Allowing DHS Funding To Lapse Is Praiseworthy


Sep 23, 2010

Naturally, the NY Times sets the tone for the media blaming Tea Party conservatives. Americans are not against legal immigration. Americans are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION which is exactly what Democrats have been promoting for decades. First let illegal aliens come in —— then grant them amnesty.

“Speaker Boehner made it clear that he has no plan to avoid a government shutdown that would threaten the safety of the American people,” the statement released by the spokesman, Drew Hammill, said. It called Mr. Boehner’s remarks “a sad reflection of the fact that the Tea Party continues to hold the gavel as they insist on their futile anti-immigrant grandstanding.”​

Note the standard NY Times newspeak.

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.​

The media is all set to blame Tea Party conservatives for shutting down the government. Only this time it is NOT A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN —— it is only the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), while only a small number out of 240,000 DHS employees will lose a paycheck. The fact is that the DHS should be abolished. From day one the DHS was a boondoggle for the parasite class. DHS never should have been created to begin with shortly after the attacks on 9-11-2001.

NOTE: The only time Democrats ever cut funding for anything is for the US military during war and peace. The Chicago sewer rat openly says he wants every tax dollar spent on welfare state program recipients, illegal aliens, and the entire parasite class —— everybody except Pentagon civil servants who do their best to defend the country.

The travesty is that DHS and media mouths talk about border security when, in fact, the border began crumbling under LBJ until it completely disappeared after the DHS was placed in charge of ‘national security.’

On top of border security B.S. liars like Typhoid Nancy add illegal immigration to their sales pitch.

A statement issued by a spokesman for Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, said on Sunday that all of her caucus would vote for a “clean” Homeland Security bill — one that contained no immigration-related amendments — and urged the speaker to bring such a measure to a vote.

Boehner Says He’d Allow Homeland Security Shutdown
FEB. 15, 2015

Instead of blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the DHS, conservative Tea Partiers should be praised by every American for demanding the right thing. Tea Party conservatives will not lose elections over shutting down the DHS as the media tells us. Conversely, Tea Party conservatives stand a better than even chance of laying the blame where it belongs —— ON DEMOCRATS.

Is a puzzlement

Exactly what DHS agencies do to justify their continued existence is more puzzling than Rubic’s Cube.


I’m fairly certain that every Tea Party conservative knows that DHS works for illegal aliens. I also know that most conservatives cannot find out if those 240,000 employees are DHS employees only, or if that number is combined with agencies that were operating before 9-11-2001. My guess is that every DHS agency has its own bloated bureaucracy.


Border & Transportation Security Directorate

The Border and Transportation Security Directorate will bring the major border security and transportation operations under one roof, including:

The U.S. Customs Service (Treasury)
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (part) (Justice)
The Federal Protective Service (GSA)
The Transportation Security Administration (Transportation)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (Treasury)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (part)(Agriculture)
Office for Domestic Preparedness (Justice)​

Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate

The Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate will oversee domestic disaster preparedness training and coordinate government disaster response. It will bring together:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Strategic National Stockpile and
the National Disaster Medical Sysytem
Nuclear Incident Response Team (Energy)
Domestic Emergency Support Teams (Justice)
National Domestic Preparedness Office (FBI)​

Science & Technology Directorate

The Science and Technology Directorate will seek to utilize all scientific and technological advantages when securing the homeland. The following assets will be part of this effort:

CBRN Countermeasures Programs (Energy)
Environmental Measurements Laboratory (Energy)
National BW Defense Analysis Center (Defense)
Plum Island Animal Disease Center (Agriculture)​

The entire DHS boondoggle gave Democrats the opportunity to hide complete control over the intelligence community behind a bunch of agencies —— agencies that have not a thing to do with defending the country. Question: How has the DHS been working out in the war against Islam?

Information Analysis & Infrastructure Protection Directorate

The Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate will analyze intelligence and information from other agencies (including the CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA) involving threats to homeland security and evaluate vulnerabilities in the nation's infrastructure. It will bring together:​

Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (Commerce)

Federal Computer Incident Response Center (GSA)
National Communications System (Defense)
National Infrastructure Protection Center (FBI)
Energy Security and Assurance Program (Energy)
Secret Service and Coast Guard will be located in the Department of Homeland Security, remaining intact and reporting directly to the Secretary.

Secret Service
Coast Guard

In addition, the INS adjudications and benefits programs will report directly to the Deputy Secretary as the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.​

Incidentally, a Democrat president controlling the intelligence community is tied up so tightly in invisible tape nobody will ever know where a DNI’s loyalty lies:

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

The Director of National Intelligence serves as the head of the Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and acting as the principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security.

