Allahu Akbar: It couldn’t happen here...


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Allahu Akbar: It couldn’t happen here...

14 Oct 2023 ~~ By Lynne Lechter

Admittedly, I grew up in the golden age for Jews in America. Anti-Semitism was muted; Jews were respected for their family values and love of education. In fact in past presidential elections, candidates delved deep into their genetic inheritances to divine a Jewish gene or two.
The existence of the modern state of Israel, a Jewish state but unequivocally also a democracy, gave Jews existential pride, a psychological homeland to which they could move if so desired, and a sense of protection and invincibility.
Globally, Jews stood taller. For those stuck in Jewish-unfriendly geographic locations, rescue if things turned really ugly, was a reality.
The distortion of historic truth has been fueled by superior marketing by the United Nations, which is anti-Semitic and anti-American and by some African-Americans, who were assisted in their civil rights struggle by American Jews, but now feel their oppression is synonymous with that of the Palestinians. It also came from the university woke administrations and professors, along with the stark ignorance of our youth, and the larger population of Muslim converts and immigrants whose mantra is “Kill the Jews.”
Prior to Israel’s existence, the entire area was controlled and governed by the U.K.
In 1947, the United Nations presented a plan to divide the land between Jews and Arabs. The Jewish agency accepted the plan; the Palestinians and Arab countries did not.
Instead, Arab countries waged war against Israel and told the Palestinians as soon as the was was won, they could take over in Israel. However, the Arabs failed, and Israel against all odds won the war, and no Arab country then and through the present, will absorb the Palestinians.
The Oslo Accords were established in 1993. In return for peace, Israel turned over complete control to the Palestinian Authority (PA) of Gaza in Judea, and Samaria in the West Bank in exchange for peace.
While this was the road to complete autonomy for the Palestinians, they violated the agreement by heightened acts of terrorism through a renewed intifada.
In 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty that ended 46 years of warfare. As with Egypt, this agreement has been respected and endured.
Israel, in year 2000, under a Camp David Peace Plan, offered much of Judea and Samaria and 100% of Gaza to the Palestinians for peace. The Palestinian Authority's response was the Second Intifada that killed hundreds and injured thousands of Israelis.
Thus, the Palestinians have rejected four peace offerings while Jordan and Egypt gladly accepted peace treaties and have respected them.
Against these truths, and the unspeakable atrocities Hamas and some Palestinians have heaped on Israel, there is stunning, overt and increasing anti-Israel, anti-Semitic craven hatred towards Jews openly expressed in America, never before experienced. Some Americans gleefully condone the terror and bestial violence we have just witnessed by Hamas in Israel. They, too, want Israel eliminated.
They are unchecked. So could a Nazi Germany happen here?
It’s hard out there for a Jew.

As Daniel Greenfield pointed out at FrontPage (paraphrased)... if you indulge in cease-fires, confidence-building measures and peace talks... you will likely perish. Consummate a successful war against those who are sworn to destroy you and you can survive.
We are seeing what happens when we allow Muslims to come here. They have a religious bond that is much stronger than any western religion and they can be controlled by their religious leaders. Look at the protests for Palestinians and against Israel that popped up all over the world. They will eventually reach a level locally where they can control all activities and spread their evil religion to others. They will also be a hot bed of radicals who will certainly riot with weapons. Why do we allow this? Look at all of the other Western nations that have allowed large scale immigration of Muslims into their country and see what it has wrought. Nothing good yet they keep the doors open for them.
You have to wonder just how many of the estimated 1.4 million got-a-ways are Muslim terrorists and when will the attacks in America begin, or have they started and we are not being alerted by those we've elected and our Media.
First there was the 1993 attack on the Twin towers, then came 9-11.
We are seeing what happens when we allow Muslims to come here. They have a religious bond that is much stronger than any western religion and they can be controlled by their religious leaders. Look at the protests for Palistinians and against Israel that popped up all over the world. They will eventually reach a level locally where they can control all activities and spread their evil religion to others. They will also be a hot bed of racicals who will certainly riot with weapons. Why do we allow this? Look at all of the other Western nations that have allowed large scale immigration of Muslims into their country and see what it has wrought. Nothing good yet they keep the doors open for them.

