What liberals don't understand about "MAGA"

I dunno. Shipping all those kids over here would a logistical nightmare. And a PR headache to boot.
Are you suggesting we import slave labor?

lol, I’m making the point that, we get cheap things from China because of slave labor, and China manipulates their currency. They steal all our patents

American made may cost more initially, but it means the money stays in our economy. More people own businesses, manufacturing increases, exports increase, wages go up.

Sounds like a good thing to me.
You'll often hear them say, "well don't you want to make America great again?"

So they are clearly conditioned to believe that THEIR way is the ONLY way. That's it. This is the only way to do it. Kind of like religion.

It's damn near impossible to communicate with thinking that is that shallow.
Which is the problem those of us on the Right have with the Left.

The Leftist~Marxist are so certain THEIR Ideology is the ONLY WAY and unless we others share their conditioning to worship their hero Marx, than we all are deluded and misled.

It's literally impossible to communicate or Reason with the Maxist-Leninist Leftists with their thinking that is illogical and unrealistic.
Which is the problem those of us on the Right have with the Left.

The Leftist~Marxist are so certain THEIR Ideology is the ONLY WAY and unless we others share their conditioning to worship their hero Marx, than we all are deluded and misled.

It's literally impossible to communicate or Reason with the Maxist-Leninist Leftists with their thinking that is illogical and unrealistic.
Do you really believe that people who don't think like you do are followers of Marx?

Do you really believe that?
Do you really believe that people who don't think like you do are followers of Marx?

Do you really believe that?
Do you really think that people who think like I do (Conservatives) are really 'nazis' and 'fascists'?

Do you really believe that Trump will establish a dictatorship in the USA?

This is the common epitaph we hear from you Leftists.

Marx is the modern architect of current socialism/communism ideology, a.k.a. Western collectivism and statist thought.

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