Finally, allowing DHS funding to lapse offers Tea Party favorites in Congress a once in a lifetime opportunity to expose the Democrats, and hand the media a severe setback. I cannot say which I would enjoy the most.
The pubs will make hay on this .... Watch...

Defund DHS? Who could argue with that?


Naturally, the NY Times sets the tone for the media blaming Tea Party conservatives. Americans are not against legal immigration. Americans are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION which is exactly what Democrats have been promoting for decades. First let illegal aliens come in —— then grant them amnesty.

“Speaker Boehner made it clear that he has no plan to avoid a government shutdown that would threaten the safety of the American people,” the statement released by the spokesman, Drew Hammill, said. It called Mr. Boehner’s remarks “a sad reflection of the fact that the Tea Party continues to hold the gavel as they insist on their futile anti-immigrant grandstanding.”​

Note the standard NY Times newspeak.

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.​

The media is all set to blame Tea Party conservatives for shutting down the government. Only this time it is NOT A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN —— it is only the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), while only a small number out of 240,000 DHS employees will lose a paycheck. The fact is that the DHS should be abolished. From day one the DHS was a boondoggle for the parasite class. DHS never should have been created to begin with shortly after the attacks on 9-11-2001.

NOTE: The only time Democrats ever cut funding for anything is for the US military during war and peace. The Chicago sewer rat openly says he wants every tax dollar spent on welfare state program recipients, illegal aliens, and the entire parasite class —— everybody except Pentagon civil servants who do their best to defend the country.

The travesty is that DHS and media mouths talk about border security when, in fact, the border began crumbling under LBJ until it completely disappeared after the DHS was placed in charge of ‘national security.’

On top of border security B.S. liars like Typhoid Nancy add illegal immigration to their sales pitch.

A statement issued by a spokesman for Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, said on Sunday that all of her caucus would vote for a “clean” Homeland Security bill — one that contained no immigration-related amendments — and urged the speaker to bring such a measure to a vote.

Boehner Says He’d Allow Homeland Security Shutdown
FEB. 15, 2015

Instead of blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the DHS, conservative Tea Partiers should be praised by every American for demanding the right thing. Tea Party conservatives will not lose elections over shutting down the DHS as the media tells us. Conversely, Tea Party conservatives stand a better than even chance of laying the blame where it belongs —— ON DEMOCRATS.

Is a puzzlement

Exactly what DHS agencies do to justify their continued existence is more puzzling than Rubic’s Cube.


I’m fairly certain that every Tea Party conservative knows that DHS works for illegal aliens. I also know that most conservatives cannot find out if those 240,000 employees are DHS employees only, or if that number is combined with agencies that were operating before 9-11-2001. My guess is that every DHS agency has its own bloated bureaucracy.


Border & Transportation Security Directorate

The Border and Transportation Security Directorate will bring the major border security and transportation operations under one roof, including:

The U.S. Customs Service (Treasury)
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (part) (Justice)
The Federal Protective Service (GSA)
The Transportation Security Administration (Transportation)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (Treasury)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (part)(Agriculture)
Office for Domestic Preparedness (Justice)​

Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate

The Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate will oversee domestic disaster preparedness training and coordinate government disaster response. It will bring together:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Strategic National Stockpile and
the National Disaster Medical Sysytem
Nuclear Incident Response Team (Energy)
Domestic Emergency Support Teams (Justice)
National Domestic Preparedness Office (FBI)​

Science & Technology Directorate

The Science and Technology Directorate will seek to utilize all scientific and technological advantages when securing the homeland. The following assets will be part of this effort:

CBRN Countermeasures Programs (Energy)
Environmental Measurements Laboratory (Energy)
National BW Defense Analysis Center (Defense)
Plum Island Animal Disease Center (Agriculture)​

The entire DHS boondoggle gave Democrats the opportunity to hide complete control over the intelligence community behind a bunch of agencies —— agencies that have not a thing to do with defending the country. Question: How has the DHS been working out in the war against Islam?

Information Analysis & Infrastructure Protection Directorate

The Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate will analyze intelligence and information from other agencies (including the CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA) involving threats to homeland security and evaluate vulnerabilities in the nation's infrastructure. It will bring together:​

Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (Commerce)

Federal Computer Incident Response Center (GSA)
National Communications System (Defense)
National Infrastructure Protection Center (FBI)
Energy Security and Assurance Program (Energy)
Secret Service and Coast Guard will be located in the Department of Homeland Security, remaining intact and reporting directly to the Secretary.

