Almost 50% of NOAA temp. data is FAKE!!!!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Top story on DRUDGE Report right now!!!:rock:

Cannot trust ANY of the temperature data coming out of the NOAA!!! Shit is rigged so much, it displays an almost 2 degree rise instead of an actual COOLING trend!!!

What bogusness.........been saying for 20 years that climate science is a hoax. Offuckingcourse its a hoax!!:2up::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Mind-Blowing Temperature Fraud At NOAA Real Science
This is their data from this site, seems to indicate US cooling, Climate at a Glance National Centers for Environmental Information NCEI

It's hard to cram a clean air / energy bill down a nations throat when you don't have fake data to back it up with.

I mean this is all about perpetuating a lie based on a lie.

Wasn't that the exact same scenario with "hands up, don't shoot"??
Global warming debunked NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere -

(NaturalNews) Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence.

As reported by Principia Scientific International (PSI), Martin Mlynczak and his colleagues over at NASA tracked infrared emissions from the earth's upper atmosphere during and following a recent solar storm that took place between March 8-10. What they found was that the vast majority of energy released from the sun during this immense coronal mass ejection (CME) was reflected back up into space rather than deposited into earth's lower atmosphere.

The result was an overall cooling effect that completely contradicts claims made by NASA's own climatology division that greenhouse gases are a cause of global warming. As illustrated by data collected using Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), both carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), which are abundant in the earth's upper atmosphere, greenhouse gases reflect heating energy rather than absorb it.

"Carbon dioxide and nitric oxide are natural thermostats," says James Russell fromHampton University, who was one of the lead investigators for the groundbreaking SABER study. "When the upper atmosphere (or 'thermosphere') heats up, these molecules try as hard as they can to shed that heat back into space."

Almost all 'heating' radiation generated by sun is blocked from entering lower atmosphere by CO2
According to the data, up to 95 percent of solar radiation is literally bounced back into space by both CO2 and NO in the upper atmosphere. Without these necessary elements, in other words, the earth would be capable of absorbing potentially devastating amounts of solar energy that would truly melt the polar ice caps and destroy the planet.

"The shock revelation starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet," write H. Schreuder and J. O'Sullivan for PSI. "[T]his compelling new NASA data disproves that notion and is a huge embarrassment for NASA's chief climatologist, Dr. James Hansen and his team over at NASA's GISS."

Dr. Hansen, of course, is an outspokenglobal warming activist who helped spark man-made climate change hysteria in the U.S. back in 1988. Just after the release of the new SABER study, however, Dr. Hansen conveniently retired from his career as a climatologist at NASA, and reportedly now plans to spend his time "on science," and on "drawing attention to [its] implications for young people."

You can read more details of the new NASA SABER study by visiting:
And according to this counterblast from Dave Burton – a US computer programmer, sea level specialist and IPCC expert reviewer on AR5 – he hasn’t.

Burton’s key point is this: where Cowtan claims that all NOAA’s adjustments have done is increased warming by a modest 3 per cent, in actuality they have increased it by 35 per cent. So, far from Cowtan’s assessment that these adjustments are “inconsequentially tiny”, they are in fact quite massively distorting.

Might it be that they reached such wildly different conclusions by using different data? Er, no. Burton reached his conclusions by creating a spreadsheet with decadal data digitized from the exact graph used in Cowtan’s video.

Now I appreciate that in the context of the broader climate debate this might seem a trivial dispute. But I’ve been at this game long enough to be able to assure you that these faux rebuttals like the one offered by Cowtan are absolutely integral to the ongoing survival of the alarmist ‘consensus.’

As far as the warmist propaganda machine is concerned it really doesn’t matter two hoots whether or not Cowtan has got his facts right. What matters is that whenever the inconvenient subject of doctored temperature data crops up again, the alarmists have their ready-made get out. From a proper actual scientist. So he must know – right?

