Allahu Akbar: It couldn’t happen here...

When you cheer on the murder of muslims then you should expect some pushback.
The US has been a cheerleader of murder.
What murder? Seriously. I've no doubt Israel is pursuing ethnic cleansing in the WB, and if the world thought Gaza was a open air jail .... it's going to be a tent city.
The random bombing of everything in Gaza is murder.
sorry. Hamas, and the Palestinians, are using 100 hostages, after rape and murder of women and children INTENTIONALLY WITH PREMEDIATION. The bombing would stop if the hostages were returned, even though the Palestinians have changed the Israeli society. The tunnels are under the buildings. You should be able to envision what ANY US president would do if that kind of attack happened in the US.
sorry. Hamas, and the Palestinians, are using 100 hostages, after rape and murder of women and children INTENTIONALLY WITH PREMEDIATION. The bombing would stop if the hostages were returned, even though the Palestinians have changed the Israeli society. The tunnels are under the buildings. You should be able to envision what ANY US president would do if that kind of attack happened in the US.
Ive seen what the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was a disaster as well.
Total disaster.
The random bombing of everything in Gaza is murder.
Bombing in Gaza is not random, it is directed at your heroes who rape and mutilate and especially like to burn and behead infants in order to entertain islamo nazi sluts and you.---The Hezbollah bombing spree upon Haifa is intentional murder----too remote to be so entertaining to the islamo-nazi sluts and you. For your entertainment see the koran----the rapist dog of mecca entertained his sluts by fiddling around with the genitalia of adolescent boys and then chopping their heads off whilst his sluts giggled with delight----delighful
reading material for you.
Bombing in Gaza is not random, it is directed at your heroes who rape and mutilate and especially like to burn and behead infants in order to entertain islamo nazi sluts and you.---The Hezbollah bombing spree upon Haifa is intentional murder----too remote to be so entertaining to the islamo-nazi sluts and you. For your entertainment see the koran----the rapist dog of mecca entertained his sluts by fiddling around with the genitalia of adolescent boys and then chopping their heads off whilst his sluts giggled with delight----delighful
reading material for you.

How many times has Israel invaded Lebanon? You all can't get along with any of your neighbors.
How many times has Israel invaded Lebanon? You all can't get along with any of your neighbors.
I don't know----what I do know is that NO BODY should be doing anything south of
the Litani river. The only reason that there are
people living there now is to fulfill their koranic
obligation to protect mujahadeen on missions to murder jews in the name of the rapist dog of
mecca. For those who do not know---the area of Lebanon south of the Litani river is an utter
wasteland---no agriculture, no industry --just people planted there, fed by Iran and an Iranian proxy army---Hezbollah---army of allah. It is a convenient site from which to murder people in the area of Israel HAIFA which is residential and also lite industry including desalinization plants. Remember MAALOT? ---a similar situation
Ive seen what the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was a disaster as well.
Total disaster.
W engaged in an elective war to nation build in Iraq. There's a distinction there. Also W failed to either destroy al queda in Afghan or have an exit. But tora bora should today be a large hole.

War should be avoided when possible. Hamas, and the Pales, disagree on that. ANd Hamas knew exactly what the IDF would do, and Hamas wanted it to start another war. But it appears the Arabs are also weary of the Palestinians.

Even so, I'd agree that both Israel and the Pales teach ethnic hatred of each other.
W engaged in an elective war to nation build in Iraq. There's a distinction there. Also W failed to either destroy al queda in Afghan or have an exit. But tora bora should today be a large hole.

War should be avoided when possible. Hamas, and the Pales, disagree on that. ANd Hamas knew exactly what the IDF would do, and Hamas wanted it to start another war. But it appears the Arabs are also weary of the Palestinians.

Even so, I'd agree that both Israel and the Pales teach ethnic hatred of each other.
I do not agree with your LAISSEZ-FAIRE, isolationist, approach to totalitarian monsters
across the sea----but do agree war should
have been avoided----a simple bullet to the
head of Saddam would have worked WONDERS. He was very dangerous.
W engaged in an elective war to nation build in Iraq. There's a distinction there. Also W failed to either destroy al queda in Afghan or have an exit. But tora bora should today be a large hole.

War should be avoided when possible. Hamas, and the Pales, disagree on that. ANd Hamas knew exactly what the IDF would do, and Hamas wanted it to start another war. But it appears the Arabs are also weary of the Palestinians.

Even so, I'd agree that both Israel and the Pales teach ethnic hatred of each other.
You can't reason with people like Tommy, he believes groups like Hamas are freedom fighters.
America is such a push- over that nothing would surprise me .
End of Empire nations always behave stupidly and that is 100% true of USeLess in what ? --- at least since 9/11
You can't reason with people like Tommy, he believes groups like Hamas are freedom fighters.
They are , 100% from their perspective , and they view a "has been " nation like the US with contempt .
And you cannot really blame them
Sadly, Israel is the source of anti-Semitism today.

The Oslo Accords were a farce. Israel began building Jewish only settlements in the occupied West Bank before the ink was dry.

Muslims don't want to live with Jews, so why is that a problem?
W engaged in an elective war to nation build in Iraq. There's a distinction there. Also W failed to either destroy al queda in Afghan or have an exit. But tora bora should today be a large hole.

War should be avoided when possible. Hamas, and the Pales, disagree on that. ANd Hamas knew exactly what the IDF would do, and Hamas wanted it to start another war. But it appears the Arabs are also weary of the Palestinians.

Even so, I'd agree that both Israel and the Pales teach ethnic hatred of each other.
It was a disaster where thousands of people were killed for no reason. Like in Palestine.
It was a disaster where thousands of people were killed for no reason. Like in Palestine.
Hamas still has 100 hostages, whom they likely have raped and tortured. Hamas could end this today. Although the IDF isn't gonna let Hamas run the joint. Bibi and Likud helped create hamas. Israel is practicing ethnic cleansing, or genocide. There's not necessarily a good guy, here. There certainly are never innocents among the combatants

I'm not sure what your comparisons to W and even Obama in Afghan or Iraq are about, besides possibly to change the topic. But if you think we brought hell to Falluja, you have no clue to what we'd do if Hamas tried that with us. Skip down to criticisms.

Bombing in Gaza is not random, it is directed at your heroes who rape and mutilate and especially like to burn and behead infants in order to entertain islamo nazi sluts and you.---The Hezbollah bombing spree upon Haifa is intentional murder----too remote to be so entertaining to the islamo-nazi sluts and you. For your entertainment see the koran----the rapist dog of mecca entertained his sluts by fiddling around with the genitalia of adolescent boys and then chopping their heads off whilst his sluts giggled with delight----delighful
reading material for you.

The Zionists firebombed Haifa in December of 1947. Israelis are no better than Hamas.

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