Secret Service
Coast Guard

In addition, the INS adjudications and benefits programs will report directly to the Deputy Secretary as the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.​

Incidentally, a Democrat president controlling the intelligence community is tied up so tightly in invisible tape nobody will ever know where a DNI’s loyalty lies:

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

The Director of National Intelligence serves as the head of the Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and acting as the principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security.

Finally, allowing DHS funding to lapse offers Tea Party favorites in Congress a once in a lifetime opportunity to expose the Democrats, and hand the media a severe setback. I cannot say which I would enjoy the most.

Very nice Op Ed. Except it's mostly a lie. Most of DHS are considered essential personnel. Very few will be sent home. DHS will continue to operate. This is a BS Political Ploy. Your bunch is trying to do another "Hold Up" for political reasons. If it really is just the Tea Party (and I don't see it is) then the Tea Party needs to go away. This action is not supported by the Republicans in the Senate. Even Fox News Sunday is having a bit of trouble with it. I thought that the other news agencies were soft peddling it a bit but Chris Wallace interviewed Bohner. Wallace handled Bohner with his kind of kid gloves and it made Bohner look like a bratty child throwing a temper tantrum. The other Fox News people weren't so kind. It wasn't until McConnel started to lead that we noticed the petty crap leadership of the House. And the Political BS Games that Bohner and company are playing. 2016 is a year away. I see the Senate to continue with Republican majority but I see the House going to a Democrat Majority unless they get rid of Bohner and get someone willing to work with the Senate in governing.

Naturally, the NY Times sets the tone for the media blaming Tea Party conservatives. Americans are not against legal immigration. Americans are against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION which is exactly what Democrats have been promoting for decades. First let illegal aliens come in —— then grant them amnesty.

“Speaker Boehner made it clear that he has no plan to avoid a government shutdown that would threaten the safety of the American people,” the statement released by the spokesman, Drew Hammill, said. It called Mr. Boehner’s remarks “a sad reflection of the fact that the Tea Party continues to hold the gavel as they insist on their futile anti-immigrant grandstanding.”​

Note the standard NY Times newspeak.

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.​

The media is all set to blame Tea Party conservatives for shutting down the government. Only this time it is NOT A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN —— it is only the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), while only a small number out of 240,000 DHS employees will lose a paycheck. The fact is that the DHS should be abolished. From day one the DHS was a boondoggle for the parasite class. DHS never should have been created to begin with shortly after the attacks on 9-11-2001.

NOTE: The only time Democrats ever cut funding for anything is for the US military during war and peace. The Chicago sewer rat openly says he wants every tax dollar spent on welfare state program recipients, illegal aliens, and the entire parasite class —— everybody except Pentagon civil servants who do their best to defend the country.

The travesty is that DHS and media mouths talk about border security when, in fact, the border began crumbling under LBJ until it completely disappeared after the DHS was placed in charge of ‘national security.’

On top of border security B.S. liars like Typhoid Nancy add illegal immigration to their sales pitch.

A statement issued by a spokesman for Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, said on Sunday that all of her caucus would vote for a “clean” Homeland Security bill — one that contained no immigration-related amendments — and urged the speaker to bring such a measure to a vote.

Boehner Says He’d Allow Homeland Security Shutdown
FEB. 15, 2015

Instead of blaming conservative Republicans for shutting down the DHS, conservative Tea Partiers should be praised by every American for demanding the right thing. Tea Party conservatives will not lose elections over shutting down the DHS as the media tells us. Conversely, Tea Party conservatives stand a better than even chance of laying the blame where it belongs —— ON DEMOCRATS.

Is a puzzlement

Exactly what DHS agencies do to justify their continued existence is more puzzling than Rubic’s Cube.


I’m fairly certain that every Tea Party conservative knows that DHS works for illegal aliens. I also know that most conservatives cannot find out if those 240,000 employees are DHS employees only, or if that number is combined with agencies that were operating before 9-11-2001. My guess is that every DHS agency has its own bloated bureaucracy.


