diverging for 400,000 years, you can bet their situation was very similar to lions and tigers.

I really am shocked how little right wingers know about anything. Genetics and evolution is taught in high school, at least in the high school I went to. I know it's not allowed in many southern high schools. Because in those schools, "God did it".
What this means for all those "southern confederate" slave holders who were able to justify slavery because it's OK in the Bible and because they wanted to believe that blacks weren't entirely human. Turns out blacks are the only ones who are "entirely" human. That means all they have left is a book written by bronze age people who didn't know to wash after wiping. A book with Children's fables like "Noah's Ark" and "Samson".


Ignorant. Slavery is also acceptable in Islam, and was practiced by all Native American tribes as well as among the tribes in Africa who provided black slaves to those Confederates you blather on about, not to mention the fact that slavery is also practiced among the illegals you love so much from south of the border.
There was a times when some thought blacks were "less" than human. Hilarious.

Like Darwin, and all those who touted evolution. I embrace my Neanderthal roots. Clever folks, who most likely invented art, the fire bow, the arrow, spear head and cooking. Ware would we be without them ?

Because Africans didn't have those things?
There was a times when some thought blacks were "less" than human. Hilarious.

If blacks all lack the neanderthal gene then they are obviously less diverse than non blacks, and thus, by the irrefutable logic of left wing science, less than human.

You might, for once, want to think this through.

There started out a finite pool of humans with all the "human" genes in the world. A small group of them broke off from the main group and headed north. Just the fact that they are a small group from a much larger group makes them less genetically diverse. They mated with Neanderthals. Only about 2% of their genes actually entered the human gene pool. Even with that small addition, the main group, from where Africans are descended, were much, much more diverse genetically.

Look at lions and tigers. They have diverged genetically. Their offspring is usually sterile. But occasionally, they do have fertile offspring. Now say that "liger" mated with a lion. Now the offspring has only 25% of tiger genes and 75% lion. How many generations before the percentage drops to 2%? At some point, everyone would have some consistent percentage. Think about why.

With Neanderthals and humans diverging for 400,000 years, you can bet their situation was very similar to lions and tigers.

I really am shocked how little right wingers know about anything. Genetics and evolution is taught in high school, at least in the high school I went to. I know it's not allowed in many southern high schools. Because in those schools, "God did it".

Can you provide a link to a wild example of a ligar ?
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What this means for all those "southern confederate" slave holders who were able to justify slavery because it's OK in the Bible and because they wanted to believe that blacks weren't entirely human. Turns out blacks are the only ones who are "entirely" human. That means all they have left is a book written by bronze age people who didn't know to wash after wiping. A book with Children's fables like "Noah's Ark" and "Samson".


Ignorant. Slavery is also acceptable in Islam, and was practiced by all Native American tribes as well as among the tribes in Africa who provided black slaves to those Confederates you blather on about, not to mention the fact that slavery is also practiced among the illegals you love so much from south of the border.

Is that why you defend slavery?
What this means for all those "southern confederate" slave holders who were able to justify slavery because it's OK in the Bible and because they wanted to believe that blacks weren't entirely human. Turns out blacks are the only ones who are "entirely" human. That means all they have left is a book written by bronze age people who didn't know to wash after wiping. A book with Children's fables like "Noah's Ark" and "Samson".


Ignorant. Slavery is also acceptable in Islam, and was practiced by all Native American tribes as well as among the tribes in Africa who provided black slaves to those Confederates you blather on about, not to mention the fact that slavery is also practiced among the illegals you love so much from south of the border.

Is that why you defend slavery?

Never did defend slavery. You still have not produced a wild example of a lion/tiger hybrid. Two animals who's habitat barely if at all touches. As to what the primitive Africans had, ?they had little bit of all of it. All primitive cultures had spears, many bows and arrows As well as slings an atl-atl's. All primitive cultures had art and cooking, and it is believed they were all invented and discovered concurrently by the various primitive people you ignorant turd ball. Now, can you pleas post an example of the hybrid animal ? it was a big part of your point.
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If blacks all lack the neanderthal gene then they are obviously less diverse than non blacks, and thus, by the irrefutable logic of left wing science, less than human.

You might, for once, want to think this through.

There started out a finite pool of humans with all the "human" genes in the world. A small group of them broke off from the main group and headed north. Just the fact that they are a small group from a much larger group makes them less genetically diverse. They mated with Neanderthals. Only about 2% of their genes actually entered the human gene pool. Even with that small addition, the main group, from where Africans are descended, were much, much more diverse genetically.

Look at lions and tigers. They have diverged genetically. Their offspring is usually sterile. But occasionally, they do have fertile offspring. Now say that "liger" mated with a lion. Now the offspring has only 25% of tiger genes and 75% lion. How many generations before the percentage drops to 2%? At some point, everyone would have some consistent percentage. Think about why.

With Neanderthals and humans diverging for 400,000 years, you can bet their situation was very similar to lions and tigers.

I really am shocked how little right wingers know about anything. Genetics and evolution is taught in high school, at least in the high school I went to. I know it's not allowed in many southern high schools. Because in those schools, "God did it".

Can you provide a link to a wild example of a ligar ?

Wild? I think it's explained pretty well here.

[ame=]‪The Truth about Ligers‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I don't agree with everything they have to say, but it's mostly correct.

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