You can be sure that, if it hasn’t already, Cowtan’s dodgy rebuttal video will soon be linked to by the usual warmist sockpuppeteers in the comment threads below every relevant article. What none of them will mention, of course, is the Burton counter-rebuttal to the Cowtan rebuttal. Integrity has never been these people’s strong point. It’s winning the propaganda war that counts.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the case for a fraud trial against the climate data record gatekeepers seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

Paul Homewood, the blogger who noticed the discrepancies with the Paraguay temperature records, has now turned his attention to the Arctic region. His conclusion after studying the charts before and after is that the scale and geographic range of these adjustments is “breathtaking.”

In nearly every Arctic station from Greenland in the West to Siberia in the East, the data has been adjusted to make the warm period in the 1930s look cooler than it actually was. This, of course, has the effect of making the Twentieth Century warming look much more dramatic than the raw data would suggest.

Will this scandalous apparent evidence-tampering ever get much coverage in the mainstream media? It certainly ought to. Think about it: if Homewood (and Anthony Watts and Steven Goddard, et al) are correct, then what it essentially means is that the entire global warming scare has been sold to us on a false prospectus.

But it won’t, of course, because the mainstream media – in large part, at least – remains wedded to the Man Made Global Warming orthodoxy and therefore only really likes to run stories that prove how totally wrong, evil, and swivel-eyed climate change deniers are.

For example, this story in Nature, which sought to explain away one of the most embarrassing problems the warmist camp has been suffering of late: the abject failure of their fancy computer models to have predicted the planet’s failure to warm since 1998.

According to the lead author of this widely reported study, one Jochem Marotzke of the Max Planck Institute, it dealt a fatal blow to the sceptics’ case that the warmists’ computer models were a waste of space.

Unfortunately for Marotzke, his case has now, in turn, been demolished in this article by Nic Lewis.

Professor Gordon Hughes, one of the statisticians who reviewed and confirmed Lewis’s findings has commented thus:

“The statistical methods used in the [Marotzke] paper are so bad as to merit use in a class on how not to do applied statistics. All this paper demonstrates is that climate scientists should take some basic courses in statistics and Nature should get some competent referees.”

Damning indeed.

Breathtaking adjustments to Arctic temperature record. Is there any global warming we can trust - Breitbart
They're so fucked, all their government funding should be zeroed out. Let Soros and Rothschild pay for it from their own pockets
Note to my skeptic pals..........need to keep this thread front and center moving forward. People need to know about this rigging crap as soon as they step into this forum!!! This climate change BS wouldnt even exist except for the existence of social media which goes hard core at perpetuating the myth.

fAkInG tHe dAtA is ghey
Skook gets his science from Drudge. And is proud of that fact. 'Nuff said.

So you didn't read the article linked to on Drudge.

How predictable try to disuade her. She cant go with that canned progressive line enough for my liking!! Anybody who goes to DRUDGE is educated so thats all I care about.........those canned "shoot the messenger" angles only resonate with the stoopids of the world and they are not in here blogging:coffee:
Note to my skeptic pals..........need to keep this thread front and center moving forward. People need to know about this rigging crap as soon as they step into this forum!!! This climate change BS wouldnt even exist except for the existence of social media which goes hard core at perpetuating the myth.

fAkInG tHe dAtA is ghey

Don't tell em that, their society not only thinks it's acceptable but openly advocates it ..................
The data had it coming! The data was a -- DENIER!!! Let that be a lesson to the DENIERS! Accept AGW as your Savior or get adjusted
My bad, I just got out of trouble with the mods and don't need any more.

Had no idea this was a zone 2.

Can you put a zone indicator on the hot topics list to make it easier to pick topics to stay out of trouble??
Goddard has his own biases, and sometimes his methods for calculations are too simplistic, but he is certainly correct that more than a third of US land station data is estimated and that estimated data is warmer than measured data.

There is a lot to the story that even his critics have been forced to acknowledge.

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