Border & Transportation Security Directorate

The Border and Transportation Security Directorate will bring the major border security and transportation operations under one roof, including:

The U.S. Customs Service (Treasury)
The Immigration and Naturalization Service (part) (Justice)
The Federal Protective Service (GSA)
The Transportation Security Administration (Transportation)
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (Treasury)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (part)(Agriculture)
Office for Domestic Preparedness (Justice)​

Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate

The Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate will oversee domestic disaster preparedness training and coordinate government disaster response. It will bring together:

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Strategic National Stockpile and
the National Disaster Medical Sysytem
Nuclear Incident Response Team (Energy)
Domestic Emergency Support Teams (Justice)
National Domestic Preparedness Office (FBI)​

Science & Technology Directorate

The Science and Technology Directorate will seek to utilize all scientific and technological advantages when securing the homeland. The following assets will be part of this effort:

CBRN Countermeasures Programs (Energy)
Environmental Measurements Laboratory (Energy)
National BW Defense Analysis Center (Defense)
Plum Island Animal Disease Center (Agriculture)​

The entire DHS boondoggle gave Democrats the opportunity to hide complete control over the intelligence community behind a bunch of agencies —— agencies that have not a thing to do with defending the country. Question: How has the DHS been working out in the war against Islam?

Information Analysis & Infrastructure Protection Directorate

The Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate will analyze intelligence and information from other agencies (including the CIA, FBI, DIA and NSA) involving threats to homeland security and evaluate vulnerabilities in the nation's infrastructure. It will bring together:​

Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (Commerce)

Federal Computer Incident Response Center (GSA)
National Communications System (Defense)
National Infrastructure Protection Center (FBI)
Energy Security and Assurance Program (Energy)
Secret Service and Coast Guard will be located in the Department of Homeland Security, remaining intact and reporting directly to the Secretary.

Secret Service
Coast Guard

In addition, the INS adjudications and benefits programs will report directly to the Deputy Secretary as the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.​

Incidentally, a Democrat president controlling the intelligence community is tied up so tightly in invisible tape nobody will ever know where a DNI’s loyalty lies:

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

The Director of National Intelligence serves as the head of the Intelligence Community, overseeing and directing the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and acting as the principal advisor to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security.

Finally, allowing DHS funding to lapse offers Tea Party favorites in Congress a once in a lifetime opportunity to expose the Democrats, and hand the media a severe setback. I cannot say which I would enjoy the most.

Very nice Op Ed. Except it's mostly a lie. Most of DHS are considered essential personnel. Very few will be sent home. DHS will continue to operate. This is a BS Political Ploy. Your bunch is trying to do another "Hold Up" for political reasons. If it really is just the Tea Party (and I don't see it is) then the Tea Party needs to go away. This action is not supported by the Republicans in the Senate. Even Fox News Sunday is having a bit of trouble with it. I thought that the other news agencies were soft peddling it a bit but Chris Wallace interviewed Bohner. Wallace handled Bohner with his kind of kid gloves and it made Bohner look like a bratty child throwing a temper tantrum. The other Fox News people weren't so kind. It wasn't until McConnel started to lead that we noticed the petty crap leadership of the House. And the Political BS Games that Bohner and company are playing. 2016 is a year away. I see the Senate to continue with Republican majority but I see the House going to a Democrat Majority unless they get rid of Bohner and get someone willing to work with the Senate in governing.

DHS is an example of a useless worthless government arm of tyranny

The senate needs to do its job and pass the bill as presented

Not content with venting His petulance on American veterans last time around. This time America's Failed Messiah will shut down TSA and ground all air traffic because it just won't be safe.

But surely not Air Farce One!

Not as long as their remains even one golf course unplayed anywhere on the planet.
Wonder if Obama is on the phone to Iran telling him now would be a good time for attacks......
Very nice Op Ed. Except it's mostly a lie. Most of DHS are considered essential personnel. Very few will be sent home. DHS will continue to operate. This is a BS Political Ploy. Your bunch is trying to do another "Hold Up" for political reasons. If it really is just the Tea Party (and I don't see it is) then the Tea Party needs to go away. This action is not supported by the Republicans in the Senate. Even Fox News Sunday is having a bit of trouble with it. I thought that the other news agencies were soft peddling it a bit but Chris Wallace interviewed Bohner. Wallace handled Bohner with his kind of kid gloves and it made Bohner look like a bratty child throwing a temper tantrum. The other Fox News people weren't so kind. It wasn't until McConnel started to lead that we noticed the petty crap leadership of the House. And the Political BS Games that Bohner and company are playing. 2016 is a year away. I see the Senate to continue with Republican majority but I see the House going to a Democrat Majority unless they get rid of Bohner and get someone willing to work with the Senate in governing.

