President Trump's convention Speech gets a "C"!

For sure. Having a poltiical rival try to end your life can change a man.
Yes, and it likely humbled him - which was really the biggest (valid, perhaps) complaint against him, but that of course is no reason not to vote for a nominee with policies that help America, Americans, and the world.

I was also impressed as to how he described the murder attempt. He was fully aware and remembered everything - including the roaring response of the crowd when he raised his fist. Lesser men, or even average men, would be so traumatized by the event, and of course in pain, that they would not have the detailed sense of what is happening.

I am more impressed than ever with him, and I PRAY TO GD that there are enough thinking, rational Americans to overcome the brainwashed idiots who think Trump is a threat to democracy. I believe Gd saved his life for a reason. Baruch Hashem!
He allowed his followers to follow their dreams and he appeared in that pre- scripted and rehearsed way to win votes .

You apparently want to see a Doctor of Philosophy and Intellectual Guru .
That underlines how little you understand the workings of politics . imho .

And people.
The guy just got shot at. Give him a break.
These haters are so driven by their venom that if Trump delivered his acceptance speech from a hospital bed, which could have happened, they’d complain it wasn’t very good.
If Trump’s speech ended after the first 30 minutes it would have been an A, but his continued rambling and going off script cost him. C- to D+ at best.
If Trump’s speech ended after the first 30 minutes it would have been an A, but his continued rambling and going off script cost him. C- to D+ at best.
The guy just almost got killed because of haters like you, and you are back to criticizing him.

Can you imagine the mumbling, jumbling, indecipherable speech Biden would give? He’d even read out the teleprompter instructions: pause. Repeat line. parenthesis.
If Trump’s speech ended after the first 30 minutes it would have been an A, but his continued rambling and going off script cost him. C- to D+ at best.
i like it when a politician makes a long on the point speech.
it's something they can be reminded about later, if still appropriate.
The guy just almost got killed because of haters like you, and you are back to criticizing him.

Can you imagine the mumbling, jumbling, indecipherable speech Biden would give? He’d even read out the teleprompter instructions: pause. Repeat line. parenthesis.
What do you mean a hater like me, you damn moron. I just made an observation. Look at your own posts to to see the friggin hater.
If Trump’s speech ended after the first 30 minutes it would have been an A, but his continued rambling and going off script cost him. C- to D+ at best.

So, idiots that were never going to vote for President Trump, still aren't?
the investigation is ongoing.
last i heard, they were having a hard time getting into the shooter's social media, smartphone and other computing devices.
The problem is the government is investigating the government’s clearing the path for an attempt at Trump’s murder.

Sloped roof, my foot! My 65-year-old brother climbed onto the roof of my parents’ house to fix a loose shingle, and the roof was 3x as sloped.
What do you mean a hater like me, you damn moron. I just made an observation. Look at your own posts to to see the friggin hater.
A person who grades Trumo’s speech a D, ignoring that he was almost killed, does indeed hate. I’ve seen enough of your friggin’ posts.
So, idiots that were never going to vote for President Trump, still aren't?
Actually, if Trump had ended his speech sooner, he would have put many of those uneasy with him at ease. He came close but could not help being Trump.
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i like it when a politician makes a long on the point speech.
it's something they can be reminded about later, if still appropriate.
Yesterday the Daily Mail reported that they found a "burner phone" at his home with just 27 contacts and made it sound suspicious that he had only 27 contacts.

Hell, I don't have but seven contacts on my phone.....I guess I'm the head of ISIS by DM standards!

That said maybe they were all FBI contacts. ;)

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