'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court

These Muslims, adored by Libtards nationwide --- nothing but peaceloving assholes.
Eh, tards?

This woman sounds like she's mentally ill.

So how is that any different than Andrea Yates drowning her five kids because Jesus said so?
easy, the moscow muslim followed a procedure used repeatedly by the radicals. Can you name a group drowning people in the name of jesus similar to the radical muslims beheading folks all over the globe? Seems she repeated an excepted muslim act.
WTF ?!! Yeah, I would say beheading a child is a pretty "serious crime" !

Investigator Olga Lapteva, who was clearly emotional, told the court that Bobokulova was suspected of committing an "extremely serious crime" and that she should face "a mandatory prison sentence of considerably more than three years."

Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on Wednesday said "Allah ordered" the killing as she appeared at a Moscow court.

Suspect Gyulchekhra Bobokulova from Muslim-majority Uzbekistan -- whom the press have dubbed "the bloody nanny" -- was detained on Monday as she was waving the child's severed head outside a Moscow metro station. She was sent for psychiatric examinations.

"It was what Allah ordered," the 38-year-old told journalists as she was brought into the district court to have her arrest confirmed and extended.

Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace" and also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court
Religion makes people nuts, nuts love religion...
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.

Ummm, nooooooo, Muslims keep us well supplied of heinous acts on a daily basis.
WTF ?!! Yeah, I would say beheading a child is a pretty "serious crime" !

Investigator Olga Lapteva, who was clearly emotional, told the court that Bobokulova was suspected of committing an "extremely serious crime" and that she should face "a mandatory prison sentence of considerably more than three years."

Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on Wednesday said "Allah ordered" the killing as she appeared at a Moscow court.

Suspect Gyulchekhra Bobokulova from Muslim-majority Uzbekistan -- whom the press have dubbed "the bloody nanny" -- was detained on Monday as she was waving the child's severed head outside a Moscow metro station. She was sent for psychiatric examinations.

"It was what Allah ordered," the 38-year-old told journalists as she was brought into the district court to have her arrest confirmed and extended.

Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace" and also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court

Thank goodness that God never ordered children to be murdered in the Bible.
obviously an act done by an observant muslim . Very funny seeing the reasons that the libs use to justify / excuse the muslim act of beheading this poor little girl .
WTF ?!! Yeah, I would say beheading a child is a pretty "serious crime" !

Investigator Olga Lapteva, who was clearly emotional, told the court that Bobokulova was suspected of committing an "extremely serious crime" and that she should face "a mandatory prison sentence of considerably more than three years."

Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on Wednesday said "Allah ordered" the killing as she appeared at a Moscow court.

Suspect Gyulchekhra Bobokulova from Muslim-majority Uzbekistan -- whom the press have dubbed "the bloody nanny" -- was detained on Monday as she was waving the child's severed head outside a Moscow metro station. She was sent for psychiatric examinations.

"It was what Allah ordered," the 38-year-old told journalists as she was brought into the district court to have her arrest confirmed and extended.

Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace" and also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court

Thank goodness that God never ordered children to be murdered in the Bible.

Too late, Joe already beat you to today's "but, but, buttttttt Christians !".
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
post up a link of christians drowning people. I can post up beheadings. So can you post up one group drowning folks?
ISIS 'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers' - Times of India

your turn.
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
post up a link of christians drowning people. I can post up beheadings. So can you post up one group drowning folks?
ISIS 'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers' - Times of India

your turn.
The Free Lance-Star - Google News Archive Search
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
post up a link of christians drowning people. I can post up beheadings. So can you post up one group drowning folks?
ISIS 'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers' - Times of India

your turn.
The Free Lance-Star - Google News Archive Search
what is that, it isn't a group it's the mother you already referred to. i said group. i see you still walk with the stupid bug in ya.

You just can't shake free of stupid
She is proud of her act of cold blooded murder, as many Muslims who murdered are.

Allah told me to do it: Cops probe ISIS boyfriend link of nanny who beheaded child
THE nanny who says Allah told her to cut off the head of a four-year-old girl in her care may have been radicalised by an ISIS-linked fanatic, it emerged today

Afghan girls forced to take invasive virginity tests
Afghan women and girls accused of so-called moral crimes are often forced to endure invasive and scientifically questionable “virginity tests” by government doctors, according to human rights advocates.

Denmark: Imam says adulterous women should be stoned to death, mosque openly supports the Islamic State
“There have been numerous unsuccessful political attempts to close Grimhøj Mosque down…” Why were they unsuccessful? It should have been shut down long ago. As for the support for stoning, however, Danish authorities should not be surprised. Did they really expect that Muslims in Europe would voluntarily discard the elements of Islam that contradict European values? It’s more likely that they had no idea what the elements of Islam actually were, and assumed them to be entirely benign; after all, only “Islamophobes” think otherwise.

