Always the negative for the MSM

Declining black unemployment means a shrinking base for the Democratic Party.
Declining black unemployment means a shrinking base for the Democratic Party.
Oh really, professor? So, I can go look at times of low black unemployment, and find they less often voted Democrat? Or did you just kind of pull that right out of your ass?
Declining black unemployment means a shrinking base for the Democratic Party.
Oh really, professor? So, I can go look at times of low black unemployment, and find they less often voted Democrat? Or did you just kind of pull that right out of your ass?
Actually until the Democrats made blacks dependent on welfare and handouts they tended to vote Republican.
Declining black unemployment means a shrinking base for the Democratic Party.
Oh really, professor? So, I can go look at times of low black unemployment, and find they less often voted Democrat? Or did you just kind of pull that right out of your ass?
Actually until the Democrats made blacks dependent on welfare and handouts they tended to vote Republican.
Did you see that quote from Nixon's advisor? "The war on drugs was created as a political tool to fight blacks and hippies."
Declining black unemployment means a shrinking base for the Democratic Party.
Oh really, professor? So, I can go look at times of low black unemployment, and find they less often voted Democrat? Or did you just kind of pull that right out of your ass?
Actually until the Democrats made blacks dependent on welfare and handouts they tended to vote Republican.
So is that what the history books say? And around what year was that? And what other things may have also happened around that time?
Declining black unemployment means a shrinking base for the Democratic Party.
Oh really, professor? So, I can go look at times of low black unemployment, and find they less often voted Democrat? Or did you just kind of pull that right out of your ass?
Actually until the Democrats made blacks dependent on welfare and handouts they tended to vote Republican.
True. That was when "If you don't work, you don't eat".
Trump has made it so the smallest unemployment rate for blacks in decades and Hispanics and what does the Press report?

What Trump isn’t saying about black unemployment
The unemployment rate for blacks has been going down for years. Trump used to say those numbers were fake. Meanwhile:

Americans not in labor force Jan. 20 2017: 95,161,653
Americans not in labor force Jan. 08 2018: 95,523,015
Trump has made it so the smallest unemployment rate for blacks in decades and Hispanics and what does the Press report?

What Trump isn’t saying about black unemployment
Explain how Trump made black unemployment the lowest in decades.
He has been a BOON to employment getting rid of regulations that restrict business and so encourage employment of more people.
Like safety regulations?
Like clean air and clean water regulations?

You can making a fortune operating like pigs.

But for some reason, you don't understand, it's YOU who will pay the price.

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