Alt Right is a white supremacist movement!

Alt Right is a white supremacist movement!

Bannon is on record saying so.

Bannon once described Breitbart News in an interview with the Investigative Fund as the "platform for the alt-right," or alternative right. It's a brand of far-right conservatism that generally embraces and promotes white nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny.
Actually it's yet another false media creation.
The Alt-Right is Islam.
Alt Right is a white supremacist movement!

Bannon is on record saying so.

Bannon once described Breitbart News in an interview with the Investigative Fund as the "platform for the alt-right," or alternative right. It's a brand of far-right conservatism that generally embraces and promotes white nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny.

Alt Right is a white supremacist movement!

That is why Donald Trump Hearts Andrew Jackson

Steven Dennis @StevenTDennis
Andrew Jackson also never freed the slaves he owned & had them hunted down when they ran away. …

9:31 PM - 1 May 2017

Mazel Tov Cocktail @AdamSerwer

Jackson offered to pay extra to anyone who whipped his escaped "mulatto man slave" before returning him to slavery …

9:10 PM - 1 May 2017

Alt Right is all right!

Fuck political correctness, diversity and all that other Liberal bullshit that has fucked up our country so bad like Obama and his "Dreamers".

Alt Right is a white supremacist movement!

That is why Donald Trump Hearts Andrew Jackson

Steven Dennis @StevenTDennis
Andrew Jackson also never freed the slaves he owned & had them hunted down when they ran away. …

9:31 PM - 1 May 2017

Mazel Tov Cocktail @AdamSerwer

Jackson offered to pay extra to anyone who whipped his escaped "mulatto man slave" before returning him to slavery …

9:10 PM - 1 May 2017

And for that Jackson is honored and remembered with his image on the most widely used piece of American currency.

And for that Jackson is honored and remembered with his image on the most widely used piece of American currency.
soon to be replaced by a female ....Jackson was a Slave monger .............he held other people as though they were property...what is admirable about that ...its deplorable ...drops the mike

Donald Trump was called "Putin's cock holster"...that has to be a "drop the microphone" moment
The independent has just proven it:

"Freelance journalist Mike Cernovich and Cassandra Fairbanks, a reporter for Russian news outlet Sputnik, posed for a picture behind the podium in the White House briefing room. In the photo, they are making a hand sign that can be used to signify “white power.”

Two members of alt-right accused of making hand sign linked to white supremacy while visiting White House

And just what is this "white power" hand sign you may ask?

And this is what you call independent quality reporting... the regressive left has done it again.
I have NEVER seen that used as a white power gesture...I use it say OK! with my kids lol..I make a clicking sound with my mouth and say OK! and use that hand gesture lol.

And for that Jackson is honored and remembered with his image on the most widely used piece of American currency.
soon to be replaced by a female ....Jackson was a Slave monger .............he held other people as though they were property...what is admirable about that ...its deplorable ...drops the mike

  • So was the founder of your party, Thomas Jefferson. And so were many other signatories of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Applying the mindset of 250 years ago to today is idiotic.
  • So was the founder of your party, Thomas Jefferson. And so were many other signatories of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Applying the mindset of 250 years ago to today is idiotic.
but ain't none of them being mentioned by current Dem leader.s..only Putin's cock holster AKA Donald Trump is fawning over a RACIST SLAVE MONGER

‘It’s getting worse’: Joe Scarborough sounds alarm on Trump’s ‘rambling and incoherent’ speech patterns
President Donald Trump’s twin interviews with the Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito and CBS’s John Dickerson have drawn significant controversy — and Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough is worried.
Frederick Douglas has taken to tweeter and is blasting Donald Trump for his Bromance with a racist slave monger from the ante Bellum era...

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