But hey...just ask an American liberal about this and they will scream...'Christians do it too.'
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
post up a link of christians drowning people. I can post up beheadings. So can you post up one group drowning folks?
ISIS 'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers' - Times of India

your turn.
The Free Lance-Star - Google News Archive Search
what is that, it isn't a group it's the mother you already referred to. i said group. i see you still walk with the stupid bug in ya.

You just can't shake free of stupid
The Christians haven't used drownings recently. Like this woman, just beheading people (or forced conversions, torture, etc.) was easier. Odd eh, for an actual religion of peace which Islam is not. It is a faith that kills its enemies, it doesn't pray for them or turn the other cheek. Your kind of thing actually.
WTF ?!! Yeah, I would say beheading a child is a pretty "serious crime" !

Investigator Olga Lapteva, who was clearly emotional, told the court that Bobokulova was suspected of committing an "extremely serious crime" and that she should face "a mandatory prison sentence of considerably more than three years."

Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on Wednesday said "Allah ordered" the killing as she appeared at a Moscow court.

Suspect Gyulchekhra Bobokulova from Muslim-majority Uzbekistan -- whom the press have dubbed "the bloody nanny" -- was detained on Monday as she was waving the child's severed head outside a Moscow metro station. She was sent for psychiatric examinations.

"It was what Allah ordered," the 38-year-old told journalists as she was brought into the district court to have her arrest confirmed and extended.

Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace" and also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court

Thank goodness that God never ordered children to be murdered in the Bible.
He didn't but when you are blind, deaf and ignorant you won't understand the absolute commands including "Thou shall not kill".
The OP is clearly scraping the bottom of the barrel when he needs to use the behavior of schizophrenics to continue his smear campaign against all Muslims.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
post up a link of christians drowning people. I can post up beheadings. So can you post up one group drowning folks?
ISIS 'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers' - Times of India

your turn.
The Free Lance-Star - Google News Archive Search
what is that, it isn't a group it's the mother you already referred to. i said group. i see you still walk with the stupid bug in ya.

You just can't shake free of stupid
The Christians haven't used drownings recently. Like this woman, just beheading people (or forced conversions, torture, etc.) was easier. Odd eh, for an actual religion of peace which Islam is not. It is a faith that kills its enemies, it doesn't pray for them or turn the other cheek. Your kind of thing actually.
so really no information to cite that would show the woman in Houston followed any christian belief. I didn't think you would present any. Thanks for playing again and enjoy stupid, it's obvious you like it.
Hey Joe, next time Christians behead a child, or anyone in the name of Jesus, please start a thread about it and we'll discuss it.
He probably prefers the Christian way, drown the children but leave the heads on. That's so much better...
post up a link of christians drowning people. I can post up beheadings. So can you post up one group drowning folks?
ISIS 'beheads teenage boys for listening to pop music and missing Friday prayers' - Times of India

your turn.
The Free Lance-Star - Google News Archive Search
what is that, it isn't a group it's the mother you already referred to. i said group. i see you still walk with the stupid bug in ya.

You just can't shake free of stupid
The Christians haven't used drownings recently. Like this woman, just beheading people (or forced conversions, torture, etc.) was easier. Odd eh, for an actual religion of peace which Islam is not. It is a faith that kills its enemies, it doesn't pray for them or turn the other cheek. Your kind of thing actually.
so really no information to cite that would show the woman in Houston followed any christian belief. I didn't think you would present any. Thanks for playing again and enjoy stupid, it's obvious you like it.
Maybe her children were disobedient?

Chapter 21

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:

23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.
WTF ?!! Yeah, I would say beheading a child is a pretty "serious crime" !

Investigator Olga Lapteva, who was clearly emotional, told the court that Bobokulova was suspected of committing an "extremely serious crime" and that she should face "a mandatory prison sentence of considerably more than three years."

Moscow (AFP) - A nanny accused of decapitating a young girl in her care then walking through the street brandishing the head, on Wednesday said "Allah ordered" the killing as she appeared at a Moscow court.

Suspect Gyulchekhra Bobokulova from Muslim-majority Uzbekistan -- whom the press have dubbed "the bloody nanny" -- was detained on Monday as she was waving the child's severed head outside a Moscow metro station. She was sent for psychiatric examinations.

"It was what Allah ordered," the 38-year-old told journalists as she was brought into the district court to have her arrest confirmed and extended.

Speaking in broken Russian from the suspect's cage, Bobokulova said: "Allah is sending a second prophet to give news of peace" and also complained that she was "hungry", had not been fed and would "die in a week".

'Allah ordered' child beheading, nanny says in Moscow court

Thank goodness that God never ordered children to be murdered in the Bible.
He didn't but when you are blind, deaf and ignorant you won't understand the absolute commands including "Thou shall not kill".

Was that commandment given before or after the slaughter of the Amalekites down to children and infants in their cribs? Or the slaughter of 'every living thing' in Jericho?

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