Allies copped out in WW2

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Unconditional Surrender my azz.................

Let the Japanese negotiate to let Hirohito remain emporer. The war-crimminal remained in power until he died of natural causes.

Same thing as allowing Hitler to remain leader of Germany.
The Allies caved in to Japanese demands - Japan dindt surrender until Hirohitos status and safety was Guarenteed - the war criminal bowed before President Nixon - and vice versa

Allies should have said - we dont make deals with abjectly defeated foes
Big-time cop-out and cowardice forthe allies to negotiate witht the Japanese for protecting Emporor Hirohito. Should have been hanged alongside Tojo.

IN-YOUR-FACE affront to all the casualties to the war in the Pacific
Well it could be that is more a "lesson learned" thing then "wussing out". After wwI, one of the most punative treaties, the Treaty Of Versaille, ever enacted, was imposed on Germany. Which in turn really messed them up..which in turn gave rise to a really really angry nationalist reaction.

Or maybe not.

Who wants to learn from history.
Obviously fixated on WW2.


Definedthe mid-20th Century to today..................................
Obviously fixated on WW2.


Definedthe mid-20th Century to today..................................

Yes to a large degree.
And one of the main reasons is that the Military Industrial Complex never dropped from being an uber major power player in our government.
We kept finding conflicts for them.
Actually they pretty much found them and our politicians tried to sell them to us.
Works well on most folks too.
If the GG hand't taken care of businees - we would all be speaking German or Japanese today..................

Still think they were too lenient on the Japanese -but I guess it is 20/20 hindsight..............

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We could all be speakingGerman or Japanese if theGG hadn't taken care of business.
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Unconditional Surrender my azz.................

Let the Japanese negotiate to let Hirohito remain emporer. The war-crimminal remained in power until he died of natural causes.

Same thing as allowing Hitler to remain leader of Germany.

It was a political decision.

The easiest way to occupy a nation is to co-op the leadership to do your bidding for you.

Hitler never surrendered, remember?

Japan surrendered unconditionally.

It was WE who chose not to try him as war criminal.

Smart move.
OK - whatever............

Hirohito knew about thePearl Harbor attack in advance - as well as approving atrocities like the Rape Of Nanking in 1937 etc

Yet this same war crimminal meets heads-of state like President Nixon............................

Allies should have called the Japs bluff - said no negotiation - surrender or else oa couple more nukes and continued fire-bombing.............................................
Continued fire-bombings would have done the trick. Without the need for an invasion of the Japanese homeland.

Think the nagasaki A-Bomb was the last in our arsenal..................
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