Allahu Akbar: It couldn’t happen here...

14 Oct 2023 ~~ By Lynne Lechter

Admittedly, I grew up in the golden age for Jews in America. Anti-Semitism was muted; Jews were respected for their family values and love of education. In fact in past presidential elections, candidates delved deep into their genetic inheritances to divine a Jewish gene or two.
The existence of the modern state of Israel, a Jewish state but unequivocally also a democracy, gave Jews existential pride, a psychological homeland to which they could move if so desired, and a sense of protection and invincibility.
Globally, Jews stood taller. For those stuck in Jewish-unfriendly geographic locations, rescue if things turned really ugly, was a reality.
The distortion of historic truth has been fueled by superior marketing by the United Nations, which is anti-Semitic and anti-American and by some African-Americans, who were assisted in their civil rights struggle by American Jews, but now feel their oppression is synonymous with that of the Palestinians. It also came from the university woke administrations and professors, along with the stark ignorance of our youth, and the larger population of Muslim converts and immigrants whose mantra is “Kill the Jews.”
Prior to Israel’s existence, the entire area was controlled and governed by the U.K.
In 1947, the United Nations presented a plan to divide the land between Jews and Arabs. The Jewish agency accepted the plan; the Palestinians and Arab countries did not.
Instead, Arab countries waged war against Israel and told the Palestinians as soon as the was was won, they could take over in Israel. However, the Arabs failed, and Israel against all odds won the war, and no Arab country then and through the present, will absorb the Palestinians.
The Oslo Accords were established in 1993. In return for peace, Israel turned over complete control to the Palestinian Authority (PA) of Gaza in Judea, and Samaria in the West Bank in exchange for peace.
While this was the road to complete autonomy for the Palestinians, they violated the agreement by heightened acts of terrorism through a renewed intifada.
In 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty that ended 46 years of warfare. As with Egypt, this agreement has been respected and endured.
Israel, in year 2000, under a Camp David Peace Plan, offered much of Judea and Samaria and 100% of Gaza to the Palestinians for peace. The Palestinian Authority's response was the Second Intifada that killed hundreds and injured thousands of Israelis.
Thus, the Palestinians have rejected four peace offerings while Jordan and Egypt gladly accepted peace treaties and have respected them.
Against these truths, and the unspeakable atrocities Hamas and some Palestinians have heaped on Israel, there is stunning, overt and increasing anti-Israel, anti-Semitic craven hatred towards Jews openly expressed in America, never before experienced. Some Americans gleefully condone the terror and bestial violence we have just witnessed by Hamas in Israel. They, too, want Israel eliminated.
They are unchecked. So could a Nazi Germany happen here?
It’s hard out there for a Jew.

As Daniel Greenfield pointed out at FrontPage (paraphrased)... if you indulge in cease-fires, confidence-building measures and peace talks... you will likely perish. Consummate a successful war against those who are sworn to destroy you and you can survive.
We are seeing what happens when we allow Muslims to come here. They have a religious bond that is much stronger than any western religion and they can be controlled by their religious leaders. Look at the protests for Palestinians and against Israel that popped up all over the world. They will eventually reach a level locally where they can control all activities and spread their evil religion to others. They will also be a hot bed of radicals who will certainly riot with weapons. Why do we allow this? Look at all of the other Western nations that have allowed large scale immigration of Muslims into their country and see what it has wrought. Nothing good yet they keep the doors open for them.
You have to wonder just how many of the estimated 1.4 million got-a-ways are Muslim terrorists and when will the attacks in America begin, or have they started and we are not being alerted by those we've elected and our Media.

Greenfield is a professional hatemonger. Doesn't strike me as intelligent or well educated.


Allahu Akbar: It couldn’t happen here...

