All Palestinians Are Guilty

I'd be curious to know who did those polls. Polls are one of the Establishment's tools for forming public opinion, rather than informing. So I don't take them at face value.

This is the problem. Too many people are so quick to believe whatever they're told by the TV.

The poll was done by Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. They are located in the West Bank and have been conducting and publishing surveys of Palestinian opinions for decades.
They all have blood on their hands. Hamas is a creation of the Palestinians
No, it' the Christians of the world that are the self-confessing sinners.

Muslims don't subscribe to that same baloney. They choose virgins over a set of unusable wingbuds on their backs. We atheists take the virgins too if we have to pretend to make a choice..
. . . and you remind them what our founders felt & wrote about meddling in foreign wars and foreign intrigue, and what would be the biggest danger, and most obvious threat to our liberty, and these folks biggest equivocation and denial is, "that was then, this is now." It is like crown propaganda. . .

They literally reject and deny the wisdom of the folks that wrote the founding documents, just for blood-lust, so they don't have to deal with the dissonance of who we are as a nation, and the propaganda they are subjected to daily by the neocon/neolib corporatists, and government daily.
The biggest danger would be our own government. The Federalist papers are full of warnings that we ignored.

In regards to War that wasnt enumerated.

The poll was done by Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. They are located in the West Bank and have been conducting and publishing surveys of Palestinian opinions for decades.

The US paid the Gaza settler families $200,000 each to leave Gaza in 2005.

Which Palestinians have turned in the animals holding the hostages?

Oh, that's right, not a single one!

Kidnappers and those who give them sanctuary are equally guilty
The biggest danger would be our own government. The Federalist papers are full of warnings that we ignored.

In regards to War that wasnt enumerated.

Political Observations, 20 April 1795​

Political Observations​

April 20, 1795.
Madison Papers

". . . The American People love peace; and the cry of war might alarm when no hope remained of convincing them. The cry of war has accordingly been echoed through the continent, with a loudness proportioned to the emptiness of the pretext; and to this cry has been added, another still 10 more absurd, that the propositions would in the end, enslave the United States to their allies, and plunge them into anarchy and misery.. .. . "


". . . Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ12 of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination13 of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

Those truths are well established. They are read in every page which records the progression from a less arbitrary to a more arbitrary government, or the transition from a popular government to an aristocracy or a monarchy.

It must be evident, then, that in the same degree as the friends of the propositions were jealous of armies, and debts, and prerogative, as dangerous to a republican Constitution, they must have been averse to war, as favourable to armies and debts, and prerogative. . . . "


Political Observations, 20 April 1795​

Political Observations​

April 20, 1795.
Madison Papers

". . . The American People love peace; and the cry of war might alarm when no hope remained of convincing them. The cry of war has accordingly been echoed through the continent, with a loudness proportioned to the emptiness of the pretext; and to this cry has been added, another still 10 more absurd, that the propositions would in the end, enslave the United States to their allies, and plunge them into anarchy and misery.. .. . "


". . . Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ12 of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination13 of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

Those truths are well established. They are read in every page which records the progression from a less arbitrary to a more arbitrary government, or the transition from a popular government to an aristocracy or a monarchy.

It must be evident, then, that in the same degree as the friends of the propositions were jealous of armies, and debts, and prerogative, as dangerous to a republican Constitution, they must have been averse to war, as favourable to armies and debts, and prerogative. . . . "

Yes I love the Federalist papets. But even back then they fought Wars.
Any idea who said the following:

“It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.”
Founding father. Id have to search. But dont care. Israel is our ally. Our friend regardless of all the bs being thrown at them.

Muzzies been doing this crap for a thousand years. So they can kiss this.
Any idea who said the following:

“It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.”
The more I post on this issue, and interact with this member, (and others similar to them,) I suspect he (and those like them,) aren't even really American/weren't actually born here. They don't give a damn about America, or our founding documents or our culture. Nor do they give one whit about our liberty and sovereignty, nor our blood and treasure for the matter.

They only have a blood-lust for killing anyone that has a belief in Islam, and subverting the republic to a permanent state of war and an unitary executive. They equate all members to this religion, to be the same as supporters of Hamas, ISIS, Al-Qaeda. . . take your war propaganda pick. . . :rolleyes:

It is a repulsive state of affairs, having this Anti-American war and death propaganda all over an ostensibly "American political forum," to be sure.
No, it' the Christians of the world that are the self-confessing sinners.

Muslims don't subscribe to that same baloney. They choose virgins over a set of unusable wingbuds on their backs. We atheists take the virgins too if we have to pretend to make a choice..
You're deflecting the intent of this thread.

If a group of home invaders break into a home, massacre the entire family but one and kidnap that person and flee, and find sanctuary in a home in the neighborhood, and the entire neighborhood knows about the crime, is silent, won't cooperate with the police, are they guilty of a crime? Are they not equally guilty as the home invaders?

That's what happened October 7th. And too many of you side with the criminals
You're deflecting the intent of this thread.

If a group of home invaders break into a home, massacre the entire family but one and kidnap that person and flee, and find sanctuary in a home in the neighborhood, and the entire neighborhood knows about the crime, is silent, won't cooperate with the police, are they guilty of a crime? Are they not equally guilty as the home invaders?

That's what happened October 7th. And too many of you side with the criminals
You know very well that the question can only be answered by first establishing if the abductors are terrorists or freedom fighters.

That question is only answered first by determining whether they are Russians or Americans.

More to the point, China and the Brics have successfully established themselves as being on the side of peace.

While nothing has changed in America.

Biden is trying his best to put a counterspin on the efforts of China and the Brics. What a task! After America's 35-40 wars of aggression since the end of WW2!
They all have blood on their hands. Hamas is a creation of the Palestinians

HAMAS formed in late 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada (uprising). Its roots are in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, and it is supported by a robust sociopolitical structure inside the Palestinian territories.

All Muslims you mean? Yes
Thanks for the accurate portrayal of history, Sunni Man.

Personally, I couldn't care less what they do over there, so long as I'm not strongarmed at the barrel of my own government's gun to fund it. seems that now some folks are starting to bastardize history itself in order to support their feelz or to further put our Republic in the poor house or whatever.
Israel Is on the Front Lines of Our Crusade Against the Globalist Jihad
Israel Is on the Front Lines of Our Crusade Against the Globalist Jihad
America desperately needs the approval of the rest f the world. That means that America can't continue to carelessly throw it's support behind the evil apartheid regime.

Best said by saying that America must somehow continue to be seen as being supported by jesus and family.

China is making a pretty good case for latching on to that status. Promotion of peaceful negotiations vs. America's wars is hitting America below the belt.

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