To Daryl Hunt: You are misinformed about everything. Here is one example that even you should see:

Border & Transportation Security Directorate

The Border and Transportation Security Directorate will bring the major border security and transportation operations under one roof, including:


The Transportation Security Administration (Transportation)​

The filthy Democrat sneaks are sucking up to illegal aliens to cover the DHS’s control of everything.

Equally destructive is Obama’s ornery insistence on a centralized U.S. transportation system propped up by federal spending. His request for a $478 billion public works package — including subsidies for passenger rail, urban mass transit, and streetcars —would cement this approach.

This Washington-centric model prioritizes an inept bureaucracy over a capable private sector when it comes to controlling how money is generated and spent on surface transportation activities.

Why Washington Shouldn’t Control Transportation Spending
Emily Goff
February 16, 2015

Why Washington Shouldn t Control Transportation Spending

DHS combined with HHS (Health and Human Services), and the EPA, put control of just about everything in the hands of Socialist parasites. The media uses the good ‘ol government shutdown blame game to castrate the power of the purse. Even when the House tries to rein in the DHS, that nest of traitors over in the Senate block the House. Between the Senate, and a presidential veto, the constitutional power of the purse is as useless as balls on a jellyfish. Exception: The power of the purse means tax and spend to your Democrats.

Wonder if Obama is on the phone to Iran telling him now would be a good time for attacks......

To Manonthestreet: Very possible. Every America-hater has an open line to Taqiyya the Liar’s private phone.
This is where the rubber hits road, or perhaps I should say: This is where the shit hits the fan if Republicans do not wise up:

Why is it up to Boehner to bend instead of the Democrats doing so? The answer is simple. As Jonah Goldberg tweeted, “So when GOP holds up things in Dem-run Senate, GOP is to blame. When Dems hold things up in GOP-run Senate, GOP is to blame. I see a trend.” Even Chris Wallace—the fairest and best of the Sunday morning talk show hosts—thinks that when push comes to shove on Capitol Hill, it is the Republicans who must yield, even when they hold majorities in both houses as they do now. Why? Because that is the way the mainstream media will always play the story.

Republicans Should Declare War on the Mainstream Media
John Steele Gordon
02.16.2015 - 5:45 PM

Republicans Should Declare War on the Mainstream Media - Commentary Magazine Commentary Magazine

Charles Krauthammer has the answer in the following video from last night:

Accusing Democrats of hypocrisy is a compliment. The Democrat party is the party of liars. They are batting a thousand on this one:

Hypocrisy is a given in Washington.

So much so that Senate Democrats must believe no one notices just how much of it they are guilty of in their attempts to prevent Congress from funding the Department of Homeland Security.

First, Democrats say they want to fund Homeland Security–yet they have filibustered any and all attempts by Republicans to even bring the bill up for debate.

Second, while numerous Democratic senators have made public statements saying President Obama was wrong to take executive action to change the country’s immigration laws without consent from Congress, none of these folks now appear willing to vote for or even discuss the Department of Homeland Security funding bill that would prevent Obama’s executive amnesty plans from taking place.

It Was Unconstitutional Before It Wasn’t: Democrats in Their Own Words
Genevieve Wood
February 18, 2015

It Was Unconstitutional Before It Wasn t
Yo, Republicans need to change the Senate Rules like Harry Reid did when he was leader(if you can call it that)!
Then the Radicals can`t block it!
When the history books are written, they won’t write about whether or not the Department of Homeland a got funding in February of 2015; they will write about whether or not there was still a homeland at all.


Republicans thought they could force the president to do the right thing by using the congressional power of the purse, but the president used the power of scary words to bend Congress to his will. Those scary words? “Government shutdown!”

It’s not a funding crisis; it’s a constitutional crisis. Got it?
Posted: Saturday, February 28, 2015 7:00 pm
FRANK MIELE/Daily Inter Lake

It s not a funding crisis it s a constitutional crisis. Got it - Daily Inter Lake Members

The excrement in Washington these days is piled higher than the snow in Boston. Every time Democrats and the media say ‘Government Shutdown is your fault” Republicans run out and stock up on adult diapers in preparation for the shit blitz. Republicans lack the courage to layoff a small portion of DHS —— LAYOFF not fire. It is like a paid vacation for those laid-off DHS employees. They are the lucky ones because they will get paid for the days did not work when they return to the job.

You are dead wrong if you think letting DHS funding lapse because it is the right thing to do. Just you wait until the shit storm coming our way arrives the instant eliminating the ACA is mentioned. Nobody in Washington is going to fire anybody.

See this thread for some thoughts on firing parasites:


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