14 Oct 2023 ~~ By Lynne Lechter

Admittedly, I grew up in the golden age for Jews in America. Anti-Semitism was muted; Jews were respected for their family values and love of education. In fact in past presidential elections, candidates delved deep into their genetic inheritances to divine a Jewish gene or two.
The existence of the modern state of Israel, a Jewish state but unequivocally also a democracy, gave Jews existential pride, a psychological homeland to which they could move if so desired, and a sense of protection and invincibility.
Globally, Jews stood taller. For those stuck in Jewish-unfriendly geographic locations, rescue if things turned really ugly, was a reality.
The distortion of historic truth has been fueled by superior marketing by the United Nations, which is anti-Semitic and anti-American and by some African-Americans, who were assisted in their civil rights struggle by American Jews, but now feel their oppression is synonymous with that of the Palestinians. It also came from the university woke administrations and professors, along with the stark ignorance of our youth, and the larger population of Muslim converts and immigrants whose mantra is “Kill the Jews.”
Prior to Israel’s existence, the entire area was controlled and governed by the U.K.
In 1947, the United Nations presented a plan to divide the land between Jews and Arabs. The Jewish agency accepted the plan; the Palestinians and Arab countries did not.
Instead, Arab countries waged war against Israel and told the Palestinians as soon as the was was won, they could take over in Israel. However, the Arabs failed, and Israel against all odds won the war, and no Arab country then and through the present, will absorb the Palestinians.
The Oslo Accords were established in 1993. In return for peace, Israel turned over complete control to the Palestinian Authority (PA) of Gaza in Judea, and Samaria in the West Bank in exchange for peace.
While this was the road to complete autonomy for the Palestinians, they violated the agreement by heightened acts of terrorism through a renewed intifada.
In 1994, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty that ended 46 years of warfare. As with Egypt, this agreement has been respected and endured.
Israel, in year 2000, under a Camp David Peace Plan, offered much of Judea and Samaria and 100% of Gaza to the Palestinians for peace. The Palestinian Authority's response was the Second Intifada that killed hundreds and injured thousands of Israelis.
Thus, the Palestinians have rejected four peace offerings while Jordan and Egypt gladly accepted peace treaties and have respected them.
Against these truths, and the unspeakable atrocities Hamas and some Palestinians have heaped on Israel, there is stunning, overt and increasing anti-Israel, anti-Semitic craven hatred towards Jews openly expressed in America, never before experienced. Some Americans gleefully condone the terror and bestial violence we have just witnessed by Hamas in Israel. They, too, want Israel eliminated.
They are unchecked. So could a Nazi Germany happen here?
It’s hard out there for a Jew.

As Daniel Greenfield pointed out at FrontPage (paraphrased)... if you indulge in cease-fires, confidence-building measures and peace talks... you will likely perish. Consummate a successful war against those who are sworn to destroy you and you can survive.
We are seeing what happens when we allow Muslims to come here. They have a religious bond that is much stronger than any western religion and they can be controlled by their religious leaders. Look at the protests for Palestinians and against Israel that popped up all over the world. They will eventually reach a level locally where they can control all activities and spread their evil religion to others. They will also be a hot bed of radicals who will certainly riot with weapons. Why do we allow this? Look at all of the other Western nations that have allowed large scale immigration of Muslims into their country and see what it has wrought. Nothing good yet they keep the doors open for them.
You have to wonder just how many of the estimated 1.4 million got-a-ways are Muslim terrorists and when will the attacks in America begin, or have they started and we are not being alerted by those we've elected and our Media.
^ Antisemitic garbage; fallacious spewing; moronic word salad.
I don't know any Muslims who hate. Some people are more civilized and intelligent than others.
I don't know any Muslims who hate. Some people are more civilized and intelligent than others.

Sahih Muslim Book 1, Hadith Number 33.​


Chapter : Command for fighting against the people so long as they do not profess that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.
It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.

It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said:
I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.
Also, see here;

SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 1: The Book of Faith (KITAB AL-IMAN) (part I)
So no one in Hamas, which you support and endorse regards it's attacks, is Muslim?
I want more Muslims and Christians in America. And Jews.

