I realized the other day
The current brand of Conservatism should be thought of as a New Deal for the wealthy.
Random thoughts.
1) Reagan was incredibly protectionist. People who associate his name with the "Free Market" have been fooled by his speeches and the Norquist driven legacy project.
2) The Cold War & War on Terrorism grew government & the budget more than all Lefty social programs combined. [How do you think the Soviets did it? Fear of domestic and foreign enemies]
3) In the absence of Government Regulations, there grows not a free market, but a centralized cabal of mega-monopolies which wrap their tentacles around the political and doctrinal systems.
3.1) By destroying the Sherman Act, Reagan cleared the way for 30 years of merger-mania, creating an immovable, unaccountable, bureaucratic, corporate monolith that became too big to fail, i.e., big enough to sink the ENTIRE global financial system. [Lifting boats?] If you want to know who paved the way for Socialism -- i.e., a state sponsored business sector -- go back to 1980: the point of the Reagan Revolution was to let Business take over government (this is why he kicked Labor out of Washington and brought in the lobbyists). DeLay's K Street project was nothing more than the creation of a centralized business state. Money for legislation and protection (i.e., bailout insurance). Free Market? Are you kidding me?
4) The New Right is incredibly intrusive. They believe in Big Moral Government and Big Surveillance Government. From Pat Robertson to the Patriot Act, these folks are dangerous: they want government in your bedroom, on your computer, phone calls, and all over your electronic movements/transactions. You can't go phishing for Democratic governors, war protestors, and policy detractors unless you create a larger net. If your policies increase poverty and unrest (by an upward redistribution of wealth), you better grow a Big Law Enforcement State.
5) Welcome to the Dark Ages: Christianity and Big Business unite against Science. Let's face it, if you don't want Government Regulators dredging the Hudson for your PCBs or sniffing around your smoke stack, you better wage war against Science. Why do you think they want a citizenry who believes in the Bible, not the periodic chart. [Study your Leo Strauss. You must drug the masses with fear, religion, and patriotism. You must talk about "evil-doers" not oil geopolitics]
During the hey-day of postwar liberalism (when the economy grew steadily for two and half decades), business was under fire. The words of one of our greatest presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, still resonated: ''the malefactors of great wealth''. We use to keep the cigar smoking fat cat in check. We regulated the flow of capital. Reagan Changed that. He ushered in the era of Gordon Gekko: "Greed is Good". He told us to "trust business". We naively believed that the unregulated profit motive, driven only by "rational" self-interest, would lead to utopia (-you think Karl Marx had some crazy economic theories?) Ronnie, very cynically, created a substitute demon: drugs & sin. This is why he got in bed with the Moral Majority. [Study his personal life: he never went to Church. He let homosexuals sleep together at the white House. Nancy Reagan was a notoriously, anti-Religious astrology buff. Reagan's current loyalists know none of this] Please recall: he was a moderate (Socially) liberal, pro-Abortion Governor of California until he realized the utility of demonology.
While America was worried about homosexuals & Terrorists, Wall Street created a speculative black hole that will destroy generations.
Ronnie's voice can still be heard.
"Trust business. Get government out of the way. Let Wall Street regulate their own risk. They don't need some government bureaucrat looking over their shoulders. Let them innovate! We must, instead, worry about pot smokers & Janet Jackson's breast". We got punk'd.
FYI: the profit motive is the single most common source of criminal activity. Brilliantly, Reagan propogandized it into a Utopian Reflex -- a bastion of Freedom.
We bought it. We took our eyes off the real crooks.
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