The west has become a filthy disgraceful place men going into women’s bathrooms. Trans surgeries for children. None of that happens in the Muslim majority countries. And all of this nonsense from Israeli propaganda that a tiny number of Americans believe, nobody’s buying it in America.

Thanks Saudi Arabia is now undergoing incredible liberal reforms. They say it’s actually going back to the traditional Islam. Men and women are dancing in the streets there.

the Jewish supremacist in Israel are Trying to divide us Americans. God be with the beautiful Palestinian Christians fighting for their homelands.

Total and utter insanity from the Israeli lobby. The only person killed in America due to the Israel Palestine issue was a six year old Palestinian American boy. Killed by someone who used to be his friend but was radicalized by pro Israel propaganda.

I can’t believe what happened to a tiny number of Trump supporters. They are the same as BLM fanatics, calling anyone who disagrees with them a racist
First there was the 1993 attack on the Twin towers, then came 9-11.
We are seeing what happens when we allow Muslims to come here. They have a religious bond that is much stronger than any western religion and they can be controlled by their religious leaders. Look at the protests for Palistinians and against Israel that popped up all over the world. They will eventually reach a level locally where they can control all activities and spread their evil religion to others. They will also be a hot bed of racicals who will certainly riot with weapons. Why do we allow this? Look at all of the other Western nations that have allowed large scale immigration of Muslims into their country and see what it has wrought. Nothing good yet they keep the doors open for them.

Sahih Muslim Book 1, Hadith Number 33.​


Chapter : Command for fighting against the people so long as they do not profess that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.
It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.

It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said:
I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah, and he who professed it was guaranteed the protection of his property and life on my behalf except for the right affairs rest with Allah.
Also, see here;

SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 1: The Book of Faith (KITAB AL-IMAN) (part I)
So no one in Hamas, which you support and endorse regards it's attacks, is Muslim?

This isn't about religion. It's just another land grab. Palestinians are human beings just like Jews
First there was the 1993 attack on the Twin towers, then came 9-11.
We are seeing what happens when we allow Muslims to come here. They have a religious bond that is much stronger than any western religion and they can be controlled by their religious leaders. Look at the protests for Palistinians and against Israel that popped up all over the world. They will eventually reach a level locally where they can control all activities and spread their evil religion to others. They will also be a hot bed of racicals who will certainly riot with weapons. Why do we allow this? Look at all of the other Western nations that have allowed large scale immigration of Muslims into their country and see what it has wrought. Nothing good yet they keep the doors open for them.

You're an idiot. This has nothing to do with religion.
This isn't about religion. It's just another land grab. Palestinians are human beings just like Jews
Or you are either more ignorant than you seem or just another dis-informationist for Islamic Jihad.

Islamic Dogma claims that any land once under the rule of Islam is forever an Islamic land, part of the Dur-al-Islam and must be returned to Islam. Hence this is both; religious and a land grab.

It is also a continuation of the 1948 War with Israel. A war that will only end once Israel is no more, as far as Islam/Muslims are concerned.
You can almost sense a Patriot Act 2 with the Progs screaming...WHITE NATIONALISTS...WHITE the real terrorism takes its toll on us as it expands exponentially. We will vastly increase our surveillance society and the loss of massive unalienable rights will continue. The authoritarian law enforcement a percentage of us love will clamp on us more and more and with glee they will do it. Psychological designs on the dismemberment of the United States of America through ingenious agendas over decades will succeed in folding us into the world government. Fellow Republicans. Look at many of our own politicians who spew agendas of others. Some running for President is insulting to the voters who do not want this.
Greenfield is a professional hatemonger. Doesn't strike me as intelligent or well educated.


This isn't about religion. It's just another land grab. Palestinians are human beings just like Jews
and ignorant of his own country's origins too.

For Jefferson asserted in his autobiography that his original legislative intent had been “to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan [Muslim], the Hindoo, and Infidel of every denomination.”


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